PBA has flown the coop

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    “Its funny about the generalizing comment, Someone claimed they saw a woman wearing pants at an MO shul and all of a sudden ALL MO women wear pants”

    No one said anywhere here that ALL MO wear pants.

    However, you are seriously delusional if you are going to say that there is a significant tznius issue in many MO synagogues. And it is not just pants, which actually may be the least of the problems.

    And that is in shul, not even talking about outside of shul.

    And I am not saying these are bad people, jusyt that there are certain basic halacha that is completely shunned.

    Yes there are issues in non MO shuls as well, however tznius is talked about constantly, sop much so that you, yourself complained about how much is focused on.


    its funny the Agudah had a Yom Imuyun yesterday about the lack of business ethics, Its shameful such a Symposium was even nessasary and even more shameful not one poster mentioned anything about it.


    MO congregations never have shiurim on business ethics? Agudah also has symposiums on keeping the kitchen kosher. Does that indicate to you there is a widespread problem within their communities of treif kitchens? Do you find it shameful that it is even necessary to discuss keeping a kosher kitchen?



    I understood the main objection to be hashkafic, as you note. I don’t recall them discussing the get meusah issue, which apparently is a major issue to several major poskim in Israel, nor the asmachta issue you note.


    It was a Symposium that was streamed via the internet, How come it wasnt mandatory participation. Most of the People who would follow the Agudah dont even have internet

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Most businessmen who would follow the Agudah do have internet.


    the Symposium was not for private consumption, It was only meant to be shown in public places as there was a code needed to access it

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Then saying that most people who would follow the Agudah don’t have internet was pointless.


    It would have to have been shown in Shuls. Since there was no internet in most shuls, no Symposium

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    You didn’t say the shuls don’t have Internet, you said the people don’t.

    It’s not hard for a shul to get an internet connection for a few hours.


    The only way to get internet for a few hours is get someone with a smartphone and get them to use the smartphone as a hot spot

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Why is that difficult?

    That’s besides the fact that most shuls have email, hence an internet connection of some sort.



    “its funny the Agudah had a Yom Imuyun yesterday about the lack of business ethics”

    It is a shame that you have to misconstrue the yom iyun. It was not about a lack of ethics, it was about strengthening ethics. A huge difference and even you know the difference.


    You dont need internet at a shul to have e-mail. They could have e-mail and access it elsewhere, especially if its a Yahoo/Gmail/Hotmail type account as most of them are

    While you might see

    Miryeshiva @yahoo.com

    you likely wont see

    Info@ miryeshiva.edu (or .com)

    (I do not know if any of these are real or not, they are for example only)

    And even if you see miryeshiva. edu meaning they own the domain name, they might have a mail server set up to get the mail remotely



    “It was a Symposium that was streamed via the internet, How come it wasnt mandatory participation.”

    Would you have listened if it were mandatory?

    When do you make something on the internet mandatory?

    And Apparently it is the MO who make things mandatory, not the Agudah.



    “The only way to get internet for a few hours is get someone with a smartphone and get them to use the smartphone as a hot spot”

    That’s the only way? Really?


    As I rule, those who are busy saying to Chareidim ” What are you doing on the internet” are those who have no logical response and know they don’t. Thus that is their big, bold refrain.



    Having a course. seminar, sermon on ethics is not sign of a lack of ethics. Quite the contrary, those who are concerned with ethics are those who have classes, sermons, seminars and courses about ethics.

    CPA’s, Lawyers, Doctors and many others are required to obtain credits regularly in ethics as a condition to licensure. Is that a sign of a LACK of ethics? (This is for the DdM crowd)

    I assume you would refer to Rav Chatzkel or even R Yisroel Salanter as lacking in ethics since they constantly studied mussar (yes that’s ethics).

    Quite the contrary, it is those who are against public lectures about ethics who are likely lacking in ethics.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    they might have a mail server set up to get the mail remotely

    How are they reading the emails?


    Hey, guys, look at the bright side about this new RCA resolution. The MO are finally recognizing Daas Torah is real (even if they got wrong who Daas Torah is.) Until now they kept yelling that there’s no Daas Torah and every local yodle rabbi has the right to issue his own rulings, even in defiance of the recognized Torah leaders of the generation.

    Today the RCA has officially declared that one must follow their edict, at risk of becoming chutz lamachne.


    And what’s even more striking is that this new Daas Torah edict, mandated by the RCA upon all its members, is on a non-halachic required issue!



    Interesting. I have never heard anyone say that it was not permitted (where there was no meusa issue), even hashkafically. Only that there is no requirement or reason to have one in most cases. But if one of the parties wanted one, would your Rosh Yeshiva still say no?


    I expect they would say no. But in any event, point is that they told us not to do one.

    Neville ChaimBerlin


    You first denied the tzius problem that the MO has and everyone can see, then you criticized Agudas for actually taking initiative to solve it’s (possible) internal problems. Thank you for proving my point.


    Anyone notice the change in thread name?

    What happened to PBA?


    He flew the coop, Winnie.

    Why? You ask.

    Can think of a few reasons.

    But i’d never speak for another poster.

    And to answer your 1st question last (I know I know…)-

    Yes, noticed.

    Nice job, Mods.


    Gofish -“A whole sting operation incriminated a Lakewood rabbi and his henchmen who would beat men viciously to obtain a get for their wives. They’re sitting in jail now, and the press had a field day. Massive chillul Hashem.”

    Your lying right before R.H. is utterly disgusting!

    IDK where you live, but anyone involved in that case from Lakewood is not considered a Rabbi!

    The only Rabbis that were involved were from NY!


    Every person, every shul and every community has its things to work on and improve. I am familiar with a shul that identifies as MO where talking in shul is a non issue, but how the members dress (male and female) is. We are all familiar with many minyanim where dress is a non issue and talking in shul is a major issue or alcoholism is. This is not about what is a bigger problem or what is worse but what is an identifiable problem that needs to be addressed by each person, shul and community. The RCA directive is no more addressed to Joseph and his ilk than a takana from the Skverer Rebbe to the members of the RCA.


    Flown the coop or changed his feathers?

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