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  • #614515

    Here’s a few ideas on how to make YWN an even better place than it is already. I suggest to mods that they grant this thread stickiness.

    1. Have a news tidbits column briefly listing the news from the past week.

    2. Articles unrelated to news (=random videos, halacha and safety articles, etc.) shouldn’t take up space on the home page, but rather have their own section.

    3. CR should have ‘troll’ and ‘I’m bored’ sections, plus ‘instant coffee’ and ‘brewed coffee,’ the idea being that some threads are realer than others, having been deliberately thought out and cultivated, and deserve more attention.

    4. As I already said once, you should be able to post on posters’ profiles, and

    5. Send them private messages which don’t end up as threads.


    I forgot to mention that threads should be able to be in more than one section.


    You really want people posting on your profile?


    1. I agree that that would be nice.

    2. Such sections probably wouldn’t be updated often

    enough to motivate people to check it themselves.

    3. Trolls would not use a section designated for them, and this whole “bored” is just that. I think threads generally get at least as much attention as they deserve.

    4/5. The general inability to contact another poster about something that isn’t a thread topic without posting in a thread is annoying. However, I don’t know if bbPress even

    supports private messages or profile messages, and I highly

    doubt the mods want the burden of deciding whether specific

    private communications are safe.

    Perhaps there should be a stickied thread for non-topical messages,

    and everyone would check to see if anyone had

    left a message for them every once in a while.


    7. On the main page, it should say who started the thread,

    8. It should say when the thread was started.


    7. Strongly agree.

    8. Moderately agree.

    Don’t bet on it happening, though.


    Don’t bet on it happening, though.

    It happened.


    The bet would probably have been up before it did, though. : )

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