- This topic has 24 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 12 months ago by MorahRach.
March 5, 2012 10:20 pm at 10:20 pm #602372MorahRachMember
What is happening to society? As much as i try not to let what goes on in the world upset me too much, this situation is really getting under my skin. When did frum people become SO liberal minded??? I have been a big fan of Rush Limbaugh for a number of years. While i do think his comments about Fluke came out a bit crass(?) and slightly inappropriate, isn’t the Liberal media all about freedom of speech?? For those of you who do not know what i am talking about, i can’t post his comments here but if you just Google Rush Limbaugh, I’m sure you will have a good idea within seconds. Today at work ( 99% of the people that i work with are Jewish, many modern orthodox, some very frum) i heard so many people defending her, calling on Republicans to boycott all things Rush. What has this world come to??? In my opinion she is completely and utterly in the wrong. I am shocked that on a topic such as this, Orthodox Jews would side with Fluke. Not only for moral reasons, but the last thing we need is MORE government subsides and control over our lives, health care, life style etc. Is anyone else frustrated?
March 5, 2012 11:01 pm at 11:01 pm #858057squeakParticipantRush is always crass (and that is being generous).
The issue here is that he worded his comment as a personal attack on the woman’s character. He could have made his point instead by speaking in generic terms (applied to no one in particular) and been no worse than usual.
In response to your complaint, what is wrong with the call to boycott? It is an extremely democratic response to something you don’t like. I might even say it is epitomic of democracy, because you are inviting every individual to vote on the boycott with their money.
March 6, 2012 12:20 am at 12:20 am #858058writersoulParticipantI’m itching to say something about this, but I’m not supposed to know about it, so…
March 6, 2012 2:25 am at 2:25 am #858059big dealParticipantI agree with you. Aside for his language, I think he was making a pretty valid point.
Why is it that she can go in front of congress and the media circus and discuss all dirty, promiscuous stuff and when someone says the truth about her – calling her what she really is – there suddenly is a war cry about what type of discourse is tolerated?
March 6, 2012 3:32 am at 3:32 am #858060kfbParticipantMorahrach, u go girl! You’re 100% right. The liberals can say whatever they want, yet a conservative gets chastised if he says something politically incorrect. Obama is ruining our country! First gay marriage, now churches and religous organizations must cover birth control, what next? Lets use our tax money to support illegals who enter this country, oh wait we already do that! The fact that we let liberals go too far is a big problem, we must.hold them shorter on the leash! Rush limbaugh was right in calling that lawyer a nasty names, he stood up for what’s right in this country!
March 6, 2012 3:41 am at 3:41 am #858061Shalom bBrooklynMemberIn San Francisco right there, there are people who want to make circumcision illegal. They have a “moral objection” to brises. We now have one political party who would say that insurance companies must cover procedures, no matter if they have “moral objections” to them. So, if you think that insurance companies should be required to provide medical procedures, including brises, then you are with the Democratic Party. This is NOT a question of taxpayer dollars. Let me repeat, this is NOT a question of taxpayers paying for circumcision. The GOP wants to allow any health insurance company to be able to refuse medical service based on moral objections. In New York City, drinking soft drinks is frowned upon by our city government. So it’s quite conceivable that an insurance company will refuse to cover your health problems because they have a moral objection to soft drink consumption.
This is the issue that Ms. Fluke was talking about.
As Jews, I think we should chose words carefully, so I have to object to your characterization of calling Ms. Fluke a slut “inappropriate.” There are many disgusting aspects of our news media. but calling someone a “slut” is really disgusting and inexcusable.
I hope you study this issue a bit more. The Democrats are NOT trying to get more government subsidies. If you’re concerned about more government control over healthcare and life styles, then you are closer to the Democratic position.
I could go on, but as a Jew, I am always half expecting politicians to throw Jews under the bus in order to advance their own power. The Democrats are able to sacrifice our interests when expedient, and don’t think the GOP won’t jettison their love for the Jews at any moment.
March 6, 2012 7:27 am at 7:27 am #858062ToiParticipantMods the language being used here isnt fit for the teens and children that we are told time and again use this site. please mod the comments or delete the thread.
March 6, 2012 2:54 pm at 2:54 pm #858063dvorakMemberI’m surprised that Orthodox Jews would get so uptight about this whole birth control issue when so many Orthodox Jews actually use it from time to time (with a heter, of course). Rush’s comments were despicable. Sandra Fluke is no paragon of virtue (and, in fact, goes against the morality we all hold dear) but make no mistake- Rush used that language to paint all women with the same brush, including moral, frum married women who use it with a heter from their LOR.
The issue is silly- this has nothing to do with taxpayers, it’s about insurance companies. If you want to complain about taxpayer money, we pay a lot more for the pregnancies of poor single women who should not be having babies; we then pay a lot of money for the WIC and other welfare services they then rely on. Also, if you get insurance through work, that is part of your SALARY. You should be able to do what you want with your salary, regardless of whether your boss would approve. You can’t do anything about it if your employee decides to spend her money on non-tznius clothes or on a wedding gift for Tom and Harry.
As for free speech- Rush has every right to say what he wants; people are free to complain if they don’t like it and boycott him; advertisers are free to pull their ads.
I hope Obama gets voted out this November, but Republicans keep shooting themselves in the foot. Rush is not helping matters. I’m almost convinced that they’re part of a vast liberal conspiracy to get Obama re-elected. I’ll vote for whoever is the nominee, but it’s not going to do doodlysquat because a)I’m in New York and b)I’m not the one who needs to be convinced, it’s people on the fence who do.
March 6, 2012 2:59 pm at 2:59 pm #858064yungerman1ParticipantShalom bBrooklyn- “Without insurance coverage, contraception can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school” Direct quote from Fluke.
Firstly there are pills for 10-20 bucks a month. So either she lied to Congress, or neglected to mention that there are generics for a fraction of the cost.
Rush’s point was that someone that needs to spend that much money a year is exactly what he called her.
March 6, 2012 4:00 pm at 4:00 pm #858065BTGuyParticipantHi MorahRach.
I am not overly a Rush fan. But sometimes, once in a blue moon, he says something in a normal way which makes sense. Otherwise, he is bending the logic and emotionalizing and sensationalizing things.
His point, while jagged and terse, had a point.
The way this lady was on the air talking so openly, publicly, and casually about something very private, was offensive to the delicate sensitivity required of such a topic about the very private life of two people.
In fact, while I am not comfortable with the words Rush chose, in effect, she did prostitute her decency and sensitivity for the National Organization of Women and whatever group prompted her to be the poster child for the “subject” she was addressing.
To speak to bluntly about such a private topic, well, she had it coming to her.
And if it were a guy talking with such bluntness about the same thing, I would say he was a bum, in the very least.
March 6, 2012 4:37 pm at 4:37 pm #858066big dealParticipantShalom – you are either very naive or terribly misguided.
I try to respond to some parts of your post which made no sense and was all over the place.
1. I don’t think Rush was making the comments he did because of things he felt were morally right or wrong. He’s by far the wrong person to comment on morals. He knows it and doesn’t try to deny it. He’ll stay out of your business and he’d want you to stay out of his.
2. Brissim and the issue at hand are not the same issue. They don’t even come close to comparison. With brissim we exercise our right to freedom of religion. With the issue she is talking about she is exercising her right to liberty and pursuit of happiness. (if that’s what she thinks makes her happy). Nobody is stopping her from doing anything.
3. Nobody wants the government or health insurance companies to pay for brissim. I think that that is a terrible scenario with too many bad implications. (i.e. who is qualified to do procedure, in hospital setting, no wine…)
And I certainly don’t understand why a person in their right mind would want the government or health insurance involved in their private lives. BUT THE REAL ISSUE IS THAT I DON’T WANT TO HAVE TO PAY FOR OTHER PEOPLE’S STUPIDITIES. If you really think this won’t come from taxpayer’s money or lead to a rise in health care costs – you’re seriously deluded. You want to live your life the way you want – fine but don’t make me pay for it.
I don’t know why there are so many people who are willing to keep putting on the blinders.
4. No one ever brought Jews or our political stance into this conversation. To the benefit of everyone here, please lets keep it that way.
5. The classic case of being so open minded that the brain falls out.
Once you have government paying for everything and anything. You have government telling you how they’ll pay, only on what terms, to whom they’ll pay and they’ll make a couple of more stuff illegal on the way to save money.
By government not paying for private lifestyles is not by any means a way of controlling it. It is a way of staying out of it. Keeping you in control. It is the people with a chip on their shoulder that constantly need the government recognition to okay what their doing.
6. “I could go on, but as a Jew, I am always half expecting politicians to throw Jews under the bus in order to advance their own power”
That is the only good and true statement there is from your whole post. It is always important to remember that we are in galus.
March 6, 2012 5:15 pm at 5:15 pm #858067gavra_at_workParticipantMods the language being used here isnt fit for the teens and children that we are told time and again use this site. please mod the comments or delete the thread.
I happen to agree.
That being said, since it is not being deleted, I have a point to make to Shalom bBrooklyn:
If the government was so gung-ho about the problem, they should provide the material(s) themselves, like they do with other materials of a similar use (made of latex). Pres. Obama is attempting to force a religous entity to go against their creed by including such items in what they must purchase. Where does it end? Forcing Yeshivos to hire missionary teachers? This is why we have a First amendment, to protect religious entities from government coercion.
March 6, 2012 10:08 pm at 10:08 pm #858068big dealParticipantDvorak – you missed the point. I wonder if you were listening to the program, or just read his comments that were taken out of context and put into news columns.
I hate Rush’s program. I find him very bigoted and most of his program is taken up with the word “I”. However, I happened to have been listening then and this whole thing is just so blown over.
He was not putting women down in any way shape or form. He was complaining about having to pay for their social activities and getting nothing back for it. He was talking about personal responsibility. In case you don’t know what that is, it means making choices and being responsible or paying for them yourself.
As a matter of fact one woman called and mentioned that she gets her BC from Walmart for $5 a month. She questioned what the big deal was for someone to fund that themselves instead of putting themselves on other people. He agreed with that. He never made fun of people taking birth control. He hasn’t made any judgemental statements on the what she does with her life. (why would he? He’s just as bad as she is in that respect.)
March 6, 2012 10:10 pm at 10:10 pm #858069big dealParticipantand just because we are already paying for one thing it doesn’t help to keep paying for another. We cannot let anyone threaten us to have a baby if we don’t pay for such and such. It really is ludicrous.
Health insurance is another topic. Maybe we should start a new thread on this.
March 6, 2012 11:04 pm at 11:04 pm #858070squeakParticipantYour opinions on the appropriateness of the inclusion or exclusion of certain benefits through health insurance is a separate discussion. The issue at hand is a public figure who verbally attacked a young woman personally.
Most people condemn it, some people are taking it a step further and calling for a boycott to punish the offender. I believe that those people have an axe to grind here and would not go so far based on this incident alone, but Rush certainly has to own his mistake.
Does anyone disagree and think that what Rush did was OK?
March 7, 2012 3:48 am at 3:48 am #858072yitzchokmParticipantSqueak-
Sandra fluke is not your run of the mill “young women”. She’s an experienced “reproductive” activist, whose sole intention in going to this particular law school was to be able to challenge their stance on this issue. She put herself out there in a make believe “hearing” to get her misguided point across to as meny people as posilble. In doing so she allowed herself to become a (simi)public figure.
Although I don’t agree that this name calling is productive to this debate, calling out Rush on this BECAUSE ms. Fluke is a “young woman” is wrong, in that she’s simply not innocent.
March 7, 2012 4:05 am at 4:05 am #858073popa_bar_abbaParticipantAnd I just want to bash her for something else. That is, she is downright dishonest.
She goes and tells congress that it costs 3k over law school, which is almost a summer’s salary on a Public Interest fellowship. Because when you work for a non profit entity over the summer, apparently you can get people to pop you like 5k.
The point of her comparison should be that it is a relevant comparison. Like if she had said it is a large percentage of the money she has to live on for the year.
But it wasn’t a relevant comparison at all. She compared the 3 year cost to a summers earnings. She should have compared a one year cost to the student cost of living budget for the year!
The reason you make irrelevant comparisons is, that you are trying to persuade someone to your side by framing it in an inaccurate way. So why is she doing that to congress? Why doesn’t she just tell congress the actual facts and let congress frame it accurately?
Creep. I hope she gets pregnant with twins.
March 7, 2012 4:46 am at 4:46 am #858074farrockgrandmaParticipantContraceptives are widely available, and not expensive. That’s called freedom of choice. Saying that it must be provided for free is taking what should be a personal choice and making it government policy.
March 7, 2012 4:53 am at 4:53 am #858075mddMemberSqueak, I think what he did was o.k. He called a spade a spade. He called a lowlife a lowlife.
March 7, 2012 6:09 am at 6:09 am #858076Jersey JewParticipantWow. How to get in on this while using only clean loshon?!?!?
People need to understand a few things about this oysvorf rabble rouser. She went to a jesuit school DAVKA so that she could raise a stink about what she considers her calling in life, ZNUS, which is obviously frowned upon by jesuits. She went to this sub-committee claiming to be m’zaneh three times a day and she needed WE THE PEOPLE to pay for her contraceptives because she couldn’t afford them.
Rush’s point was, and you have to understand that Rush usually points out absurdity by being absurd, that if she wanted US to pay for her contraception, it makes it as if WE are paying her to be m’zaneh and if that’s the case, she is EXACTLY what he called her! Think about it clearly and logically without any preconceived (no pun intended!) notions you may have about Rush, and you will see he is correct. Rush has always said people need to listen to him for about six weeks before they actually “get it.”
So thats it. She is what he called her!
March 7, 2012 6:13 am at 6:13 am #858077Jersey JewParticipantWhile I was typing my last comment, I was thinking that most people dont understand the background of this issue so I will copy from Rush’s transcript of Monday (http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2012/03/05/why_i_apologized_to_sandra_fluke) :
What’s gone on since and what really is going on here is what we all know to be true. Our president, Barack Obama, has a socialist agenda when it comes to health care, when it comes to birth control, when it comes to virtually every aspect of his agenda. In this case, Barack Obama wants the government, his government, making moral decisions about what treatments, prescriptions, pills you pay for through your insurance premiums. He isn’t willing to let you or the market make that decision for yourself.
Now, the hearing that started all of this, I want to go back and put the timeline here in context, start at the very beginning. The hearing that started all of this was called by Darrell Issa, a California Republican, he’s the head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Issa is on our side. His point in calling this hearing was to get facts into the record that otherwise would not be aired. But his committee is made up of both Republicans and Democrats, and there are rules and procedures that are followed in calling witnesses. What this was all about was the president of the United States acting extra-constitutionally, mandating that Catholic churches and their schools provide contraceptives, abortifacients. He doesn’t have that power constitutionally. He cannot mandate these things.
That was the original purpose of the hearing. He was to get facts into the record that otherwise would not be aired, but his committee is made up of Republicans and Democrats and there are rules and procedures that are followed in calling witnesses. So the Democrats tried to play a game with Darrell Issa and his committee, and he rejected it. What they did was, they requested a witness for his hearing, a man named Barry Lynn to make their points for them. Barry Lynn is a guy that remits the Democrat point of view. They asked for him in advance. Issa’s committee checked him out, invited him, and prepared for his testimony. Issa agreed he has a degree of expertise about the subject matter of the hearing, which was not contraception. That’s what Obama wants to turn this into.
Obama is sorely hurting with women in preelect polls. He wanted to turn this into an issue much as they used to use abortion. So the Democrats played the game. What happened next is instructive, and it’s very important. At literally the last minute the Democrats decided they want Sandra Fluke. What happened next, at the last minute the Democrats decided that Sandra Fluke would be a better witness for them, not because she had any special knowledge or credentials like Barry Lynn has, but because her optics as a woman and a college student, a 30-year-old college student and an activist on Democrat issues, by the way.
They thought all of that would show better than Barry Lynn. Now, this is at 4:30 p.m., 4:30 in the afternoon, the day before the hearing that the Democrats asked Issa to un-invite Barry Lynn, the guy they had asked for originally, and replace him with Sandra Fluke. Darrell Issa said (paraphrased), “Sorry, it’s too late. She hasn’t been vetted. We don’t know who she is. She doesn’t have any real qualifications to appear before this committee. We don’t have the time to prepare for her and ask her questions. So the answer is: ‘No. You cannot have her testify.'” All of this, by the way, is in a very interesting Washington Examiner article from last week, and I’ve linked to it at RushLimbaugh.com so you can read it yourself.
Now, the Democrats and the leftists sensed opportunity over this controversy that they created themselves. They publicly turned the situation they created to their own advantage. They invite Barry Lynn. They disinvite him at the last moment and they want him replaced with Sandra Fluke. “Who is this? We don’t know who she is.” The second panel of witnesses. It was Carolyn Maloney. If you don’t recall last week, Carolyn Maloney, Democrat from New York, started shouting, “Where are the women? Where are the women?” They start saying Republicans hate women; they started attacking Issa and Republicans on the committee, saying, “They don’t want hear from women! They’re misogynist, sexist,” or what have you.
Issa’s committee invited the Democrat choice again, Barry Lynn, and the Democrats on the committee tried to replace him at the very last minute with this sympathetic woman when it was too late for the committee. So again they said no. So the Democrats played their game of lies, and Issa complained. On February 16th, he said, “The Democrats on his committee have appeared,” this is a quote, “outright giddy in attempting to distort the testimony offered and purpose of the hearing.” You bet they did. They wanted to turn this from a committee hearing on Obama and his unconstitutional mandate to the issue of contraception so as to bring back to life page 1-A of the Democrat playbook: Republicans Hate Women.
They wanted to change the whole subject. So how did they do it? Well, the Democrats have their own little subcommittee called the steering committee. This subsets inside the larger oversight and reform committee that Issa chairs. And they wanted their sympathetic witness on the record, Sandra Fluke. So they called her to testify before them, not Issa’s committee. The subcommittee. They staged what was essentially a conference to look like a committee hearing. She gave the testimony that she was going to give to the full committee. It was taped and released and made to look like a committee hearing. And Darrell Issa had been right all along. Her testimony was not that of an expert.
It was just another non-expert person in this case, in Sandra’s case: A 30-year-old, longtime birth control activist who went back to law school after a career of years of championing birth-control issues. In fact, she told stories less about birth control as a social tool (which was, of course, the left’s true agenda) and more about birth control as a medication for treating other conditions, such as pregnancy. To the left, pregnancy is a disease. If you’re listening to me for the first time, you may say, “Well, that’s crazy.” It’s not. They treat pregnancy as a disease for political purposes. All of this, folks, is political.
Sandra Fluke gave vague examples based on unnamed friends who she says couldn’t afford birth control to treat medical conditions they had, since Georgetown University wouldn’t pay for them. Georgetown paid for all of their other medical treatment, but it wouldn’t pay for the birth control pills that these doctors prescribed should they be necessary — or so she says. We still don’t know who any of these friends of hers are, these other women, and we don’t know what happened to them. Her testimony was hearsay, and it was unprovable. And Issa was right not to let her give the testimony, particularly when the Democrats foisted her on the committee at the very last minute for the express purpose of pulling this fast one, this trick.
Now, let’s get a few facts on the record here. Georgetown is a Jesuit University. It’s Jesuits, run by the Jesuits, which are a Catholic order of priests. Their policy on birth control is not exactly a secret. It’s not given to you in a sealed envelope after you sign up. It’s out there for everybody to see. It’s a Catholic university! Everybody that goes to there knows. Miss Fluke stated on occasion she went there specifically to change the policy. If birth control insurance is important to you as an enrolling student, and you find out that Georgetown doesn’t offer it, you might want to attend (or work at) a school that isn’t run by Catholics. I mean, just a thought.
But if you know the place doesn’t offer contraceptives when you sign up, and that is your big political issue, then why are you really there? Actually, they know what they’re doing. They intentionally target schools like Georgetown to advance an agenda of ultimately forcing them to abandon their religious beliefs. All of this is to serve Obama’s agenda. The agenda he worked all summer on. He abandoned it only when America stood up, united, and this said they would not tolerate tearing down religion to increase government’s control over our lives. You did that. You stood up to him. You made him stop. That was a proud moment for all of us.
This is his second attempt at mandating Catholic churches and other organizations (under the cloak of a so-called committee hearing) be forced to provide contraceptives against their moral conscience, dictates, what have you. So Sandra Fluke, a 30-year-old birth control activist gives unverified and inexpert testimony about how Georgetown’s long-standing and public policy has hurt her unnamed friends. And let’s be clear on something else. I haven’t called Georgetown to see if they pay for birth control pills when being used to treat her medical conditions. I have no idea if they do or don’t. If somebody at Georgetown wants to weigh in on that, I’d be interested.
But the point here is that this was an issue that represents a tiny, tiny slice of what the Democrats really want here. They use Sandra Fluke to create a controversy. Sandra Fluke used them to advance her agenda, which is to force a religious institution to abandon their principles in order to meet hers. Now, all of this is what I should have told you last week, ’cause this is what happened. I use satire. I use absurdity to illustrate the absurd. The story at the Cybercast News Service characterized a portion of her testimony as sounding like (based on her own financial figures) she was engaging in sexual activity so often she couldn’t afford it. I focused on that because it was simple trying to persuade people, change people’s minds.
March 7, 2012 6:43 am at 6:43 am #8580782qwertyParticipantIf she gets her way… should govt only approve certain type? Would govt be allowed to limit the frequency of use? Or can anyone just get it over the counter and resell it on ebay?
The logistics dont make sense and i think thats why he was taking a quick jab at her because the whole thing sounds like a joke.
March 7, 2012 9:41 am at 9:41 am #858080uneeqParticipantpopa_bar_abba: Creep. I hope she gets pregnant with twins.
Lol! I hereby nominate this tidbit, as tidbit of the day.
(Sorry popa, the post itself wasn’t good enough for “post of the day”)
March 7, 2012 9:55 pm at 9:55 pm #858081ToiParticipantThis woman is everything in america that is wrong.
March 8, 2012 11:39 am at 11:39 am #858082MorahRachMemberHi I’m the OP. I am so impressed with the comments posted here. Sometimes I wonder if I am one of the only ones on ywn that listen to talk radio or watches the news. Turns out I’m not! What bothers me I think the most here is the fact that because the liberal media attacked Rush so bad, he lost so many sponsors and you have celebrity upon celebritt coming to Flukes aid. What about when Bill Mahr called sarah palin the same word. Or Laura Ingrahm even worse, or Michelle Bachman other words I can’t even write here!!! Obama accepted 1 million dollars for his super PAC from bill. I can’t stand the double standard any longer.
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