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- This topic has 1,376 replies, 54 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 6 months ago by qwerty613.
August 18, 2023 6:48 pm at 6:48 pm #2217471qwerty613Participant
To Coffee Addict
What a coward. Using a reference that’s unfamiliar to me as an insult so that I can’t respond. You should know by now that I can take anything you dish out and give it back in spades. You and the other supposedly religious Jews had no shortage of Issurei Doraysa to accuse me of when I said I watched TV. Of call the charges were baseless. But now I’ll tell you what you’re guilty of. Sinas Chinam. Hating another Jew in your heart. Insulting a Ben Torah. Insulting an orphan I could go on. The difference between my claims and yours is that mine are all absolutely ironclad. And just to add to your perfidy, you attack me on RC Elul. I’ll let Hashem checkmate you. You’re a bigger atheist than the Lubavichers
At least they believe in god. Only problem is that their god is dead.August 19, 2023 11:42 pm at 11:42 pm #2217565CSParticipantThanks for the laughs!!
August 19, 2023 11:42 pm at 11:42 pm #2217572ujmParticipantNo Ben Torah watches TV.
August 19, 2023 11:43 pm at 11:43 pm #2217577EggMobParticipantMenachem Shmei,
For the Rebbe’s sake, can you please explain to me how we are supposed to understand the statement that the Rebbe is Atzmus melubash baguf?
(This is a serious, innocent, question. This is not a “trap”.)
August 19, 2023 11:50 pm at 11:50 pm #2217594n0mesorahParticipantHi, CS!!
Nice to catch you peeking in on us!
August 19, 2023 11:51 pm at 11:51 pm #2217597n0mesorahParticipantDear Egg,
Learn Tanya well and then the whole sicha.
It is really hard to be taught in this forum.
Though it was tried.
August 20, 2023 2:01 am at 2:01 am #2217607Menachem ShmeiParticipantEggMob,
Whenever I discussed this statement, all I did was bring sources from previous gedolim with similar statements. My goal was to show that it’s ridiculous when people shut off to Chabad because of “AZ” but they are ready to blindly accept the same ideas when quoted from anyone else.
I never attempted to explain the actual meaning of this, since it is a lengthy topic, as n0mesorah mentioned.
I suggest checking out the shiur of Rabbi YY Jacobson that I mentioned in post #2216858.
It is a long shiur, as is befitting such a topic. If you are indeed interested in understanding this, I would suggest you take the time to watch the entire thing.
August 20, 2023 3:54 am at 3:54 am #2217609qwerty613ParticipantTo ujm
Rav Yochanan said that every rule has an exception. By the way he was an Amora.That would be a Rabbi who expounds the Mishna. I never said I’m a Talmid Chacham A Ben Torah is someone who loves learning Torah. And I do.
August 20, 2023 3:57 am at 3:57 am #2217611☕️coffee addictParticipant“What a coward. Using a reference that’s unfamiliar to me as an insult so that I can’t respond. You should know by now that I can take anything you dish out and give it back in spades. You and the other supposedly religious Jews had no shortage of Issurei Doraysa to accuse me of when I said I watched TV. Of call the charges were baseless. But now I’ll tell you what you’re guilty of. Sinas Chinam. Hating another Jew in your heart. Insulting a Ben Torah. Insulting an orphan I could go on.“
You’re probably a ger and a kohein too
August 20, 2023 3:57 am at 3:57 am #2217612☕️coffee addictParticipant“I thought sure you’d answer my MO challenge but your silence speaks volumes. You obviously agree that being MO is perfectly valid and Sunday you’ll go online to price 90 inch TV’s.”
Haven’t really been following but you do you
Keep on n playing chess eventually you’ll win
August 20, 2023 3:58 am at 3:58 am #2217613qwerty613ParticipantTo ujm
Since you’re still trying to prove that any Jew with a TV is an atheist I decided to read your posting in 2008 on the subject. You presented a proclamation signed by many Choshuv Rabbonim. One name that didn’t appear is that of Rav Dovid Feinstein.Need I remind you that I’m a Lower East Sider and I follow his authority. As I said, by all means you should follow your Gedolim, but the question of TV is not black and white as it’s opponents would like to believe. Also let make it clear, the Feinsteins don’t have TV’s, but many east siders do. I’ll just add one point to the discussion. I see that there’s an addiction problem in the frum world with regard to viewing inappropriate materials. Regular TV(ie not cable) isn’t the cause of this problem.
August 20, 2023 9:22 am at 9:22 am #2217649AviraDeArahParticipantQwert, a large number of east side families send their kids to my yeshiva. None of them have televisions at home. Like any neighborhood, the east side has modern people, and yeshivish people. The advantage of that particular community is that the modern people have more of a connection with Torah jews, because that’s the kind of rabbonim who are in the area.
If you are wondering why rav dovid didn’t sign the kol koreh, i believe the answer is that he was exceedingly humble and might not have thought he belonged on the list.
My rebbe, rav belsky, was a prominent posek at the time of that kol koreh, but his name isn’t on there either. Yet he spoke about the evils of TV in yeshiva numerous times, and wrote a powerful haskama to a sefer about the prohibition of having/watching television, where he says “all of the gedolim of the previous generation screamed like cranes about televisions because of the great danger…”
Why didn’t rav belsky sign that particular kol koreh? Who knows. Maybe for the same reason as rav dovid. Why don’t you ask rav dovids son why he didn’t sign it, or what his shitah is, instead of assuming things? Only if you’re ready to accept the psak that is
August 20, 2023 9:23 am at 9:23 am #2217663ARSoParticipantqwerty, as you constantly mention that you are close to the Feinstein family, and you seem to consider them Daas Torah, why don’t you ask R Reuven about TVs, as opposed to your local Rabbi?
August 20, 2023 10:51 am at 10:51 am #2217693ujmParticipantqwerty: Does Rav Moshe Feinstein have enough Lower East Side credibility in your eyes?:
Torah Analysis of Television
1 Nisan 5735
See the Rambam z”l in Hilchos Avodah Zarah, Ch. 2, Halacha 2 who explains the prohibition to read books which have material relating to avodah zarah (idol worship) and also that it is prohibited to see the pictures in them, for the verse says “Do not turn to false gods,” even if are not turning to worship them, but just to see them (as we find in Toras Kohanim on Kedoshim). After this he writes as follows: “Regarding this it says ‘Lest you investigate their gods and ask how did the other nations serve [their gods]. You should not ask about the way they served, in which manner was it, even though you are not doing that service yourself. [Asking these questions] causes you to turn to [these activities] and to do like the did as it says [in the Torah] ‘I will also do as they did'”.
We can learn from [the words of the Rambam] to all types of sins. If a person begins to interest himself in them to know what they are, in the end he will be dragged after them and rebel against the Holy One Blessed is He, may G-d protect us.
And now what can we say regarding the impure monster called “television”? On it, the eye can see all the abominations in the world (idol worship, sexual perversion, murder, etc) with total explicit detail of the actions and the people committing them. Coupled with this there is intense propoganda and shocking motivation to live a life of debauchery and lawlessness and to throw off the yoke [of Heaven] Gd forbid. The Satan dances there, for it gives him a great power to draw people Gd forbid.
It is incredibly obvious that watching that impure device is a great danger to a person’s entire Judaism. Even a person who only watches occassionally has already cooled down his faith and his fear of Heaven G-d forbid. Someone who accustoms himself to watch it has emptied himself from any shred of faith or fear of Heaven and all the good inside of him. He has turned himself and destroyed his praises G-d forbid.
It is already well known in the world from experience that a person who puts his eyes on this impure device will turn into a evil person who throws off the yoke [of Heaven] G-d forbid. One who desires to guard his soul will distance himself from this, for in the end it will make him foul, for it is destruction.
Now we have heard that there are some people who strictly observe the laws of Torah and they themselves – as well as their older children – would never enjoy G-d forbid watching this impure device. However, they allow their young children to visit neighbors and to watch there (or they do not rebuke their children for going over to watch). They say “He is only a child, he is playing around. This device will not harm him.”
The truth is this is a grave mistake which could be considered willful [disobedience of G-d’s commands]. Really, it is the exact opposite. For children, the danger is doubled and redoubled. The desire to be curious and explore ([as the Torah says] “I will do like them”) is very powerful for children. (A child’s entire development and the way he lives his life is primarily based on this desire to do like other people do). When a child sees every kind of misdeed it is like “education” and “instruction” that he should also act this way. Additionally, a young person etches everything he sees clearly into his imagination (specifically what he sees when he is excited). These images will be etched into his memory for his entire life so that even if he merits to cling to the Torah in a place of Torah, nevertheless his soul and his Judaism will bear the bitterness of those abominable images which are engraved upon his memory just like life. This will cause him to be confused in his faith and bring shocking challenges upon him Gd forbid.
There is no doubt that there parents have a great requirement to supervise their children carefully so they should not have any contact or any glimpse of this impure device in order to save them from destruction.
In the merit of doing this, they will merit to see their children and their childrens children who learn Torah and keep the commandments. They will enjoy much nachas of holiness and in everything they turn to they will be successful for good and for blessing.
We wrote and sign for the sake of the Holy Torah and hope for mercy from Heaven and for the complete redemption soon in our days.
Rav Yaakov Yisroel Kanievsky (the Steipler)
Rav Elazar Menachem Man Shach
Rav Moshe Feinstein
Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky
March 13, 1975
August 20, 2023 10:54 am at 10:54 am #2217706qwerty613ParticipantTo YWN moderator (s)
I was in shul yesterday and the Rov told me, “This is the most informative thread I’ve ever read in my life.” You guys are doing a great job of allowing both sides to present their positions.To Avira
Having reviewed the list of signatories I noticed a notable absence. That would be Rabbi Miller. This gives credence to my contention that he wasn’t regarded as a Godol. Now I certainly agree that he was a great man but Godol is special territory.To Rabbi Menachem Shmei
Now that you’re back on the Rebbe is god kick here’s my question.,”Do you believe that he’s the one who created the world or is he just the one who now runs the world? Don’t try your stock, study the Sicha answer on me. When I was a kid in MTJ I had my first farherrem. The Rabbi asked me a question and I told him that I know the answer but I can’t explain it He told me if you can’t explain it you don’t know it.August 20, 2023 11:00 am at 11:00 am #2217711qwerty613ParticipantTo Avira
As you correctly stated the East Side has both a Yeshivish and modern element. The Yeshivish faction certainly doesn’t watch TV, but the modern does.And you know what? We all get along and respect each other. As for your suggestion that R Dovid was too humble to sign that’s a Doche answer and you know it. Rav .osne signed the original Kol Koreh and we’ll both agree that he was exceedingly humble.To ARSo
Rav Reuvein and I used to live on the same building, before he moved to SI. I consider him a friend as well as a Rov because he’s a beautiful person. Let me share an incident. Rav Reuvein used to daven at the 7,am minyan on Shabbos at the Bialystoker. I was coming downstairs to go to shul and he was ready to walk upstairs.He saw a mechallel Shabbos woman about to take the elevator. Did he give her Mussar? Did he shun her? No they
spoke cordially to each other for about five minutes. I know you guys feel the need to impose your Flatbush elitist attitude on me, but my approach to Yiddishkeit is within the bounds of Halacha. On the other hand you’ll have to answer to Hashem for the lies you invented when you tried to prove I’m a goy for having a TV. Remember Eilu VEilu Divrei Elokim Dude.August 20, 2023 1:12 pm at 1:12 pm #2217730AviraDeArahParticipantWe say eilu veilu regarding Torah opinions. There has not been one gadol on record as saying that television is acceptable. Period. You’re free to ask any established posek you want, but don’t be fooled by charlatan rabbis with big synagogues who darshen up the new york times every week to their audience of mostly secular jews.
August 20, 2023 1:18 pm at 1:18 pm #2217731AviraDeArahParticipantOf course there are legitimate kiruv rabbis with such followings, just there are plenty of yeshiva drop outs too.
August 20, 2023 1:22 pm at 1:22 pm #2217733qwerty613ParticipantTo Avira and ARSo
I apologize for the incendiary time of my last post. I should know better it’s Elul. If you pay attention to my posts you’ll see that I never suggested that one should have a TV. I never challenged the Kol Koreh. The fact is that a significant percentage of obsevant Jews do watch TV. If you want to think that you’re a better Jew than me I couldn’t care less. I follow Halacha and I’ve been told unequivocally that watching TV is not in violation of the Torah. Let’s put an end to this dispute and focus on
the real issue, editedAugust 20, 2023 1:40 pm at 1:40 pm #2217751Menachem ShmeiParticipantQwery,
Something about you that I actually admire is that you seem to have a uniquely close and personal connection to your rabbanim, with a very open relationship where you take guidance for many aspects of your life.
Not everyone is so lucky.
August 20, 2023 1:40 pm at 1:40 pm #2217753Menachem ShmeiParticipantThe Rabbi asked me a question and I told him that I know the answer but I can’t explain it He told me if you can’t explain it you don’t know it.
עס ווענט זיך וואו מ’רעדט
Many (most?) sugyos in Torah demand lots of background and discussion in order to understand properly. The CR is not very conducive to this.
I would gladly give you a two hour shiur on the subject, but the anonymity of the forum prevents this.
Therefore, if you actually care to understand, I suggest you listen to the informative and clear English shiur by Rabbi Jacobson that I mentioned earlier.
August 20, 2023 2:42 pm at 2:42 pm #2217780qwerty613ParticipantTo Avira
The Rov who said it’s alright for me to watch TV is a respected .ember of the Feinstein family. I’m not at liberty to give any more information. He knows me for almost 60 years. He saw my transformation from basic nothingness religiously to who I am today. Why are you so obstinate? You’ve convinced yourself that you’re saving me, but the truth is that you can’t deal with the thought that a legitimate Torah Jew can watch TV. My assumption is that it violates Rabbi Miller’s doctrine.
August 20, 2023 2:46 pm at 2:46 pm #2217782qwerty613ParticipantTo Rabbi Menachem Shmei
Every once in a while you say something that makes it hard for me to hate you. I’m just kidding. As noted I daven in a Chabad shul(I no longer live on the LES) and we get along great. You know why? Because they’re nice and I’m nice. And I sense that you’re also a good guy. I’m obligated to challenge you because I believe Chabad is idolatry, but there’s no personal animosity on my part. Sadly I can’t say the same for the Yeshivish lynch mob that wants to tar and feather me for doing something that I’ve proven is within the bounds of Halacha. I can’t resist taking this shot. If you want to have a relationship with a living Rabbi you know what you have to do. The truth will hurt at first, but ultimately the truth will set you free. FtAugust 20, 2023 2:46 pm at 2:46 pm #2217785n0mesorahParticipantThe Yeshivshe Velt is not 100% TV free. Which is weird. Some choshuve houses never got rid of their TV. Anyways the battle is over. TV is no longer a mass casualty issue. Those that have TV either know how to manage, or have bigger problems to solve first.
August 20, 2023 2:46 pm at 2:46 pm #2217792ARSoParticipantqwerty: “Dude”
I was a pretty good chess player in my time, and I used to know all the correct terminology, but “Dude” is something I am unfamiliar with. Could you please explain?
August 20, 2023 5:46 pm at 5:46 pm #22178025783ParticipantI have a question for all the Lubavitchers do you believe that Hashem is still מולבש in your rebbes body after death because that would be נמנע הנמנעות ממש if hashem is עפרא לפומיא in a body that body can’t be dead ק״ו from a נשמה that when it’s מלובש in the body the body has to be alive כ״ש the חי החיים himself if he’s עפ״ל מלובש in a body that body has to be alive
August 20, 2023 5:49 pm at 5:49 pm #2217810qwerty613ParticipantTo n0mesorah
I think Moshiach must be near because you just made a reasonable comment. There’s absolutely no reason to argue about this subject as you said.
As Rabbi Shmei noted, I do have an excellent relationship with my Rabbonim(LES and Brooklyn.) I definitely show them respect, because they’re Talmidei Chachamim and I’m not(not even close), but they also value my opinion. I write a weekly Dvar Torah which is very well accepted because I write well but also because I know how to use my Treif(rock music and sports) influences to flavor my work. I’m quite aware that I’m unconventional but I treat Yiddeishkeit with the utmost gravity. By the way, you never explained how you knew about my Hey Jude remark since that post wasn’t printed. My hunch is that you’re one of the moderators, but that’s just a guess. Here’s my new catchphrase, “You’re on the clock.” I think they used that during the Bobby Fischer Boris Spassky match.
August 20, 2023 5:51 pm at 5:51 pm #2217822AviraDeArahParticipantI know stories of people being told by rabbonim that they can use a TV in extreme circumstances; whatever you were told has zero bearing on a public forum, where the halacha lemaysoh for everyone else is that it’s assur.
Ask this rov if you should be posting that it’s allowed in general, or if you should have stipulated that YOU were given a heter based on your circumstances.
Drug addicts are told that they can use their phones to call their sponsors on shabbos; does that mean that “using a phone is allowed on Shabbos?”
It’s like what you quoted from the kiruv rabbi earlier; “just being a role model” is the rabbinic function for a kiruv rabbi, but you made it out to be as if it’s what every rov is everywhere. Same thing here – even if you received such a heter, it does not mean that the thing is permitted for anyone else, and it’s your responsibility not to teach others to do as you do when they are not under whatever circumstances you are.
August 20, 2023 5:52 pm at 5:52 pm #2217832CSParticipantBecause someone was glad to see me peeping in, I’ll give my answer again to the old old question which I
must’ve answered before (and this time you can keep it on file for the future if you find it helpful.)Here’s how a simple Lubavitcher understood that The Rebbe is atzmus umehus areingeshtelt in a guf gashmi:
Every one of us has a Neshama which is (at the core of its core- yechida) a chelek Eloka mimaal mamash (Tanya Perek Beis.)
However, most of us operate on a lower level of soul for the most part:
Nefesh- action
Ruach- emotion
Neshama- intellectualThese take up the vast majority of our lives. Sometimes we get a bit of a Chaya- Emuna or Yechida- one with Hashem (usually brought out with mesirus nefesh where one feels it is impossible to separate from Hashem.) moments.
However, A Rebbe lives in tune with the deepest part of his Neshama- yechida lyechidcha at all times. He is a proper G-dly ambassador every moment of the day (which is who all Yidden are at our core.)
(There’sa sicha in 5751-5752 where The Rebbe says the metzius of every Jew is Atzmus umehus.
That’s the understanding of a simple young
Lubavitcher. Menachem Shmei added other mekoros- it’s not solely a Lubavitcher thing. The endAugust 20, 2023 5:54 pm at 5:54 pm #2217882qwerty613ParticipantI think I have a way to put a bow on this entire t
thread. The anti TV’ers are really no different than the Rebbe is goders. Each believes what they’ve been told by their Rabbis and they feel that they must defend that position at all costs. To Menachem Shmei’s credit, he’s able to understand that I have a healthy relationship with my Rabbonim in which we listen to each other and learn from each other. Unfortunately the black hatters are so dogmatic that anyone who veers from their concept of how a Jew must act is labeled off the derech. I’m resigned to fact that neither group will budge. Maybe the smartest person was Neville who bowed out early. I am glad that I
got involved because I never would have known that it was the Rebbe who declared that he’s god. R”L.August 20, 2023 5:54 pm at 5:54 pm #2217884CSParticipantThere are better questions to ask than making an issue out of nothing. For example I’d love to ask our learned Lubavitchers, keeping in mind last shabbos, it’s been asked on the CR how can there be a navi in chutz laaretz if a navi can only receive nevuah in Eretz Yisrael? Since I’m not very learned I haven’t come across the answer yet. I’d love to be enlightened.
August 20, 2023 5:55 pm at 5:55 pm #2217885CSParticipantAlso I will say, that my drive to get to the bottom of Moriah min hameisim issue started in the cr several years ago. I shared that newfound knowledge recently (as Avira can attest) on a different thread here recently… so I owe the cr my gratitude. Thanks!
August 20, 2023 5:56 pm at 5:56 pm #2217887qwerty613ParticipantTo Avira
I’d just make one slight but important correction to what you wrote morning. You said that the East Side is a community in which the MO’s associate with Torah Jews becuse of tje type of Rabbonim who are there. The Diyuk of your statement is that the MO’s arent Torah Jews. There are two types of MO’s in the neighborhood. Some are like me, fully observant the whole 9 yards ok take off a few inches for having a TV. Then there are MO’swho are Karov to irreligious. The Rabbonim get along with everyone even the open Mechallels but as for someone like me they treat us as equals. We don’t advocate hating Jews as you feiner Yidden do. Think about it. Of course you won’t.
August 20, 2023 5:56 pm at 5:56 pm #2217891CSParticipantAnd was it CA or Daas Yochid who were shocked I could use the word partners in reference to us and Hashem? And sechel hayashar told me off too- he apparently has never come across such language? I’m telling you, when I learned the most geshmake maamar of the mitteler Rebbe recently, and was delving into the refreshing waters of that relationship- I thought of the cr too, with irony…
Just a few regards..
August 20, 2023 6:55 pm at 6:55 pm #2217913☕️coffee addictParticipant“The anti TV’ers are really no different than the Rebbe is goders. Each believes what they’ve been told by their Rabbis and they feel that they must defend that position at all costs.”
And qwerty is no different than a tzeduki who thinks he knows better than “a bunch of rabbis”
“And was it CA or Daas Yochid who were shocked I could use the word partners in reference to us and Hashem?“
It for sure wasn’t me, we are partners in regards to making a child so I wouldn’t be “shocked” if that was said
August 20, 2023 7:16 pm at 7:16 pm #2217924AviraDeArahParticipantRe, how rabbonim treat people: i work with MO families on a constant basis. I treat them like jews, because that’s what they are; beloved children of Hashem. I place no importance whatsoever on their affiliation; i am there to do my job and to teach Torah. That’s what the rabbonim you know do too; i would treat you like an equal as well, because i treat every jew that way – now i might talk differently to uneducated jews who don’t understand Hebrew, and I’ll speak differently with my yeshiva friends, because they’re from that world, but the level of respect is the same across the board .
So if you’ve come far enough that people talk to you like yeshivishe baalei batim, great for you! Kol hakavod; it’s a sign of accomplishment.
August 20, 2023 7:56 pm at 7:56 pm #2217935EggMobParticipantShmei,
Thanks. I’ve downloaded the lecture and plan on listening to it.
In the meantime, can you answer this: does Chabad chasidus consider “atzmus umahus” to literally mean “essence and being/makeup (of G-d)” or does it refer to something less, or more metaphorical?August 20, 2023 7:57 pm at 7:57 pm #2217939ujmParticipantqwerty:
Please see my post #2217693 above (approximately 22 posts above this one, though it may be more by time this post is approved.) It was posted at 10:51 AM today, on this same page of this thread.
It addresses Rav Feinstein zt’l and his position on television.
August 20, 2023 7:57 pm at 7:57 pm #2217940Menachem ShmeiParticipantTo Menachem Shmei’s credit, he’s able to understand… Unfortunately the black hatters are so dogmatic
I hope you don’t mind, but I’m gonna share a little secret:
Technically, I’m a black hatter too!August 20, 2023 9:01 pm at 9:01 pm #22179495783ParticipantTo cs the Tanya doesn’t mean part of Hashem himself it means a part of אצילות as it itself explaines.other Sforim both חב״ד and others do go further and say that בשורש every נשמה comes from hashem himself meaning that it was once נכלל completely in hashem but once it comes down to this world in a body it’s not נכלל in hashem anymore at the most it could reatain the level of אצילות if he’s a צדיק גמור as it explaines in תניא and could even be נכלל in אור אין סוף but under no circumstance can it be נכלל in hashem himself because hashem can’t be מלובש in a body or in anything גשמיות because that would have an affect on hashem and hashem can’t change. By the way if you look in תניא פרק ב׳ he brings from the אריז״ל that hashem is not even מלובש in רוחניות not even in חכמה דאצילות hashems only מלובש in the highest level of אור אין סוף when it’s still “in him” before it comes out to “shine” on the world. So if the Lubavitcher really meant that only אור אין סוף is מלובש in his גוף that would be one thing however if he meant hashem ממש the way some Lubavitchers explain and when they pray they have in mind hashem the way hes מלובש in mm”s than that’s מינות and ע״ז. Sometimes ספרים say עצמות but it really means אור אין סוף as those ספרים usualy explain.
August 20, 2023 10:20 pm at 10:20 pm #2217953n0mesorahParticipantDear Egg,
I don’t think that literal versus metaphorical is the correct prism for this field of study.
August 20, 2023 10:20 pm at 10:20 pm #2217954n0mesorahParticipantDear Qwerty,
I agree with you on not hating Jews. I advocate that the same applies to Chabad.
August 20, 2023 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm #2217955Menachem ShmeiParticipantI’ve downloaded the lecture and plan on listening to it.
Great! Let us know your thoughts. I haven’t listened to it in a while, so I’ll need to relisten.
Again, if I remember correctly, he doesn’t specifically mention the vort of the Rebbe. He gives a comprehensive overview on the matter as it is brought throughout Torah.does Chabad chasidus consider “atzmus umahus” to literally mean “essence and being/makeup (of G-d)”
To the best of my knowledge, yes. Something along those lines.
August 20, 2023 10:22 pm at 10:22 pm #2217956n0mesorahParticipantDear Cs,
Think of nevuah like a flame in a fireplace. If you take it outside on a thin wick, it will go out unless you keep it enclosed from the elements. Though if you take out a coal, it would still be lit. The coal may flare up if certain forces act on it. But light an incendiary device and it will explode no matter were it goes.
Once we are back on prophecy, I would like to point out that The Chinuch in yesterday’s parsha on the mitzva of listening to a true prophet (516) writes that this mitzva applies at any time a prophet is found among us. Nothing about zman hamikdash as he writes in other places.
August 20, 2023 10:22 pm at 10:22 pm #2217957Menachem ShmeiParticipantwhen they pray they have in mind hashem the way hes מלובש in mm”s
Should I point out again that this is not true? That I don’t know a single Lubavitcher like this?
You may be confusing with going to the ohel and asking the Rebbe to intercede on our behalf from Hashem, which is allowed/encouraged by poskim as I’ve mentioned in previous posts.
But when a Lubavitcher davens shmone esrei, they don’t have in mind the Rebbe.
No matter how many times this lie is repeated, it will not change the metzius.August 20, 2023 10:22 pm at 10:22 pm #2217958n0mesorahParticipantDear Avira,
You overshot the target here. The TV isn’t the problem. The content is. No comparison to using a phone on Shabbos.
August 20, 2023 10:22 pm at 10:22 pm #2217959n0mesorahParticipantDear Cs,
You put all that into one short post. Well done!
August 20, 2023 10:23 pm at 10:23 pm #2217960n0mesorahParticipantDear 5783,
“however if he meant hashem ממש the way some Lubavitchers explain and when they pray they have in mind hashem the way hes מלובש in mm”s than that’s מינות and ע״ז.”
And such thinking can be found in all segments of society. What is the issue? It is inconsistent to use the Rambam’s high bar for true belief, but reject the Rambam’s assessment that not everybody will get there.
August 20, 2023 10:23 pm at 10:23 pm #2217961LostsparkParticipantQWERTY: I have a simple question, did the “idolatry” take hold in ChaBaD before or after ג Tammuz?
August 20, 2023 11:30 pm at 11:30 pm #2217979qwerty613ParticipantTo n0mesorah
I never said a word about hating Chabad. I am simply protesting its theology. As I see it, to believe that the Ribono Shel Olam is a dead Rabbi is idolatry. If I’m wrong time will tell. As I’ve made clear I daven with Lubavichers and get along great with them. By the way, I think you’re right about Menachem Shmei. He is a decent fellow. And thanks for backing me up on the TV issue. Did Avira compare my watching TV to using a phone on Shabbos, or did I misunderstand your reference? I really had no idea that Jews could have such intense, visceral hatred for other Jews, and for absolutely no reason. This is the epitome of Sinas Chinam, but haters, by definition, are irrational.
To Lostspark
If, as has been reported in this thread, the Rebbe announced that he was god in 1962, then he made himself an idol at that moment. Now go ahead and take your shot at me. I’ve told the moderators not to hold anything back.
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