Rabbits on Pesach

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    What can I feed my Rabbits on Pesach?

    yaakov doe

    Don’t rabbits eat carrots and lettuce?

    special ed

    Rabbits eat romaine lettuce, carrots, peeled apples, the leaf part of kohlrabi, they also eat cracked corn but its kitniyos so ask your local rabbi. Regular rabbit food is pure chamatz.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Give the rabbit LOTS of veggies and some fruit but give it some matza too. I gave mine about 1/3 a sheet of machine a day.


    Alfalfa sprouts, carrots and random raw veggies. You may want to call a vet to check what your rabbit needs. What breed is it?

    🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

    My grandmother used to have rabbits. We fed them matza, rommaine lettuce, and carrrots. They particularly liked the romaine lettuce.


    You can give pets kitniyot on Ppesah if you’re an Ashkenaz


    i had a guinia pig a few years ago,and on peseach we fed it veggies and matzah and it was happy,


    How about chocolate eggs? They seem to be associated with rabbits at this time of year.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    rabbits don’t eat carrots, they eat carrot tops. They eat all greens, apples with peels, tomatoes and cucumbers with peels. Just think of anything that would be on the ground within their reach.


    What if the rabbit is machmir and will only eat hand made shmura?

    🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

    Syag- we fed the rabbits baby carrots and they ate them- they made a big mess at the same time and got really dirty but hey, our parakeets also become all orange when eating carrots.


    Our hamsters (yes, I know hamsters aren’t rabbits) eat some veggies, but too many of them (as we discovered one year) gives them the runs. Instead, we do increase their veggies, but we also supplement it with cracked corn, sunflower seeds and alfalfa.

    The Wolf

    🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

    I know this is not related to the original question but what do other people feed their parakeets on pesach? We give ours millet, split peas and carrots. Millet and carrots they get all year round, but they don’t mind the split peas even though it is a little hard for them to eat.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    gamanit – cute 🙂 Our rabbits won’t eat them. They are big fans of both cherry tomatoes and blueberries though. Our birds still turn down our veggie offers. We were told we could give them chametz free kitniyos on Pesach.

    less chumras – at $25 a pound I guess that would have to be your choice 🙂

    🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

    Millet and split peas are both kitniyos- birds can’t live on only veggies for a week. They need variety. What birds do you have? We actually give them the peels of the carrots to eat- not a whole carrot. They like that better. Sometimes we’ll give them a whole carrot just to blunt their beaks a bit (sort of like the cuttle bone)


    we usually serve up a stew on leil seder. is there another way?

    🍫Syag Lchochma


    🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

    Cockatiels eat pretty much the same foods as parakeets. Did you try spray millet for them? We give our birds more regular millet, but occasionally we give them spray millet and they love it…

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