Raisin’ a Ruckus

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    The KAJ says all raisins are bad. The OU and Star K say only the heimeshe raisins are bad. Who’s correct?




    The KAJ has always had a reputation for the highest standards of kashrus and ehrlichkeit. And rare is the person who will not hold by the star-K.

    However, in cases like this when all parties have a reasonable level of neemonus, it pays to see if you (or I – I eat raisins too LOL) can find out the reasoning behind the difference in psak.

    For instance, back in Shvat 5766 Rav Landa came out with a psak that many whiskies were not kosher. I used to buy quite a lot of whisky for kiddush and in fact had a few bottles in storage and did not know what to do because usually I hold by Rav Landa. In the meantime, R’ Don Yoel Levy from the OK, whose hechsher I use but do not consider on the same level as that of Rav Landa, explained that Rav Landa’s reasoning did not mesh with what he knew and could demonstrate regarding the distilling of Scotch, and he gave a shiur in which he demonstrated how it was made. I went right out to the store and bought an expensive bottle of single malt after I heard that shiur and I continue to drink scotch.

    On the other hand, I continue to avoid Coca Cola ever since Rav Landa said to do so because in that case no one knows the formula and especially outside of the US and Canada (OU and MK supervise Coke from what I recall and yesh al mi lismoch) no one knows what is going on with the bottling.

    Looks like the question here is – did the infestation occur at the warehouse or during the processing. And will it spread to other warehouses if so far it is only in the Mishpacha brand supplier’s warehouse. And for me and others outside of the US – does this affect Turkish or Uzbek raisins or only California?


    itzik-“On the other hand, I continue to avoid Coca Cola ever since Rav Landa said to do so because in that case no one knows the formula and especially outside of the US and Canada”

    r’ landau the rav of bnei brak gives a hechsher on coke in israel and its the same syrup worldwide (is r’ landa your talking abt the same one) and thats why ppl. drink coke anywhere. it is said he is one of the very few ppl who know the formula. i dont think he or the OU would give a hechsher on something when they dont know the recipe of the product. thats ridiculus


    Which R’ Landau? Cause here in EY Coke is under his hechsher.

    I’m 99% sure that I’ve heard b’shem R’ Belsky that Coke – unlike pepsi – can be drunk anywhere in the world.



    Yes notpashut – Rav Moshe Yehuda Leib Landa shlita of Bnei Brak holds that only his supervised Coke is kosher. I was referring to Coke only outside of E”Y.

    Many Chabad chassidim have stopped using it even in the US where it has an OU – the chassune halls in Crown Heights stopped serving it at about the time I was last there – so much for wherever you’ll find Coca Cola you’ll find Chabad LOL!

    And here we were told that Pepsi is OK!! If that is the case goodbye Pepsi – Rav Belsky is not my posek but he definitely knows kashrus!

    In any case Coke and Pepsi are not the healthiest products out there.



    Yes, it is said that Rav Landa does know the formula for Coke. However, if it (along with whisky) has disappeared from chassune halls (and other Chassidim never drank it to begin with – they have Chaim’s Mayim and Ber’s Mayim) again, it is like the toiveling of plastic – take it or leave it but there has to be a reason for it.

    If we were speaking of something healthy and necessary, I would probably go along with the 25% or so in my community who still do drink it – but as convenient as it is Coke is a harsh, abrasive drink that contains a chemical that I have used for removing rust from metal.

    And if you have it around and decide to stop drinking it, you can always use it to clear your drain LOL.

    Y.W. Editor




    Is there a way to examine a raisin (especially a larger one) and if so do we have to check every raisin or would a certain percentage be enough?

    Also it seems that it is not only the haimishe raisins that are no good – it is only that Mishpacha is going the extra mile for the haimishe consumer and refunding money at the request of the Nirbater Rov.


    R’ Belsky knows the recipe for Coke.


    My brother got a response from the vaad of 5 towns saying ask your LOR. The Queens vaad said they’re coming out with something tomorrow, but they are following the OU which is putting out a statement soon. The rabbi also told me that their investigations so far have not revealed a raisin infestation.


    Queens vaad website:

    January 28, 2009 – RAISIN INFESTATION

    Please be advised that only Mishpacha and Gefen brand raisins are currently bug infested. We have no knowledge of infestation in any other brands.



    Mishpacha and Gefen merged. The new brand is called Magefa.


    Mishpacha and Gefen merged. The new brand is called Magefa.

    HAHA!! I love this 🙂

    Incidentally, I cannot give up coke. Its the only thing that helps with my morning sickness at all! Without it, I practically pass out. So for me, its sort of like medicine (its original use).

    RI 02906

    Yes buy a few brands of raisins and see what you can find.


    Raisins were in the category on “doesn’t need to be checked”. It seems it’s a machlokes now if that changed- KAJ says yes, OU and Star K are saying no.



    That is why you pay extra for a mehadrin hechsher.

    They check more often and they work with the manufacturer or distributor, who is equally dedicated to kashrus, to make sure everything is done right and that if there is treyf, it is removed from the shelves and the consumer does not eat it or pay for it.

    The question is on what products is this needed – apparently until now raisins were not among those products.

    OT: Mishpacha used to belong to Ostreicher from New Square but he sold much of his business to an investor group that owns Manischewitz. Does anyone know who owns Mishpacha now?


    “so much for wherever you’ll find Coca Cola you’ll find Chabad LOL!”

    You’ll still find them wherever you’ll find the “golden arches”.

    anon for this


    RAB Foods is the parent company of Maniscewitz, Rokeach, Mishpacha, Mother’s, Horowitz, Tradition, Goodman’s and several other brands.


    So now the OU has come out that raisins are perfectly fine.

    OU vs. KAJ on raisins. Follow your LOR.



    jphone – yes – and often we catch unsuspecting backpackers near the Golden Arches and invite them over for Shabbos at the Chabad House.

    Thanks Anon – RAB bought Rokeach and Mishpacha from Mr Ostreicher. RAB is not owned by frum Yidden and it is good to know that they are still running Mishpacha as a haimishe brand that they stand behind. IIRC it was cheaper than Gefen in my day.


    Another raisin update from another website. Drosophila means flies.

    …the AKO (Association of Kashrus Organizations) held a meeting in Flatbush to discuss the recent alerts regarding insect infestation in raisins which we have been covering extensively. We have now acquired additional information that supports our report last week that most of the poskim involved say that raisins may be used without a problem.

    The recent tumult erupted after someone discovered drosophila larvae in raisins and brought it to the attention of the kashrus world. These larvae are not visible when one visually inspects raisins, but can be seen in water that had been used to soak raisins. In the ensuing weeks, kashrus professionals from the OU, Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc), KAJ, Hisachdus Harabonom (CRC) and other hashgachos have been investigating this claim.

    The cRc, which, led by its Kashrus Administrator, Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, has been at the forefront of this matter, has informed Matzav.com of the following:

    There are, in fact, a limited number of drosophila larvae in some boxes of raisins, but it is unclear whether they are common enough to raise a halachic concern.

    Although the Torah forbids us from eating bugs, one is only required to inspect a vegetable if there is a reasonable concern that it might be infested. It is unclear whether the infestation level found in raisins exceeds this threshold, which is halachically referred to as miut hamatzui. [Although there was a high infestation levels first reported in raisins, it has since been found to be a much lower number.] Furthermore, it is unclear whether bugs which are as difficult to find and identify as drosophila larvae are in fact included in the class of forbidden bugs.

    At first, one expert suggested that drosophila larvae may hatch while the grape is attached to the ground, which caused hesitation amongst the kashrus professionals, but after conferring with her colleagues and clarifying which bug the kashrus professionals were referring to, she retracted her statement. In truth, even if there was a possibility that the larvae hatched while the grapes were attached to the ground, there would be basis for permitting the raisins based on a Taz in Yoreh Deah 84:12.

    Many poskim and kashrus agencies, including the Chicago Rabbinical Council, have therefore conclude that the recent report of bug infestation of raisins should not concern kosher consumers, and raisins may be eaten.

    [Of course, raisins showing visible signs of infestation by bugs other than the ones discussed above should not be eaten until the bugs are removed].

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