Purim on friday/ Motza

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Purim on friday/ Motza

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  • #2376113

    Here in Golders Green London
    When iron is on Friday, e continue on Motza Shabbos.
    Houses open and groups go round.

    Do you have that in the USA or anywhere else as well?
    I’d yes to what extent

    ☕️coffee addict

    Different communities have different minhagim

    The more chassidish the more they do

    Is there a mekor for not saying tachnun on Sunday (today)?
    Arts roll and the Ezras Torah luach don’t mention anything


    Don’t drink and post


    Hi Mate!
    Splendid to meet a British bloke.
    In USA we speak English properly.
    I’d be glad to teach you, honestly.
    ‘Bye, then!

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