President Trump Releases Jonathon Pollard From Parole to go to Israel

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee President Trump Releases Jonathon Pollard From Parole to go to Israel

  • This topic has 24 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by ujm.
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    Yasher Koach Mr. President for selflessly going out of your way, with no political or other gain for yourself, to help a frum Yid. As you’ve done so many times over your presidency as well as you’ve done over many decades before you entered politics throughout your career and lifetime.

    The Jewish People are eternally thankful for your lifetime of friendship and giving.


    His parole expired. Trump didn’t do anything.

    Reb Eliezer

    People asked for it including myself.


    Attorney General William Barr could have extended the parole and was expected to do so. But the President and Attorney General decided to end the parole.


    So thank Bill Barr.


    UJM: NO ONE “expected” Barr to extend Pollard’s parole and he had already indicated that he was disinclined to do so, notwithstanding opposition from some of the intelligence community lawyers.


    Yidden have been begging presidents since Bill Clinton through George W. Bush through Barack Obama to ease off Pollard’s punishment. All have refused. It took a Donald Trump to have the courage to overrule the “intelligence community” and help a Yid.

    Just as The Donald has done for numerous other Yidden.


    Trump had nothing to do with this; neither did Barr. It was the US Parole Commission which interestingly consists of two Democrats even after four years of Trump.


    Selling information is not something to be proud of.


    Anne Pollard, Former wife of convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, called on American Jews to “re-elect Pres. Trump ‘for the sake of Israel, for the sake of America, and for the sake of the world,” in a last-minutre Beit Shemesh rally.

    “We finally have peace in the Middle East without having to give away half our country,” she stated. “Peace for peace – he thought outside the box,” she added referring to Trump’s change in long-standing US policy vis-a-vis the Middle East peace process.

    “He’s stopped BDS, making it illegal for them to boycott our products,” continued Anne. “He has a very tight relationship with Israel.”


    The US Parole Commission normally rubber stamps the Attorney General and Justice Department’s request to extend the parole of convicted spies.

    The Trump Administration made a special decision to permit the parole to expire.

    Reb Eliezer

    Trump does not do anything selflessly. It is not in his DNA.


    Reb Eliezer, Donald Trump and his father have a proven history throughout their lifetimes of selflessly helping Yidden. Not only as President but even in business and personal life before he ever entered politics.


    ujm, trump is a good man and a great president but he had nothing in the world to do with this. pollard served his full 30 years and then his full 5 years probation. i have found no evidence, anywhere, which supports your claim that it was “widely” expected that pollard’s parole was going to be extended – nor did I hear anything of that sort mentioned at any time in the past – and this is an issue that is close to my heart and which i follow closely.


    besalel, it is normative Justice Department practice to extend the parole of convicted spies, upon expiration. Check previous cases at your convenience.

    Furthermore, as a side point, it was widely reported in November when Pollard’s parole was not extended that the Trump Administration decided not to extend it “as a favor to Israel.”

    Reb Eliezer

    ujm, why does Trump encourage white supramecists like the Pittsburg shooting incident through not speaking out strongly against them?


    We need to be humble here. We can’t figure out whether a cloth slows down particles, with billion people participating in the daily experiments. And some of you are claiming to have better insights into classified matters than a Sec of Defense who was part of the team that won the Cold War.


    Reb Eliezer, are you thankful to the Trump Administration for having listened to your call to ease up on Pollard’s penalty?

    Reb Eliezer

    I asked him to stop the parole earlier but he let it expire, so what should I be thankful for?


    Reb Eliezer, thankful that he hadn’t extended the parole.


    Reb Eliezer thanks for joining that petition on behalf of Pollard. I had duly noted that, despite our political differences.

    I totally agree that Trump should have acted on Pollard earlier. I believe someone posed that to Rav Mendel Kessin quite awhile back, and i think he responded that who knows, that may be the reason why Trump is being so persecuted.

    So many people have been rooting for the Pollards, that it’s about time they finally reached E”Y. Wishing Esther a speedy recovery!


    ujm, and Reb Eliezer, perhaps all that is beside the point. Perhaps a petition on behalf of a nirdaf is similar to a prayer, since it takes effort to compose same.


    “The US Parole Commission normally rubber stamps the Attorney General and Justice Department’s request to extend the parole of convicted spies.”

    Care to share some examples of those whose sentences had been completed?


    The US Parole Commission never failed to continue the parole of a convicted spy after the AG/Justice Department requested an extension of it.


    CH: René González, Rosario Ames, Alger Hiss.

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