respecting yeshiva bachurim

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  • This topic has 110 replies, 29 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by cv.
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  • #737176

    Why is it someone elses busniness if another individual smokes or not. Is it affecting you directly? If not, mind your own

    Are you appalled by people who speak Lashon Hara?

    Are you appalled by lack of tznius?

    Are you so perfect that YOU never do anything wrong and follow the Torah to the T?

    Stop judging others, it’s Gaava

    There is only one true judge and it’s NOT YOU


    “The learning itself is constructive (huge understatement) even if it does not lead to kiruv, rabbanus, teaching, etc. It’s called Torah Lishma.”

    The learning is only constructive if it has a positive affect and refines the one who learns it. Many leaders of the haskalah were learned men.(No, I’m not C’V equating the 2 – I’m using an extreme example to make a point).

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    If the learning is not “l’kanter” (as was the case with haskalah), then it will automatically refine the person. I happened to have mentioned “Torah Lishma”, but as long as it’s not for evil purposes, “mitoch shelo lishma, ba lishma”.


    Daas you know as well as i do there are plenty of boys in yeshiva/kollel who do not have a passion for learning they do it because that is the culture that they were brought up in.



    learning always has a positive effect and refines one who learns it except in very rare cases (if you learn for the sake of using it to argue with people which may be true of the leaders of the haskalah movement, see the sugya on Torah shlo lishmah bah lishmah).

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    there are plenty of boys in yeshiva/kollel who do not have a passion for learning they do it because that is the culture that they were brought up in.

    Pretty good culture to be brought up in. As I mentioned to apushatayid, “mitoch shelo lishma, ba lishma”. Again, I’m only referring to those actually learning well, which, in my experience, doesn’t happen often unless there’s a “geshmak” in it.

    kavod hatorah

    since i was the one who started this i will explain what i meant. I hav heard many times ppl puting down the yeshiva guys for things that yeshiva guys do and not recognising that even if they are doing some stuff wrong i.e. smoking they are still people that are busy doing what god wants them to! how many balabatim are bney aliyah {and the few that are, its great} i am not puting working guys down but we hav to realize that yeshiva guys are busy doing holy work and that in itself should put them on a pedistal! btw there were torah giants who held a kollel guy should generaly not take out the garbage because he is a guy learning torah all day so just because you dont like it if he is doing it because he is following those gedolim he is doing the right thing!!


    Of course yeshiva bochurim are respected. The ones that are seriously learning and also respect others. Not the ones who…

    *wake up late and “roll” into first seder

    *ditto for second seder and night seder

    *posting opinions here in the coffee room in the middle of seder

    *don’t respect baal habatim unless they need to squeeze us for money to support them

    *tell baal habatim that they can’t get their kids into certain yeshivas if the father is working and/or “chas v’shalom” wears a colored shirt, etc…and this is just the tip of the iceberg

    I think I can speak for everyone by saying that the true blue guys that really sit and learn are truly respected.


    btw there were torah giants who held a kollel guy should generaly not take out the garbage because he is a guy learning torah all day so just because you dont like it if he is doing it because he is following those gedolim he is doing the right thing!!

    Please tell me (and provide sources) which gedolim said that if the wife needs help and asks the kollel husband to take the garbage out that he should refuse because of Kavod HaTorah.

    The Wolf

    (P.S. — just as using ALL CAPS is considered “shouting,” using all lowercase is considered mumbling. Please use capital letters where appropriate. Thanks.

    The Wolf)

    kavod hatorah

    No prob wolf. The alter of slabodka held that people that torah is their job should be treated like prince’s{prince’s dont take out the garbage} so his students like rav ruderman rav kaminetsky and rav hutner held this way. Obviously if your wife needs you to do it its a differnt story what yhey held was it shoudnt be the kollel husbands CHORE.


    Kavod Hatorah, what do you mean by “how many balabatim are bney aliyah {and the few that are, its great}”? Most working men I know absolutely are “bnei aliyah”!

    If you are smoking (absolutely assur according to rabbonim nowadays to start) are they actually doing Hashem’s will? Learning in and of itself does not make a person deserving of respect if they don’t apply halacha. Otherwise, an apikorus who learns would be deserving of our respect!

    And yes, please list rabbonim that matir a man from taking out the garbage.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Please tell me (and provide sources) which gedolim said that if the wife needs help and asks the kollel husband to take the garbage out that he should refuse because of Kavod HaTorah.

    If I may add:

    And even if there is such an opinion, explain why, other than selfish reasons, you would want to follow it rather than the opinion of other gedolim that one should not act that way.


    “Something else I’ve seen – a bachur is home for Shabbos, and corrects his father at the Shabbos table in a very superior manner. Since when is it even permitted, much less simple derech eretz, to “correct” your father/mother openly in public”

    Yes, I have seen this, too. The boys come home from 2 years of learning in E”Y, and all of a sudden they are re-arranging the kitchen and throwing out things that are in the pantry. I highly respect the Rov who instructed his talmidim NEVER to do this when they go home, that it is insulting to the kovod of their parents, and they have no right to upset the family dynamic.

    In a home that is not Cholov Yisrael for example, the boy may ask his mother if she could get that for him along with the other household foods when she is shopping, but he cannot throw out her C”S or demand that she only use products under a hechsher that HE likes.

    To correct a parent, is not only oveir their kovod, but also the mitzvah of “Ish Imo V’Aviv Tira-u.” There is a way to get one’s point across without sounding arrogant or smug. When that is not done in that way, then I cannot respect such a bochur.

    Re: smoking – I can respect the Torah a bochur knows, and even respect him, if he is a mensch. But I cannot, will not, and do not, respect the choice he makes to inhale a well-known poison in his lungs on a regular basis, and then exhale it into the air that the rest of us are forced to breathe along with him.


    It is a famous story with Rav Gifter.

    What KT fails to mention is that the next day, Rav Gifter came himself to take out the garbage, saying perhaps for you it is unacceptable, but for me it is.

    The Kollel Bochur (yes that term) got the point.

    kavod hatorah

    If i am a talmid of one of those rosh hayeshiva and my rebbi told me to only do things that are respectfull of of who i am should i ignore him?


    Kavod, aren’t women supposed to be treated like queens? Queens don’t take out the garbage either.


    BTW, KT, you live in the wrong neighborhood.

    Where I live, many of the Baal Habatim that work are talmidei chachamim in their own right, who give shiurim, are mechaber sforim, etc.

    Perhaps you should move from where you are to a Makom Torah?

    kavod hatorah

    Where do you live that most of your balabatim are bney aliyah? Where i live most people just live out of habit wake up daven go to work do the daf daven and go to sleep.

    Avram in MD

    kavod hatorah,

    btw there were torah giants who held a kollel guy should generaly not take out the garbage

    Who held this?

    I definitely agree with you in concept that Yeshiva students engaged in Torah learning should be given respect. I recently read a biography of the Chofetz Chaim which listed two ways he encouraged respect of his Yeshiva bochurim: having the boys take their meals at the Yeshiva instead of in private homes (so they were not made to feel like beggars), and telling men attending an early morning minyan at his Yeshiva’s beis medrash to be quieter so that the sleeping students were not disturbed.

    At the same time, the Chofetz Chaim himself was seen shoveling snow out of the walkway of his Yeshiva’s beis medrash so that his students could have a safe walk. If the Chofetz Chaim himself could do chores and the honor of the Torah was still upheld, then how could the Torah’s honor be affected by a Yeshiva student doing chores? On the contrary, it shows kavod to the Torah because the student shows kavod to his parents and/or his wife, both critical Torah values.

    kavod hatorah

    I might live in the wrong place but sadly i live in the area with the most frum jews! And of course we treat our wives like queens but the way its supposed to be woman doing housework. AND YES IF THE GARBAGE IS TOO HEAVY ITS DIFFERENT!!


    “how many balabatim are bney aliyah {and the few that are, its great}

    This surely ranks as one of the most hateful things ever written on YWN.


    “Where i live most people just live out of habit wake up daven go to work do the daf daven and go to sleep.”

    This ranks as one of the most ignorant things ever written on YWN.

    Avram in MD

    The alter of slabodka held that people that torah is their job should be treated like prince’s{prince’s dont take out the garbage} so his students like rav ruderman rav kaminetsky and rav hutner held this way.

    Who’s inference was made in the brackets?

    Also, which Royalty are we supposed to emulate? Kings and princes of flesh and blood? Or our King?


    Kavod Hatorah-

    I agree that yeshiva bochurim should be respected, although I dont see who doesnt respect them.

    But I think its ridiculous for you to say that Kollel guys are supposed to be like kings and not take out the garbage. Ask any kollel yungerman what he thinks of this and I guaruntee that he’ll say that he will never let his wife so much as even touch the garbage. And thats exactly how it should be whether he’s a Rav or a working man or in kollel


    Kavod Hatorah? More like a bizayon.


    I might live in the wrong place but sadly i live in the area with the most frum jews! And of course we treat our wives like queens but the way its supposed to be woman doing housework

    Well, I guess my home isn’t a home with frum Jews then… because I do housework, and so do my kids… even when my wife doesn’t “need” the help. In my home, the housework isn’t only my wife’s job — it’s a collaborative effort of all the people in the house.

    I cook, as do my sons and daughter. I was dishes, as do the kids. I take out the garbage, as do the kids as well. And I did all these things in my mother’s house too when I was learning full-time. I guess my mother’s home wasn’t a home with frum Jews either. Oh well…

    The Wolf


    And of course we treat our wives like queens but the way its supposed to be woman doing housework.

    If a man is not fulfilling his terms of the ketubah (AKA financial support), why does the housework fall to the woman? I can guarantee that a Prince is likely to take out the garbage before a Queen in all cultures.

    I live in Teaneck. The men who work do not just float in, mumble words and then leave. They come, they daven with a lot of kavana, learn when they can, and leave. Perhaps Teaneck is the true Ir hakodesh, not Lakewood? LOL


    I might live in the wrong place but sadly i live in the area with the most frum jews!

    I’m going to speculate where that is…..

    sounds like Benei Brak.

    I’m sorry to hear that is what you think. I believe you will find the truth not to be so.


    “but the learning guy who is sweating over a gemarah is considered second class.”

    If you mean the guy who fulfills his responsibilities and learns as well- he should be respected.

    If you mean the guy who starts his learning career by looking to marry a rich father-in-law; no.



    “how many balabatim are bney aliyah {and the few that are, its great}

    This surely ranks as one of the most hateful things ever written on YWN.”


    kavod hatorah

    No one adressed the fact that if my rebbe was rav ruderman or rav hutner thats what i would be told to do!!


    No one adressed the fact that if my rebbe was rav ruderman or rav hutner thats what i would be told to do!!

    If my rebbe advised me to do so, I would respectfully disagree… even if he was Rav Rudderman or Rav Hutner.

    The Wolf


    kavod hatorah-

    can u cite to where they said this? Because while I don’t know much about R’ Ruderman, I know a big Chaim Berliner whose Rav was R’ Hutner and he is the one who takes out the garbage, not the wife.

    kavod hatorah

    Wolf: thats why my name is kavod hatorah and yours is not i listen to my rebbe unlike you who if you disagree you just do what you want.

    and that rav who takes out his garbage maybe his wife cant do it for whatever reason.

    Avram in MD

    No one adressed the fact that if my rebbe was rav ruderman or rav hutner thats what i would be told to do!!

    You have not addressed the fact that you have supplied no proof that either Rav held this way…


    thats why my name is kavod hatorah and yours is not i listen to my rebbe unlike you who if you disagree you just do what you want.

    I am not under any obligation to listen to a rebbe’s advice (unless it’s not actually advice he’s dispensing but halacha… but that’s not the case here). I will certainly give it weight, but at the end of the day, I know my marriage better than my rebbe does. My rebbe (even if he is as great as R. Huttner) does not know how my wife will react to various stimuli or situations. I have a much better knowledge about this than they do… and as such, I have much better information about my marriage than they do.

    And, of course, if I am to honor my wife more than myself (as is proper), then I *should* be the one taking out the garbage.

    The Wolf


    OMG, when I first posted the example of the garbage, I was positive that everyone would understand how ridiculous it is….it takes all kinds, I guess.

    Funny, though, how the bigger the gadol, the less of a problem the whole garbage thing is.

    Anyone who feels that he cannot take out the garbage because it’s not Kavod for him: In yiddish they say, “Meigst zich sheimen”. (Shame on you.)

    kavod hatorah

    My proof is that that is what my rebbi told me.who he is i cant tell you but he is someone who you all respect a real gadol biyisroel.

    kavod hatorah

    Mytake: its not that the kollel guy needs the respect its just the way the house should be set up!


    Mytake: its not that the kollel guy needs the respect its just the way the house should be set up!

    So, is it your contention that because I cook, clean and wash that my home isn’t a “frum” home?

    The Wolf


    No one adressed the fact that if my rebbe was rav ruderman or rav hutner thats what i would be told to do!!

    That’s why they call it a red herring.

    Yummy, but distracting.

    Or is it a Fallacy of Accident?

    I’m not sure. I’ll put up the Ruy Lopez with the Marshall Counterattack & Chewbacca Defense.



    Kollel today generally means the wife is out of the house working full time. If that’s the case, shouldn’t the husband pitch in more with household responsibilities to make sure his wife can maintain breadwinning status as long as possible without being overburdened with too much housework?


    Kavod Hatorah-

    Are you really of the opinion that kollel wives should be the ones to take out the garbage?

    My husband would never ever let that

    And I’m the one with more muscles….


    Kavod HaTorah

    Why do you think the house should be set up this way? You “set up” things in a certain way for a reason, don’t you?


    I think the rabbonim that were saying that the learning men don’t have to take out the garbage, were mostly referring to the ones that are constantly learning and rather have the wife do it vs. telling the husband to be mevatel from learning. I’m talking about the guys that never miss a seder, the guys that rarely go to a simcha and even if they do, they’re sitting in a corner learning, the guys that are even learning bein hazmanim and not going on vacation. Being in kollel doesn’t automatically put you on that madrega and give you that heter. …and I challenge anyone to find me rov that will say otherwise.


    How did this get from Yeshiva Bachurim to a married man in Kollel?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    …at the end of the day, I know my marriage better than my rebbe does.

    A true gadol understands this and would never advise without considering all of the angles.


    I’m quite confused by you guys. You discuss this this garbage issue as if this were the point! I think that Kavod Hatorah has made it CLEAR that you should help out your wife and take out the garbage if necessary (I agree with you on that one, Wolf). He was just trying to point out that there is such a concept of keeping a ben torah on a higher level.


    Technically, the yeshiva bachurim that are looking for respect will end up in Kollel


    “I am not under any obligation to listen to a rebbe’s advice.”

    If I recall correctly, this was precisely what the Maskilim used to do. I don’t exactly think that their end result was very promising.

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