Rock musician gives mussar!

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    Feif Un

    Someone emailed me a video the other day. There is a rock musician who is extremely popular in the non-Jewish world. He is also a Jew. His family is frum, and his grandfather was a Rav. He once said he had to choose between being a rock star and his religion, and he chose to be a star. Obviously, he is no longer observant at all.

    Anyway, in this video, he is giving a concert, and it is between songs. Apparently there were some chassidim sitting in the front row. He called them out on it. He told them he’s Jewish, and knows all about frum Judaism and chassidus. He told them they have no place at his concert. He also said that while he doesn’t believe in hell anymore, he knows they do, and that they will probably end up there for attending his concert.

    The Gemara brings down the story of the man who did teshuva because of something a zonah said to him (I’m blanking on the name right now… Yehudah ben something, isn’t it?) Here we again have an immoral person giving mussar to some people who obviously need some. Hopefully they’ll learn something from him!


    David Draiman.


    Feif Un: R’ Elazar Ben Dordaya, Avodah Zarah 17a if I recall correctly.


    Why is this specific to Chasidim? What about other Jews who attended? Even if they can not be distinguished from the rest of the crowd?


    He has a song about Israel.

    He actually went to yeshiva


    Maybe the chasidim were at the concert to try to be mekarev the guy.


    Life is strange. Who knows? Perhaps this confused, self-centered, rock star took advantage of a golden opportunity and will amass amazing merit. He believed enough to care for them. Why he neglects himself is a curious thing.

    I may be wrong, but in some cases with people who should know better, even embarrassing someone like this may be permissible. Dont quote me on it; correct me if I am wrong.


    His family became Ba’alei Teshuvah through his influence, when he was younger. I have no idea why you think that his grandfather was a Rav.

    Feif Un

    nishtdayngesheft: Because people think that chassidim are supposed to be on a higher standard.

    zahavasdad: Yes, I know. A friend of mine was in yeshiva with him. He has a song about Israel, another about the Holocaust, and he’s also spoken very strongly about Holocaust related issues, such as people collecting Nazi memorabilia and Holocaust deniers. It must be the Jewish spark inside him!

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    I hope to Gd they do accept his mussar because we have no idea what the zchus of that mitzvah can do for him.


    I just watched it- its not really mussar– he said HE will end up in hell because of it- if it exists- he never said they will- He didn’t say that he’s jewish and that he knows all about chassidus- he said that hes an israeli jew- and that he sees members of his tribe- chassidic- and that the rebbi would be very -bleep- angry if he knew- it was a MASSIVE chillul Hashem!!!!! and he has horribly foul language-

    btguy- did u watch it? he definitely doesn’t care about them- all he cares about is riling up the crowd.


    Hi bygirl93.

    No, I did not watch it. I only went by the original post.

    I take your word for it. Even in the telling over, I sense a degree of arrogance from the “rock star”.


    Feif un,

    That does not explain why this is considered something that a chasid should go to heck for yet is lchatchila for modern orthodox? So much so that you think this is worthy of being called mussar.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    mobico-Not so.

    far east

    Bygirl- where did u watch it?


    you tube

    YW Moderator-72

    I’m more impressed with the Yid from the band Anthrax that stepped away from all that and became frum.

    M.O. Chossid

    BY Girl- why would someone from Beis Yaakov be so into a rock star anyway?


    A retired mod posting?

    Hello 72. I was never able to see you post in my day.


    Im not- after i read the above posts i googled it to see if thats what it really was- its a 2minute clip and is fine except for the fowl language-

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    is fine except for the fowl language-

    My dinner tonight was fine except for the treife chicken.


    Daas Yochid: Right, except if you ATE the non-kosher chicken at dinner you would have violated several issurei d’oraysa; whereas merely LISTENING to the foul language (especially if she didn’t expect to hear it) is not. Or is passively listening to someone else’s foul language somehow mitamtem your own lev? If so, you better steer clear of all public spaces because people are known to speak with graphic expletives from time to time.


    Im sorry I didn’t mean that its fine- i meant that there is nothing else wrong- no tznuis issues etc- just that the language was bad-

    far east

    ok i saw it. I wouldnt exactly call that mussar. It looked like he just seemed surprised that they were there and was messing around with them. The truth is they shouldnt be there, but if they do go they definitely should not be dressed like chassidic jews its a massive chillul hasehm.


    Far east: Rav Moshe has a Tshuvah about wearing a Kippah when going to (either a bar, a dance club, or a movie theater, I don’t remember, but some place you shouldn’t be) because of Chillul Hashem. He says why add a second improper thing onto the first. And yes, I can see that you might be able to be Mechalek here but the basic principle should still apply.

    far east

    interesting ive never heard about that tshuvah before ill check it out. I know my rebbi makes a point to say that people should take off their yarmulka and certain places such as some bars, clubs, and casinos due to chillul hashem.

    ohr chodesh

    Why take off the yarmulka? Put a baseball cap on.

    far east

    That would work also. I think the point was basically if your gonna be doing certain things dont present yourselves as religious jews

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