over 25 years ago, the taxpayers of Massachusetts passed a ballot initiative, Proposition 2 1/2, based on the California property tax limitation initiative.
Our property taxes are still high, but limited to 2.5% of the actual value of the house, and total town taxes can not go up more than 2.5% per year, not including taxes from new property.
Our taxes are high, but limited, and without this initiative, we would probably be in the same bad situation as New Jersey.
On a 2-family home that’s probably worth about $800k, we pay about $9500/year.
Out of all the taxes, I mind paying this the least. For this money, the children of our town get an excellent public education, the police come when called, and the fire department is there whenever there’s a fire. The trash gets picked up regularly. If these things disappeared or didn’t work, my life would be much worse for it.