chaverim – AZ isn’t against marrying the boys off young. He never once said that. He agrees that marrying the boys off young will help the age gap. Also, I have heard that Rabbi Roberts assists his Talmidim during dating, gives Hadrocha, etc. That’s a very inportant fact to consider. On the other thread – people kept saying that the boys can’t date young because they are immature. Well, here’s a Rosh Hayeshiva encouraing his Bochurim to date young. And also making sure that they are prepared for marriage.
shaatra, I meant 19 (rarely), 20, 21… Not stalling till the boy’s 23, 24.
The crowd is normal yeshivish. The R”Y has the boys, if you know what I mean. The learning is not so intense. But they’re great boys. Nothing to do with boys not knowing how to learn AT ALL.
Belev Echad, I would NOT classify the boys there ‘farfrumt’. Especially not the bachurim. I would consider them more ‘worldyly yeshivish’. Are you looking for a bachur to go there or for someone married-the kollel part?
I dont know Rabbi Roberts but I know his brother. If he is anything like his brother than I would agree that he is most likely a genuinely nice sincere caring man and I would guess the bachurim are yeshivish but worldy and down to earth