Sanders or trump

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  • #1834725
    ☕️coffee addict

    If the choice was between those two who would the democrats on this site vote for (or not vote at all)


    There’s only three regular Democrats in the CR: CTLawyer, ubiquitin and Godolhadorah. (Charlie Hall was another, but he’s no longer a regular here.) Hardly a representative sample.

    Indeed, you’d be hard pressed to find any serious percentage of Orthodox Jews who identify as Democrat voters (as opposed to registered Democrats for local one-party reasons; which is a whole ‘nother discussion.)

    Avi K

    A vote for Red Bernie is a vote fora Yevsektzia.

    ☕️coffee addict


    You forgot Reb eliezer and jackk


    The choice will not be restricted to only 2.

    That said I shall not vote for Trump.

    This is a poorly veiled attempt to get me to put in writing that I’d vote for Sanders, when I have posted before that no one can find where I have said I’ll vote for him.

    Nice try, but I didn’t fall for your trap.

    ☕️coffee addict


    You got me

    So basically you’re going to waste your vote (or not vote at all)


    I shall vote
    It won’t be wasted, as it will be a vote against Trump
    Since we use the Electoral College system, a third party vote by me (should I choose to cast one) won’t affect the election outcome, as Connecticut will go to the D candidate.

    Again, I have not committed to vote for Sanders or whoever the D candidate is. BUT, It doesn’t mean I won’t come election day. My first chance to cast a vote for a D candidate will be April 28th on Acela Day Primary here on CT. I look forward to seeing who is still in the race before casting my ballot. Right now it is all academic.
    I am putting my current political energy into state legislative races right now, not the Presidential race. All politics is local and CT has too few D national convention delegate votes to be that important. In fact, I may even skip being a delegate to the national convention this year. Our Town Democratic Town Committee Chairman has never attended a national convention and has asked if I would consider giving up my seat.

    Resident Mortal


    Gatta get those abortions laws passed.



    Abortion has been legal since 1973, there are no laws to be passed. The President doesn’t pass laws.

    Abortion is a decided issue, not a platform item in 2020.

    I am an adoptive parent and would never had gotten youngest child if her mother chose to abort. I am not in favor of unnecessary abortions, but feel it is a decision between woman and forty not government. I have stated before I am fiscally conservative but socially liberal. The Supreme Court says you can’t have an abortion, if you want one pay for it yourself.

    ☕️coffee addict


    A vote against Bernie if he’s going against trump is a vote for trump

    Understandingly that CT will probably vote democrat anyway but this rule applies in battleground states

    Resident Mortal


    Uh huh

    New york 2019:

    Prior to the passage of the Reproductive Health Act (RHA), New York law banned third-trimester abortions except when necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman.[3][4] Before the RHA was passed, New York law required that abortions be performed only by licensed physicians.[1]

    The Reproductive Health Act and similar bills were proposed in the New York State Legislature beginning in 2007,[5][6][7] but such legislation was blocked by Senate Republicans for years.[8] After Senate Democrats gained a majority in the State Senate in the 2018 elections,[9] they vowed to make the passage of the Reproductive Health Act a priority.[10]



    “So basically you’re going to waste your vote (or not vote at all)”

    I live in NYS so my vote is already wasted


    REPLY 1835042
    TYPO? should read between a woman and her doctor, not forty. Don’t know where this came from. Since the vast majority of abortions in America don’t involve Jews, especially frum Jews, I did not add her Rav.



    How foolish to quote nonsense about state bills in the NY Legislature to a CT resident/voter. The action of a state party and its party is not the current platform of the national [arty or the party on my state.
    STOP your narishkeit……………..abortion is not the key issue in this presidential electioopn. It’s not even on most voters’ radar.

    fixed that for you

    ☕️coffee addict


    If all Americans were like you no one would vote

    States go from dark red (or blue) to purple on people that vote anyways


    CTL, have you embraced your nominee, Bernie the Communist?


    My nominee?????????????/
    Have I nominated anyone?
    The nominee of the Democratic Party???????????
    That won’t be decided until the National Convention this summer. No candidate is the presumptive nominee at this point in time when there has been only one primary and two caucuses.

    There is a big difference between a Socialist and a Communist.
    I support many socialist programs such as Social Security, Public Education, Medicare, Medicaid, Tuition free college (my parents went to CCNY and Hunter for FREE in the 1930s, my state has just made community college free for all in state high school graduates effective this June), etc.

    Private ownership of business, real estate, etc exists under socialism, not under Communism. I challenge you to show that Senator Sanders is advocating confiscation of all privately owned businesses and real property as was done in the USSR after the revolution.

    You just spout lies and think that if repeated enough times people will think they are true.


    “If all Americans were like you no one would vote”

    And then their votes would count….

    Seriously though. I’m sure you know how the Electoral college works. I dont mean that no one vote can change the election. I mean that you already know who won the Electors for my home state, NY in 2020.
    voting in an election where the outcome is known is pointless.

    who will win say, Florida is more unclear so voting there makes sense.


    “I mean that you already know who won the Electors for my home state, NY in 2020.
    voting in an election where the outcome is known is pointless.”

    If all the pointless voters would have voted anyway, it’s possible Hillary would’ve also lost the popular vote. Or not. Not that it actually makes a difference but people feel it does.


    While I know my 2016 vote was going to be wasted in NYS, I held my nose as I wrote in “None of the Above”.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Not sure if my post went though so I’m posting it again

    I bet people said that when Reagan won 49 states


    “I bet people said that when Reagan won 49 states”

    They wouldn’t have been following politics if they said that then. NY was not as blue. Reagen won NY in 1980 as well. Nixon won NY in 72′

    The candidates take the result for granted too In 2016 there were 399 Presidential campaign events. not one of them was in in NY . Even though NY is the third most populous statet

    ☕️coffee addict


    It wasn’t just N.Y. (even though I understand Myers might think N.Y. Is comparable to the other 49 states)

    Whatever state was completely blue voted for Reagan (except 1)

    anonymous Jew

    CTL, in 1980 and 198 presidential elections, Sanders endorsed and campaigned for the Socialist Workers Party. It is a Communist party that supported Trotsky against Stalin and advocated for a replication in the US of the Russian Revolution



    Endorsing the Socialist Workers Party in the 1980s did not make someone a Communist, There is a Communist Party in the USA established in 1919. Gus Hall was the Communist Party candidate for President in 1980 and 84 with Angela Davis as his running mate. No one cares what the SWP advocated in 1918, none of us including Sanders were alive then,

    In 1973, at an age subject to the draft I was faced with a choice between a Hawk Democratic Congressman up for perennial reelection and a farther right wing Republican opponent or Joelle Fishman the Communist Party candidate. I and many similar aged draftable friends voted Communist as a protest against the major party candidates’ view on the war, We didn’t support Communisn and knew she had no chance of winning. Congressman Giamo won reelection and ended up serving 10 terms before he retired.

    My vote for Fishman did not make me a Communist.


    So the only way somebody can be a communist according to CTL is his textbook definition. So defending the murderous Fidel Castro makes him a good American? He’s your nominee as is per the new normal for Democrats.


    ☕️coffee addict

    “My vote for Fishman did not make me a Communist.“

    So people who voted for trump (either this time or last time) doesn’t make one a racist if they’re just voting for him because they don’t like the other candidate?



    Lolol so CTL just admitted he supports communists.



    “It wasn’t just N.Y. ”
    I’m from NY so thats what I replied to.

    “(even though I understand Myers might think N.Y. Is comparable to the other 49 states)”

    ITs not comparable, it is better and more important than the other states

    Look bottom line:
    Once the campaigns are in full swing how many times do you think the candidates will come to NY.
    Youd think a lot, right ? Its a populous state in one trip they can meet many people and sway them to their side (interfere in the election if you will 🙂 ) Yet they won’t come . Why not?

    ☕️coffee addict

    Isn’t one of the debates in Hofstra?


    keep posting lies

    Sanders didn’t mot defend Fidel Castro. SAnders said Castro brought literacy to the Cuban people. That was a good thing. Most of what Castro did was terrible.

    And Sanders is not the nominee as of now.


    “Isn’t one of the debates in Hofstra?”

    not for this coming election (though it was in 2016 )

    So my question again Once the campaigns are in full swing how many times do you think the candidates will campaign in NY*.?

    *modified slightly: of course they might come for a private fundraiser, or some other event, 9/11 for example, They usually come for Al Smith dinner. I mean a campaign event,


    I’m betting zero


    CTLawyer -“Endorsing the Socialist Workers Party in the 1980s did not make someone a Communist, There is a Communist Party in the USA established in 1919”

    Sanders is a Commie, No matter what you say!
    From Wikipedia:
    “The Socialist Workers Party (SWP) is known as a communist party in the United States. Originally a group in the Communist Party USA that supported Leon Trotsky against Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, it places a priority on “solidarity work” to aid strikes and is strongly supportive of Cuba.”


    Wikipedia is NOT an accepted source…too many people can edit entries and they are not verified
    The quote says known as…that is not the same as ‘is’
    SWP is an irrelevant and small splinter party not worth bothering with


    CTLawyer -“Wikipedia is NOT an accepted source…too many people can edit entries and they are not verified
    The quote says known as…that is not the same as ‘is’”

    I knew that you would write this. Reliable sources say the same thing!

    “WE is an irrelevant and small splinter party not worth bothering with”

    “Smith Act
    UNITED STATES [1940]
    WRITTEN BY: The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
    See Article History
    Alternative Title: Alien Registration Act
    Smith Act, formally Alien Registration Act of 1940, U.S. federal law passed in 1940 that made it a criminal offense to advocate the violent overthrow of the government or to organize or be a member of any group or society devoted to such advocacy. The first prosecutions under the Smith Act, of leaders of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP), took place in 1941.”

    ☕️coffee addict


    You have to give the source instead of being general

    “I knew that you would write this. Reliable sources say the same thing!“

    You need to cite the reliable source


    CA -“You need to cite the reliable source”

    Since when is this a college paper that we must quote the sources?!?

    But since you asked – Wikipedia got it from them!
    They publish a newspaper called the Militant.
    From that paper:
    “Since Nov. 15, 1928, the Militant has been “a socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people,” as its masthead says. It reflects the program, perspectives and activities of the Socialist Workers Party in the United States.”

    ☕️coffee addict


    I’m playing devils advocate here

    So you’re quoting Wikipedia’s source of a fringe group?


    CA -“So you’re quoting Wikipedia’s source of a fringe group?”

    These Demoncrats have a lot of people Fooled!
    Sanders has been/is an US Senator & now he might be the Democratic canditate for Pres.
    He’s a Full – Blown Commie; NOT a Socialist!
    It’s Scary Times!


    Always so sure, always so wrong.

    Time to get rid of that cheap knock off crystal ball you bought at the flea market.
    February 24th you posted Sanders was my nominee. I disputed it then and Democrat primary voters overwhelmingly chose other candidates on Super Tuesday.

    The moderate wing of the party has coalesced behind Joe Biden.

    I have made no commitment to any candidate and as I have repeatedly stated I’ll wait to see my choices when the CT primary is held on April 28.

    I like some things Sanders has proposed but have said from the beginning I did not think the old, white haired Jew representing Vermont could win the national election.

    The south has been the key to elections since the Bush Gore Fiasco in Florida (2000). Biden can turn out voters in the south; Sanders cannot. Sanders is dangerous to the underticket and could lose Senate and House seats. That;s why Trump wants Sanders as the D candidate.

    I wrote earlier that I was considering not going to the D national Convention (as I have done for many decades, as our town D chairman expressed interest ion attending. BUT, he is an ardent Sanders supporter, so i may hold onto my seat if there is not a candidate with the required pledged delegates before the convention to win on the first.
    Last night I met with 2 CT members of the DNC and 2 congress members who are super delegates, all 6 have stated they will support Biden if it goes to a second ballot. A brokered convention will not go for Sanders.

    Bloomberg has been an embarrassment, but he has got voters to turn out and his anti Trump advertising is strong. He says if not nominated he will continue to spend his personal fortune to defeat Trump. He has spent $500 million so far. It sounds like a lot of money, but he is a real mulit-billionaire who has an income stream of $107 million per day.
    Like Sanders, he is an old northeast Jew who cannot be elected by middle America.
    Biden is not my first choice (it would have been None of the above) but he may be the best choice to unseat Trump. Only time will tell.

    ☕️coffee addict


    Thanks for going on the record


    CTLawyer -“A brokered convention will not go for Sanders.”

    Let’s say you’re right, but a brokered convention will almost certainly give Trump the Reelection.
    Trump will capitalize on the fact that the Dems can’t get along!

    ☕️coffee addict

    Health and hopefully sanders would run third party



    My post this morning was submitted before Bloomberg withdrew and endorsed Biden. I don’t know when the moderators approved and posted, as I was in court today from 10:15 on.

    Sanders has previously said he would support the Democratic nominee, he won;t run as a third party candidate.

    Brokered conventions were the norm for more than 100 years. Having a candidate with enough delegates for the nomination on the first ballot was unusual (unless an incumbent running for reelection).

    It does not mean a party cannot get along, rather that they came to choose a candidate who garnered the needed number of delegates.

    State delegates to the National Convention (and I have been one) are only pledge to a specific candidate for the first ballot. Then the horse trading begins

    ☕️coffee addict


    Do you really think if Bernie is leading but doesn’t get enough delegates (200 short and Biden is 400 short) and the party gives it to joe Bernie’s supporters won’t be upset


    “Doesn’t mean party doesn’t get along” clearly forgot about 1968. Right now there is a fight between the AOC squad and the old establishment Dems.


    Yes Sanders supporters will be upset if he has a delegate lead on the first ballot and after delegates are released he loses to Biden on a subsequent ballot.
    That doesn’t mean those who are loyal Democrats will not vote for Biden against Trump.
    That doesn’t mean some of the diehard Bernie supporters who did not vote for Clinton in 2016 won’t vote for Biden BECAUSE they have detested the Trump Presidency and realize had they not sat out in 2016 Trump might have lost,

    All of the ardent Sanders supporters I know well have pledged to vote Blue no matter who this year.

    So far it looks like a Biden/Sanders race, but in the past surprise candidates have been nominated by the National Convention. Too early and too close to call.


    always looking to argue. You need to get a life

    ‘Doesn’t’>>>>DOES NOT is present tense, not past tense. 1968 was a violent time in America. MLK and RFK assassinated. Mayor Daley attacked convention goers with his goon squads in Chicago. Major Social unrest and anti-war protests.
    The incumbent chose not to run.
    It was the first Democrat National Convention I attended. I was too young to vote or be a delegate, but my cousin was a DNC member and I was an invited floor guest.


    Why does anyone support Biden?

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