Put Donald Trump on the Rock

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  • #1835702

    Our great and benevolent President of the United States, the Honorable Donald John Trump, ought to be added to Mount Rushmore. Our nation owes a deep sense of gratitude for his highly effective and widely admired presidency and administration. Perhaps in the entirety of American history we haven’t yet seen such a powerful and righteous management of our fruited plains, from sea to shining sea.

    And while carving our leader into the rocks may take a number of years to accomplish due to its technical complexity, what we can immediately implement is a renaming of JFK airport to the Donald J. Trump International Airport (the new call letters will be DJT). This will demonstrate our nation’s gratitude to our national leader and builder, who also serves as the Leader of the Free World.

    May G-d Bless the United States of America!

    Reb Eliezer

    Joseph, you right. He is like rock without any feelings for others who only cares for himself.


    One can not judge a political leader until he is dead. Warren Harding was at his death hailed as a great president and much beloved, and within a few years he was is such disgrace that no one would attend a dedication for a memorial to him. Harry Truman was seen as a gigantic failure when he left office, and today is probably seen as the greatest president of the second half of the 20th century.

    If Trump is remembered as the person whose rude speech led to American becoming a communist dictatorship, he will not be fondly remembered. His trade and immigration policies may save us from a pandemic, and boost working class wages, but in the long run my cripple growth.

    Time will tell.

    Reb Eliezer

    יחזקאל פרק לו
    וַהֲסִ֨רֹתִ֜י אֶת־לֵ֤ב הָאֶ֙בֶן֙ מִבְּשַׂרְכֶ֔ם וְנָתַתִּ֥י לָכֶ֖ם לֵ֥ב בָּשָֽׂר:



    Someone in Monsey

    The same sentiments were expressed about Ronald Reagan. While both Reagan and Trump were and are great presidents, it’s better not to idolize them.

    ☕️coffee addict


    Why stop there? Change the dollar bill of choice


    CA: We should reintroduce the $500 and $1000 bills. Reagan on the $500 and Trump on the $1000.

    ☕️coffee addict


    People don’t usually see 500 or 1000 dollar bills and we would want trump to get as much exposure as possible to annoy the liberals (and they will probably destroy their bills)


    To honor him they should replace the Statue of Liberty with a Trump Casino. When immigrants arrive they’ll see the true America. Bright flashing lights and gamblers being loaded with alcohol so they don’t care as they lose thier paychecks.


    I am in favor of putting Donald Trump on Alcatraz………..”the Rock”

    Lock him in a cell and throw away the key


    Mount Rushmore is bad enough as it is.


    Akuperma, I would argue that, without taking anything away from Truman who was, in hindsight, a much better President that the Republicans made him out to be, the greatest President of the latter half of the 20th century is Ronald Reagan.

    Joe, get you hammer and chisel and head out to South Dakota. I’ll pack you sandwiches.


    Wow! There sure are a lot of cold callouse people on this thread. Shocking! And you call yourself Reb? Shame! What stupididy and lack of decency!


    its interesting to watch who are his opponents.
    the man is a true leader staying focused on one thing- making America great again. just name anyone who does not care about himself and I have a bridge I want to sell you

    Reb Eliezer

    Your president is incompetent. He lies so much that we don’t know when he is telling the truth. The stock market feels like me.
    Reb by us is not a special title. Everyone married gets this title. We don’t call elderly people, especially over 70, by their first name. Calling them by their first name encourages the coming of Meshiach when the young will not respect the elderly. Mareinu Horav is a special title. The Rav who paskens is called Mare Mareinu Horav.

    Reb Eliezer

    When it comes to respect the whole american culture is questionable. In the English language there is no word for respect. The word ‘you’ is not respectful, thou is old fashion and the third person speech is clumsy.


    Reb Eliezer, thou make thy point exceedingly well, something Herr Joseph immensely finds favour with.

    Reb Eliezer

    Joseph, are you British as you spell favor?


    “Thou” is only seen as more respectful because it is the archaic singular form that some Christians use in their prayers.


    CTL like communists wants to the President in jail for no reason other than he’s upset his party isn’t in power.

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