Especially was the wrong word. But you point it out well. It is the man with the mitzvah. And if the woman is a gentile then the baby is a gentile. So aside from the terrible aveiros of living with her, any births aren’t fruitful and multiplying the Jewish people.
Kol mitzvah shene’emar v’lo nishneis, l’yisroel ne’emra. ex. Gid hanasheh. Pru Urvu is to klal Yisroel. There is another possuk in Mishlei, “lo sohu bra’ah, lasheves yetzarah” which may apply to women, avadim and goyim. These are extended sugyos in Gittin (ch 4), Yevamos ch 4), and Bava Basra 13a, among other places.
I would say, Hilchesa k’Joseph, v’lav mitaamei.