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    Help! I got it in my ear!!!! deep deep inside and it killllssss!!! bad enuf all over my scalp and s/t on my face! I just recently got struck (not genetic) it came from s/t else but its not going away and i just went to a derm. and that was right b4 the ear thing came and im not driving him nuts. Any advice? i’m in agony! 🙁


    if your derm didnt do anything to help you then try another derm. you are not married to the doctor (unless your spouse is a dr).

    thats my policy. you can try others .

    tomim tihye

    Do drive him nuts.

    Refuah Sh’leima!

    Be Happy

    Yam Hamelech -It works!


    My problem is I got cream for my scalp and skin but I can’t put it into my ear cuz its too deep. I’m going to my regular physician I’ll ask her but Idk if she’ll know. Any other suggestions though? I sorta can’t go to the yam hamelech y’know i live in America and its not worth a 2000$ ticket when I can do s/t else. I did hear it worx for ppl tho but mine isn’t regular=not genetic. Thanx though!


    mischiefmaker -All these diseases are treated step wise, which I’m sure you didn’t know. Take the time, since you’re on the net anyways and research your disease. I believe you’re at the stage for the next step. What the next step is will depend on your Derm. If you really are in a lot of pain, get an appt. ASAP with your Derm. In the meantime take Ibuprofen for the pain. Your PCP won’t treat your psoriasis because you are already seeing a specialist.

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