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    Is YWN more Litvish, Chassiddish, Sefardi….?

    an open book

    ames: yeah i miss them too!!! also, i want to know how asdfghjkl’s leg is doing, im still davening for him but want to know whats going on

    & my answer, in short, was my friends & anyone i know having a hard time


    mayan- I get the feeling there is a bigger majority of litvish

    not only are asdfghjkl & qwertyuiop blocked, every post that mentions them gets blocked too! (I am taking a risk here) I’ve tried numerous times on Friday and today


    Mayan_Dvash everything, we have such a mix, thats why its so enjoyable, to see a view that may not be your own, but still completely true.

    squeak I dont know if they were the same person, but I know I would’ve been going crazy remembering to put the $ and not !!!!!!!!!!!! and vice versa 🙂


    same thing for any mention of certain other, bygone, posters


    ames, there is a long line of selection between buying beans to grind and settling for Dunkin Donuts (of all the horrible brews to mention! if you don’t mind my sharing). Go for gourmet ground coffee and you’ll never enjoy another cup of Starbucks, DD, McD’s or heaven forbid, instant coffee again!

    If you decide you like the gourmet, the same coffee can be bought in the bean (i.e. not ground). That’s not even much of a switch. I personally get a shipment from a club that begins with a G and I can’t drink anything of lesser quality. I don’t roast the beans myself, though a bigger coffee nut might. I can’t stomach Turkish anymore, either.


    can the mods tell us what happened to them?


    CNP I wish they would have something to see if a mod is on, the updating is really weird now 🙂


    Hey, squeak, I get my coffee from there too!! Go for it, ames!!


    an open book

    ames: no, not anyone specific, who it is changes, but in general i worry most about people i know who are struggling. i want to help them but you cant always, sometimes people have to just work it out for themselves. & i am on the side worrying but not able to do much.

    an open book

    yes but feels horrible & helpless


    AOB: try davening 🙂

    an open book

    i do but still…




    AOB- I hope whatever is going on works itself out soon. Stay strong, they need you!

    ames, no need to be embarrassed. The only foolish question is the one that isn’t asked, (I should put that in inspiring quotes.) And the club starts with G and ends with A. Most of their coffee is kosher, if you call they know which ones are kosher. Good luck!



    I didn’t think that posting the name would get by on the new modding standards, so I just went with the first letter. But Joseph and anonymisss said it.

    I have been a member for a while now, but recently they sunk their hooks a little deeper into me – and got me to try their “rare” blends. I did it more out of curiosity than anything else, but after going through 2 pounds each of Margogype, Azul, Gerome Pepe and others, I have to say that I am in a different class of coffee drinkers 😉 (for those who get it).


    then why not decaf? 🙂

    keep in mind that if you’ve been having regular for a few weeks you may go through some caffeine withdrawal if you switch over immediately 🙂


    if you don’t need caffeine why drink it? Go with the decaf


    uh- maybe when it keeps you awake you’re more active thus the weight loss? 😉

    I think I once read that there actually is a connection- but I can’t recall the scientific details. sorry


    I don’t like decaf because it is unnatural. Maybe I’m old fashioned in that way. How do they get the caffeine out, and then where does it go?

    When I don’t want the side effects of ingesting caffeine (the effects on me are very minor) I just don’t drink the coffee. No need for aa substitute beverage. But I drink it for the taste.


    areivim, to answer your question about marriage proposals, guys do wacky things because they are flat out afraid to ask the question straight out. If a guy can tip a waiter to ask it for him, or if he can buy a cake that has it written on it, it’s a lot easier, no?


    i need the caffeine- but it’s a good thing I like the taste 😉


    i think i am the only one who does not like coffee at all


    I don’t like coffee either (and I hate the smell)!!!!

    YW Moderator-72

    I think that I need to put coke not pepsi and Chatty on my list of posters that need to be carefully monitored


    YW [Coffee (no sugar / 2% milk) room] Moderator-72


    way to go mod72- you watch em real careful now

    an open book

    I don’t like decaf because it is unnatural. Maybe I’m old fashioned in that way. How do they get the caffeine out, and then where does it go?

    squeak: im not sure how they get it out, but they add the leftover caffeine to artificially caffeinated products, like soda.

    coke not pepsi: i don’t like coffee either. but i do like the smell so sometimes i take a little just because it smells good. & then i stop when i remember why i don’t drink it 😉


    queen kapusta claiming post 1800 🙂

    YW Moderator-72

    wow 1800 posts!


    mod 72, thats not fair I got the post but I see no mods like me so no one put it up :/


    squeak, I know all about those coffees- AWESOME is the word!!!! I’ve started skipping meals lately in favor of coffee, not good.



    kapusta: they just cheat so that they can say they are the 1800th post 😉




    areivim, to answer your question about marriage proposals, guys do wacky things because they are flat out afraid to ask the question straight out. If a guy can tip a waiter to ask it for him, or if he can buy a cake that has it written on it, it’s a lot easier, no?

    As I posted on that thread- it doesn’t sound orthodox


    kapusta, don’t let anyone tell you we are not friends.

    Look above


    mod39= female??


    what makes you ask that?

    (you are awfully close to toeing the line of trying to find out personal info about a moderator)


    mod39- you didn’t have to post it 😉 You obviously get a kick out of us lowly members trying to figure out personal info bout you exalted mods ;);)

    PS- kapusta is female and you referenced friends…


    areivim – who says the girls want it or think it’s romantic? But that’s the best they can expect from the type of guy they want (who are plain scared to be around a girl, let alone make himself vulnerable by acting “mushy”).

    At least it makes an exciting story, if not a romantic one.


    mod 39 thank you so much, after 9/11 Bush said something like justice will be had (I’m a good speechwriter, no?) and so justice was had. I think I have a new friend because I’m always so careful about my spelin right mod? thanks again! :):):):):)

    areivim, smart to say a queen is female 🙂 keep up the good work 😉

    an open book

    i’m in agreement with areivim here


    “Romance” may not be the term I am looking for. Wooing and courting your spouse though, is certainly Orthodox (though it may not be orthodox, pun intended).


    My long term memory is pretty decent but my short term memory is horrible (there are times when i meet people and five minutes later forget thier name and what they look like).

    Is this normal? Does anyone know any ways ii can improve it?


    aussieboy: i kinda have a different problem, i remember everyone-names & faces. so if i see them a few years down the road, with not seeing them for years, i remember them. yet they have not a clue who i am! so it gets weird when i say i know them, & they’re like sorry i don’t remember you! it happened more then once recently & i kinda make the other person feel like an idiot(not on purpose), when refreshing his memory of how we knew each other.

    You didn’t recognize me when we met today in Shul – YW Moderator-42

    an open book

    jax: my dad is like that! i think its kinda cool that you remember people like that. maybe just say it differently. like instead of expecting them to remember you, ask, did you work here/go here/do this or wherever you know them from & then explain how u know that & that you were there too. they will probably be a little embarrassed but maybe a bit flattered that someone they don’t even know actually remembers them 😉


    aussieboy, try repeating the name to yourself a few times (after the person walks away, please, so they don’t think you lost it). should help



    i am better with remembering names then faces -if u walk over to me and start shmoozing with me i very possibly (if i only met u a once or twice )will have no clue who u are and then if you would tell me your name-i can tell you everything about you…it can be very embarrassing


    AOB, that’s a nice way to do it. Thanx for the tip cuz I also remember random people sometimes and they do find it embarrassing.



    aussieboy: here’s a tip, when you meet someone, & they say their name, look at them & make a simple hint from something you notice about them. like if the guy says his name is james, look at him & think james is the guy with the funny lookin or funny colored shirt he was wearin the day ya met!

    an open book: thanx! yeah i really should try that next time! but it’s not that i don’t know the person, like we went to camp together way back! the problem is i forget not everyone has a photographic memory like i have!


    Ha ha!!! ames, I saw that and thought the same thing! So?????


    an open book

    i saw that!!! was thinking of posting it for squeak – wasn’t he asking about that recently?

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