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June 26, 2024 1:43 pm at 1:43 pm #2293129SQUARE_ROOTParticipant
Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz was the founder of Torah U’Mesorah
and became principal of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas in year 1921 CE.
His career in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas lasted 25 years.He was known as “the premier architect of Torah in American history.”
He left this world in 1948 CE at the age of 62 years.The quotes shown below are from his English-language biography.
QUOTE 1:In a conversation with the Satmar Rav, shortly after his talk
on the U.N. declaration, Reb Shraga Feivel [Mendlowitz]
was subjected to the sharpest criticism for his “Zionist leanings.”Later he told his family, “I could have answered him
[the Satmar Rav] Chazal for Chazal, Midrash for Midrash,
but I did not want to incur his wrath,
for he is a great man and a tzaddik.”He added with a twinkle, “And besides, he has a fiery temper”…
SOURCE: Reb Shraga Feivel: the life and times of
Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, the architect of Torah
in America (chapter 26, page 335 to 336)
by Yonoson Rosenblum for Artscroll / Mesorah, year 2001,
based on Aharon Sorasky’s Shelucha DeRachmana,
ISBNs: 157819797X, 9781578197972, 1578197961, 9781578197965===============================
QUOTE 2:Once full-scale war broke out after the State of Israel
declared its existence on May 14, 1948 [CE]
Reb Shraga Feivel’s [Mendlowitz] thoughts
were never far from Eretz Yisrael.A group of students saw him outside the Mesivta building
one day, talking excitedly with Rabbi Gedaliah Schorr
and gesticulating rapidly with the newspaper held in his hand.“If I were your age,” he [Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz]
told the students, “I would take a gun and go to Eretz Yisrael.”SOURCE: Reb Shraga Feivel: the life and times of Rabbi Shraga
Feivel Mendlowitz, the architect of Torah in America
(chapter 26, page 338) by Yonoson Rosenblum for Artscroll / Mesorah,
year 2001, based on Aharon Sorasky’s Shelucha DeRachmana,
ISBNs: 157819797X, 9781578197972, 1578197961, 9781578197965===============================
QUOTE 3:After hearing a well-known Rabbi give a fiery derashah
against the secular Jews in Eretz Yisrael, Reb Shraga Feivel
[Mendlowitz] expressed his displeasure with the tone of the speech.“True, is it hard for us to reach the ahavas Yisrael of
Reb Yitzchak Levi of Berditchev,” he said, “but we are
commanded to keep far away from hatred of our fellow Jews.”SOURCE: Reb Shraga Feivel: the life and times of
Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, the architect of
Torah in America (chapter 16, page 229)
by Yonoson Rosenblum for Artscroll / Mesorah, year 2001,
based on Aharon Sorasky’s Shelucha DeRachmana,
ISBNs: 157819797X, 9781578197972, 1578197961, 9781578197965===============================
QUOTE 4:Hearing his criticisms of Zionism, someone once
told him [Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz],
“I too hate the Zionists. They should be cursed.”“Chas v’chalilah (Heaven forbid)!” Reb Shraga Feivel [Mendlowitz] interjected.
“To the contrary: They should be blessed,
along with all those who are building up our Holy Land.I only pray that they observe mitzvos.
But chalilah to curse or hate them.
They are tinokos shenish’bu (people who never
received a Jewish education and so were led astray).”SOURCE: Reb Shraga Feivel: the life and times of
Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, the architect of
Torah in America (chapter 16, page 228)
by Yonoson Rosenblum for Artscroll / Mesorah, year 2001,
based on Aharon Sorasky’s Shelucha DeRachmana,
ISBNs: 157819797X, 9781578197972, 1578197961, 9781578197965===============================
QUOTE 5:“In 1948 [CE], after the Arabs attacked the newly declared
Jewish state and soldiers were falling on the battlefield,
several Roshei Yeshivah taunted Reb Shraga Feivel [Mendlowitz]
for having recited the blessing [HaTov VeHaMeitiv].Reb Shraga Feivel turned to Rabbi Aharon Kotler,
who agreed with him that the U. N. resolution
[to establish a Jewish State in Eretz Yisrael in year 1948 CE]
was indeed worthy of the blessing [HaTov VeHaMeitiv].”SOURCE: Reb Shraga Feivel: the life and times of
Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, the architect of Torah in America
(chapter 26, page 331, footnote 3, heard from Rabbi Nesanel Quinn)
by Yonoson Rosenblum for Artscroll / Mesorah, year 2001,
based on Aharon Sorasky’s Shelucha DeRachmana,
ISBNs: 157819797X, 9781578197972, 1578197961, 9781578197965===============================
PS: If you doubt that any of these quotes are accurate,
then I invite you to get your hands on a copy of the book,
and turn to the chapter numbers and page numbers
that I mentioned for each quote.
You will then see that everything I said here is true and accurate.June 26, 2024 3:18 pm at 3:18 pm #2293189HaimyParticipantWhat’s your point? That not everyone agreed with the Satmar Rov Zatzal?
June 26, 2024 3:18 pm at 3:18 pm #2293182SchnitzelBigotParticipantIIRC, during a parade for the yeshiva they waved the Zionists’ flag (with luchos instead of the Magen Dovid).
June 26, 2024 5:00 pm at 5:00 pm #2293184ujmParticipantReb Shraga Feivel (who preferred to be called as “Mr. Mendelovitz”) held the Satmar Rebbe in a very high degree, and always considered him to be of the foremost Gedolei HaDor.
June 27, 2024 12:09 am at 12:09 am #2293276somejewiknowParticipantis the purpose of this to soften the hearts of jewish hatred towards the zionists and their evil army?
June 27, 2024 12:09 am at 12:09 am #2293283SQUARE_ROOTParticipantQUOTE 6:
“And he [Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz] expressed
amazement that anyone who considered himself
a good Jew could possibly go seven days without
thinking of some way in which he could improve
the lot of settlers in Eretz Yisrael
or otherwise improve the Land.”SOURCE: Reb Shraga Feivel: the life and times of
Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, the architect of
Torah in America (chapter 25, page 322)
by Yonoson Rosenblum for Artscroll / Mesorah, year 2001,
based on Aharon Sorasky’s Shelucha DeRachmana,
ISBNs: 157819797X, 9781578197972, 1578197961, 9781578197965===============================
QUOTE 7:“He [Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz] once said that
even though Eretz Yisrael is controlled by non-religious
and anti-religious Jews, one must still admit the
good that HaKadosh Baruch Hu had done,
in causing the gates to the Land to be open
once again to Jewish immigration.”SOURCE: Reb Shraga Feivel: the life and times of
Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, the architect of
Torah in America (chapter 26, page 331, footnote 4,
heard from Rabbi Yehoshua Schiff)
by Yonoson Rosenblum for Artscroll / Mesorah, year 2001,
based on Aharon Sorasky’s Shelucha DeRachmana,
ISBNs: 157819797X, 9781578197972, 1578197961, 9781578197965===============================
QUOTE 8:“… he [Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz] also explained why
the secular Zionists might have been chosen to play
such a fateful role in the history of the Jewish people.In every Jew, he explained, there is a spark of kedushah
(holiness) – dos pintele Yid – which is his inheritance from
the Avos [Patriarchs]. Every Jew is both an individual
and as part of the collective body of Israel.As long as he does not sever his bonds to the nation,
that little spark is not extinguished,
no matter how numerous his sins.Divine Providence might have arranged that the secular
Zionists play a major role in the redemption of Eretz Yisrael
precisely in order to maintain their connection to Klal Yisrael.”SOURCE: Reb Shraga Feivel: the life and times of
Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, the architect of
Torah in America (chapter 26, page 335)
by Yonoson Rosenblum for Artscroll / Mesorah, year 2001,
based on Aharon Sorasky’s Shelucha DeRachmana,
ISBNs: 157819797X, 9781578197972, 1578197961, 9781578197965June 27, 2024 12:09 am at 12:09 am #2293284anIsraeliYidParticipantI recall seeing the story about his discussion with the Satmar Rav in a Jewish Observer article many years ago.
As to the fact that Reb Shraga Feivel held the Satmar Rav in high esteem – it is possible to respect someone but still not agree with him. The fact that history has moved on to the point where many of the views then expressed are either no longer relevant in current circumstances or shown to be wrong by subsequent events does not lessen the greatness of those who expressed those views. They were human, and reached their conclusions based on their understanding of the facts as they saw them.
an Israeli Yid
June 27, 2024 12:09 am at 12:09 am #2293286ccb45ParticipantThis converstaion should be over since we’re dealing with Gedolei Yisroel. As soon as we have an input, it’s trouble. Who are we to agree or disagree with any of these gedolim? We bacame very sure of ourselves and haugthy. No bittul
June 27, 2024 12:09 am at 12:09 am #2293292Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantI think the message here is that one should quote both opinions when discussing the issue. You can’t imagine Gemora written with just Beit Shammai, do you? Those who – knowingly – quote just one side – are not worthy discussing with.
June 27, 2024 12:09 am at 12:09 am #2293300emesayidParticipantI happen to be related to Rabbi mendelovitz and always held in high esteem many of his teachings .however I was also very close to the Satmar rov for many many years I feel is an absolutely disgrace in 2024 to quote Rabbi mendelowitz’s quotations if they were actually made by him. There is absolutely no comparison in greatness geoines and kedusha between Rabbi mendelowitz and the satmar rov. If some of those quotes are actually authentic and true it just comes to prove that he had a very restricted understanding of the greatness of the Satmar rav. In 1948 there were many many great Jewish leaders much greater than Rabbi mendelovitz that made the same mistake and thought that they had a grasp of the real situation that befell kllal yisroel. Like many great Jewish leaders at that time were hoping that The establishment of the Medina perhaps could develop to be a step closer to the end of the galus. However now in 2024 it is so evident that no one had the foresight that the Satmar rov had and none of the other great leaders were even remotely on the level of understanding of what transpired to Kllal Israel. Rabbi M. Thought that he has answers to refute Satmar rovs opinion. He wasn’t the only one that thought that thought there is another valid side to the coin all the doubts and all was finally answered in the monumental work of his safer Ve’Joel Moshe where he brings down many many of the different views and proves the fallacy within them. Bottom line as a relative of Rabbi M. I feel that it is a terrible dishonor to him to bring forth quotes that at that time were thought to have any validity to them and now all agree the opposite. My view and feeling is that all those that had any connection and authority to put those quotes in a book in today’s days have to go to his caver and ask for Mechila for quoting him in today’s days without his full permission to do so.
June 27, 2024 9:49 am at 9:49 am #2293359DaMosheParticipantemesayid: your profile was created over 15 years ago, and this was your first ever post. Why do I have the feeling that you’re a joseph alternate account?
Even if you’re not, why should we listen to you? Your post is based on a few things:
– Your opinion on comparing R’ Mendlowitz to the Satmar Rav
– Your opinion on R’ Mendlowitz’s understanding of the Satmar Rav
– Your claim that things are now “evident” which prove the Satmar Rav was right – without any proofThe fact that you claim to be related to R’ Mendlowitz is irrelevant.
June 27, 2024 9:49 am at 9:49 am #2293319HaKatanParticipantThe quotes are likely nonsense, regardless of in what book they appeared.
As emesayid pointed out, many people thought that the general political atmosphere conveyed a sign that Hashem was about to bring the geulah. The truth is that He was, except that people prayed for the Zionist State instead, so that’s what He gave them. So sad.June 27, 2024 1:06 pm at 1:06 pm #2293420DaMosheParticipantHaKatan, since you are obviously a Navi, knowing exactly what Hashem was going to do, please, tell us – what is the significance of the current climate in the world, since the Oct 7th attack?
June 27, 2024 1:06 pm at 1:06 pm #2293419simcha613ParticipantHaKatan- I mean, I think it’s clear that the Medina is bringing the geulah. The fact is, part of the geulah is kibbutz galuyos. And whatever the strength and weaknesses of the medina are, it’s is clear that they are facilitating a return to Eretz Yisroel to the point where almost half of world Jewry is now in Israel. That’s what kibbutz galuyos is. While it’s unclear from the sources whether Kibutz Galuyos has to be through miraculous means or teva, ultimately, kibbutz galuyos means a return of the Jewish people to Israel which is undeniably happening and facilitated by the Medina and its right of return. I can see no greater evidence of Atchalta LeGeulasa then that.
June 27, 2024 1:06 pm at 1:06 pm #2293393yankel berelParticipantThe multitude of Gdolei Yisrael did not agree with satmar rav .
They ALL saw and read Vayoel Moshe and still disagreed with him .
That should settle the matter.
.June 27, 2024 4:31 pm at 4:31 pm #2293447ChananiaLParticipantYou cannot unconditionally believe everything that is written in books. In this case, these stories probably reflect the biases of the author, Jonathan Rosenblum (who is a columnist for Mishpacha magazine), more than the actual opinions of Rav Mendlowitz zt”l.
June 27, 2024 4:31 pm at 4:31 pm #2293482yytzParticipantEveryone should read Reb Shraga Feivel’s biography. It’s moiradik.
Honestly, I don’t remember anything about Zionism from the biography. I loved it for other reasons.
Reb Shragal Feivel was very special and we can learn so much from him.
June 28, 2024 10:32 am at 10:32 am #2293522LerntminTayrahParticipantThe Satmar Rebbe zt”l certainly didn’t hold of everything in the Divrei Yoel, since he tried twice to settle in Eretz Yisroel and allowed municipal voting in 1955.
The Satmar Rebbe zt”l was one of many gedolim in that tekufa. there was no bas kol declaring him more authoritative than the other gedolim at that time. Certainly other gedolim can argue on him.June 30, 2024 1:11 am at 1:11 am #2293605smerelParticipant>>>You cannot unconditionally believe everything that is written in books. In this case, these stories probably reflect the biases of the author, Jonathan Rosenblum
The Hebrew book on RSFM, Shlichusa D’Rachmna, written for and by they type of crowd who would not approve of such an haskafa says very similar things. So did a Jewish Observer article written in the 1980s by a talmid of RSFM who remembered him saying such things
June 30, 2024 1:12 am at 1:12 am #2293652RightJewParticipant@emesayid – “none of the other great leaders were even remotely on the level of understanding of what transpired to Kllal Israel”.
These types of statements are really a type of “gadolatry” where the Satmar rav’s daas yachid opinion is supposed to override all the great rabbis that rejected the opinions of the Satmar rav.
The UN General Assembly in 1947 voted by a majority vote to allow a Jewish state in the Land of Israel.
The president of the U.S. placed the US embassy in Jerusalem.
The Jews never violated any imaginary halacha of the “three oaths”.
If Satmar Chassidim want to violate their imaginary halacha and rebel against the nations, that is their choice.
June 30, 2024 1:12 am at 1:12 am #2293655HaKatanParticipantsimcha613:
As they say in learning, “boich sevaras” are just that, all the more so when they go against the Torah.
The Brisker Rav stated that nothing can help Klal Yisrael other than fulfillment of the Torah. And the whole Zionist disaster has been extremely anti-Torah in numerous ways.Kibbutz galuyos does not mean Jews returning to E”Y against the Torah. And, as for your sevara’s logic, there is, of course, nothing stopping Hashem from ejecting all those Jews from the land. Many are anyways living in hotels, as it happens, thanks to the Zionists’ latest war and overall disaster. You could also say sevaras just the opposite of yours, because we say twice per day how Hashem said he will eject sinners from His land.
June 30, 2024 1:12 am at 1:12 am #2293656HaKatanParticipantAll the tired pro-Zionist nonsense is really pathetic.
“The Satmar Rav didn’t hold of his own Torah because he tried to live there and supposedly said to vote in municipal elections?” He never said you can’t live there (of course you could – as per the shevuos). Municipal elections have zero to do with “National” Elections. This is ridiculous.DaMoshe, I am of course not a navi, but both the Satmar Rav (on vaYechi, if memory serves) and Brisker Rav stated explicitly that Moshiach would have come back then if Jews had prayed for that instead of the idol State.
June 30, 2024 10:27 am at 10:27 am #2293773yankel berelParticipant@hakatan
The choice is NOT between “pro zionist nonsense” and satmar.The real choice is between satmar nonsense and a non zionist ,mainstream,level headed, common sense torah position, as supported by the overwhelming majority of gdolei yisrael from all types of communities across the board.
As evidenced by the many HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of erlihe yehudim who turn out en masse to vote in Israeli elections . Again and again.Ignoring these incontrovertible facts , is NOT going to make them disappear . But is giving your comments a clearly distasteful aftertaste.
July 1, 2024 12:17 pm at 12:17 pm #2293977SQUARE_ROOTParticipantAharon Sorasky was the author of Shelucha DeRachmana,
which is the Hebrew-language biography of
Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz.The following information about Aharon Sorasky was
copied from the WikiPedia article titled Aharon_Sorasky:===================================
Rabbi Sorasky was born on April 28, 1940, and is a Slonimer chossid.
He began his writing career with the Hamodia
and worked for the Netzach publishing company.He has been hired by several Hasidic courts
to write biographies about their rebbes.Rabbi Hanoch Teller wrote that “for decades, Rabbi Surasky
has established himself as the most eminent, reliable and
stylistically graceful biographer of our time–perhaps of all time.”Rabbi Teller also praises him as a
“serious talmid chacham and erudite scholar.”[1]Rabbi Simcha Wasserman praised him for his work, Ohr Elchonon,
about Rabbi Wasserman’s father, saying,
“Rabbi Aharon Sorasky, the distinguished author and scholar,
gathered and organized the material into a justly acclaimed
Ohr Elchonon in Hebrew. Its accurate portrayal of my father’s character,
accomplishents, and teachings is an eloquent tribute
to Rabbi Sorasky’s understanding and skill.”[4]Rabbi Gedalia Anemer, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva of Greater Washington,
called Rabbi Sorasky’s biography on Rabbi Yekusiel Yehuda Halberstam,
Lapid HaEsh, “an exceptional work which portrays the life of the great tzadik
and his many contributions to Klal Yisrael (the Jewish people).”[5]September 19, 2024 10:43 am at 10:43 am #2316389SQUARE_ROOTParticipantBesalel said:
In Igeret Teiman, Rambam clearly says The Three Oaths is a mashal that Shlomoh HaMelech, in his wisdom, invented in order to prevent future generations from falling prey to false messiahs. This is a direct quote:
ולפי שידע שלמה ע”ה ברוח הקודש שהאומה הזאת בארך זמן גלותם תפצר להתנועע בלא עתה הראויה ויאבדו בשביל זה ויבואו עליהם צרות והזהיר מלעשות זה והשביע האומה על דרך משל ואמר השבעתי אתכם בנות ירושלים בצבאות או באילות השדה אם תעירו ואם תעוררו את האהבה עד שתחפץ ואתם אחינו אהובינו קבלו עליכם שבועתו ואל תעירו את האהבה עד שתחפץ ובורא העולם במדת רחמים יזכור אותנו ואתכם לקבץ גליות נחלתו וחבלו לחזות בנועם ה’ ולבקר בהיכלו
After detailing the many false messiahs were able to prey on the vulnerable and suffering nation, Rambam writes that The Three Oaths is a mashal to convince us to be patient.
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