I simply cannot comprehend why we are being inundated with so many reminders to make an Eruv Tashilin? This is not such and intricate & complex matter. Just as I didn’t forget to bang my 5 Arovos 5 times and to eat my breakfast, likewise I don’t forget to shower & make Eruv Tavshilin before Kabbolas Yom Tov, so something out there about all these reminders is escaping me.
I was wondering when I saw the heading of the thread! I had to think about that for a moment – my first thought was that maybe in chutz l’aretz they need one this year. But then I realized that couldn’t be.
Yes both last 2 years & next 2 years on Erev Shevi’i She Pesach, but this year is the odd year out in 5 years which does not require any Eruv Tavshilin for Shevi’i Shel Pesach.