Pro-Palestinians Nearly Killed a Jew today in Manhattan

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  • #1973489

    This is what we get from democrat “both sides” narrative. You voted for this.


    I can’t wait for the hashtag of stopjewishhate on all social media and gaming platforms. Hello, youtube?

    Sam Klein

    This will always happen worldwide. What are you so surprised about? Have you ever heard of the famous line EISAV SONEI ES YAAKOV? This will continue and never stop until we do serious teshuva and Mashiach comes


    No such thing as “pro palestinian” . No one cares for this group, But it’s a cover for anti Israel bigotry or more often even worse: anti Jewish-racism.


    you see that’s why g-d invented guns!! so you can defend yourself! if more Jews carried guns non of this would be happening

    emes nisht sheker

    Israel has a modern army yet Hamas still attacks.

    Not saying not to have guns, but don’t assume it will solve the problems.


    >Israel has a modern army yet Hamas still attacks.
    Not saying not to have guns, but don’t assume it will solve the problems.<

    That’s because they are not using their guns enough.
    Terrorist-funding Joe wouldn’t be happy if they did.


    ENS -“Israel has a modern army yet Hamas still attacks.
    Not saying not to have guns, but don’t assume it will solve the problems.”

    Well the Lib Israel created their own problems.
    But I still have mercy on Israeli & Palestinian citizens.
    Why in the world would Israel give up Gaza, West Bank to the Arabs?!?

    Peace is created by Actions, Not words! (Oslo agreement.)
    I still don’t understand why Israel abandoned the Xitians in South Lebanon.
    It Didn’t create peace, just another Front for a War!


    Thanks to social media everything nowadays is either a trend or created Into a big deal on a large scale. There have never been such huge numbers at these protests and it ls honestly a little alarming. Especially after the whole lockdown year people are frustrated and will use any excuse to go outside and exert energy especially for ‘humane” labeled causes.

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