registering to vote

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    i never registered to vote – my question is: is it worth it to do so?

    do our votes really count? (New York is a democratic state anyways and i would be voting republican….)

    if i register to vote does that mean the gov. will suddenly remember me for jury duty?


    the government remembers you for jury duty if you have a license so dont sweat it. as for voting registering as a republican in a blue state…yes. because local politicians can very well be republican as can state politicians and you probably want to vote in those primaries.

    also…as an aside…if you register to vote and vote then you have a right to complain about your politicians and teh state of politics in teh state. you did your part so you can be dissatisfied. if not…then no one wants to hear you because you have no right to complain about something in which you took no part.


    Thanks bomb!

    The Frumguy

    Not to mention the P’sak of numerous Gedolim on the Chiyuv to vote.

    m in Israel

    To further bomb’s point — although living in NY means that as a Republican you won’t affect large elections, on a local level your vote can make a difference, and it is often the local level politicians who are very important to local mosdos and even private individuals. These local politicians are very in tune with the local demographics, and keep close tabs on who votes, often with staffers monitoring on voting day who actually comes out. If the numbers show that our community is not likely to come out, they will be that much less likely to help out the next time a local institution needs help.

    As far as jury duty goes, I’ve been registered to vote in NY for 11 years and have not once been called for jury duty, and I have friends who are not registered who have been called more than once in recent years. Jury lists are taken from numerous sources including driving licensce lists, property owners, etc.


    Frumguy – I never heard that, thank you!

    Israel – don’t forget the bli ayin hara! And thanx for your input! 🙂

    am yisrael chai

    Every vote counts, every person counts..

    Think of certain countries where people died in order to have the privilege of voting. We take it here for granted.


    Ayc thanx! I never thought of it that way!

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