In which thread was it that we got into a (probably off-topic) discussion about the Halachos of men not walking behind women? I have something I want to post on the topic, and I can’t find it!
Is there an easier way to search for things. I tried several ways, but I still can’t find it!
The Tzitz Eliezer (9:50 – citing the Terumat HaDeshen is meikal as today women commonly walk in the street. Similarly, the Levush (Likutei Minahgim 36) defends the practice in his time of mixed seating at weddings by saying that being that men and women do business together (already over 400 years ago) men do not consider being in the presence of women a big deal. In my experience, in the centers of cities it is not possible as a practical matter to completely refrain from walking behind a women.
Avi K – at a wedding a LOT of frum people have mixed seating and then for dancing its separate. thats the way it will probably be at my wedding also depending on who i marry h’h.