Praising Soldiers Who Destroy Our Enemies

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    In Tanach, in Sefer Shmuel Aleph, chapter 18, verse 7,
    we see Shaul HaMelech and the General of Shaul’s Army,
    David ben Yishai. (This was before David became King.)

    They are both returning home from recent victory in war.

    We see the Jewish women publicly praising both of them:


    From this we see that the soldiers who fight our enemies
    deserve to be publicly praised and thanked.

    We also see from this that those soldiers who slay
    more of our enemies deserve even greater praise
    than those soldiers who only slay a few of our enemies.

    Sam Klein

    Yes kings Shaul and David were very righteous Kings and killed thousands of wicked people from other nations BUT WHO DO YOU THINK ACTUALLY SENT THEM????? They were direct messengers of Hashem chosen by Hashem to be the one’s to kill these thousands of wicked people.

    Just like every single person has a mission to complete in this temporary physical world before being able to enter the true olam haemes of the world above and serve Hashem openly with complete spirituality.

    May we all come to the level of realizing that everything going on in the world-from tiny bugs to president Biden-is actually the doing of Hashem directly as the famous saying we all know says “Hakol biyidei shomayim chutz miyiras shomayim” which literally means that everything going on in the world is in the hands of Hashem except for fear of Hashem.


    Sam Klein: Since you are not a prophet [navi],
    how do you know for sure that the members
    of the Israeli Army are not chosen by G*D
    to destroy the enemies of the Jewish People?

    During the Plague of Frogs [Makat Tzefardea],
    G*D used FROGS as His messengers, to destroy Egypt.

    If frogs can be used as G*D’s messengers,
    to destroy the enemies of the Jewish People,
    then why not the members of the Israeli Army?


    the rashoyim actively doing the aveira of hisgarus ba’umos shouldn’t be praise for the destruction they bring and the danger they put us in


    somejewiknow: You seem to be implying that Israel
    should not have used military force, in response to
    the massacre of 1,200 Jews on October 7, 2023.

    somejewiknow: You seem to be implying that Israel
    should not have used military force, in response to
    around 200 Jews being taken hostage on October 7, 2023.

    somejewiknow: You seem to be implying that Israel
    is 100% to blame for the recent violence there.
    Which implies that the genocidal Muslim terrorists
    are 0% to blame for the recent violence there.
    Which is 100% SHEKER [false].

    somejewiknow: You seem to be implying that Israel’s
    Army is not doing everything possible to minimize
    harm to civilians, which is 100% SHEKER [false].

    somejewiknow: You sound like the Neturei Karta.

    Sam Klein

    Square root

    Hashem told Moshe to tell the yidden in Mitzrayim that even though the Egyptians were very wicked people, klal yisroel should not celebrate and be happy while the Egyptians are suffering through the 10 makkos and each one was getting worse and worse.

    If Hashem had wanted Hashem could have had all the Egyptians killed during the ten makkos and not just the first-born at the last makka. But Hashem has a plan for everyone and every tiny thing going on in the world and wanted to show the Egyptians the miracles Hashem did for klal yisroel at the splitting of the yam suf with hundreds of miracles happening there AND ONLY THEN AFTER THAT HAPPENED then the Egyptians drowned in the Dead sea.

    Open up your eyes and you too can start seeing the amazing work of Hashem in every tiny thing going on in the world to major wars happening when we don’t wake ourselves up and FACE REALITY immediately and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together so Hashem can send Mashiach already Bkarov


    In Tanach, Sefer Shoftim, [the Book of Judges] chapter 5,
    the Prophetess Deborah [Devorah HaNeviyah],
    sings a Divinely-inspired song [shirah].

    In chapter 5, verses 12 to 16, she publicly praises
    those Jews who fought against the enemies of Israel.

    Then she publicly REBUKES those Jews who did
    NOT join the fight against the enemies of Israel.

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