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- This topic has 243 replies, 46 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago by Joseph.
August 20, 2009 4:14 pm at 4:14 pm #1146667squeakParticipant
Here, here. That nomination overtakes the last 6 months or so of nominations.
August 20, 2009 4:43 pm at 4:43 pm #1146668tzippiMemberI don’t check in on this thread too often, so am flattered to find myself part of it, however peripherally.
As a married bubby, guess I should put one of my girls in instead? Wait, it’s been three months since the last name came up. Guess I’m patur.
August 26, 2009 7:04 pm at 7:04 pm #1146669areivimzehlazehParticipantFrom the Reporting News thread:
(this was just the tail end of the post)
Better to be moida doing something wrong, then to do it whilst claiming it is all kosher.
August 26, 2009 7:59 pm at 7:59 pm #1146670areivimzehlazehParticipantames
classical music while eating hot dogs? if you insist!
And that’s a nomination!
August 26, 2009 9:06 pm at 9:06 pm #1146671YW Moderator-72Participantsqueak, just saw your comment. thanks!
August 26, 2009 9:35 pm at 9:35 pm #1146672areivimzehlazehParticipantsqueak
Crisco is the stuff that you rub on someone’s windshield wipers when you want to serve revenge cold.
August 26, 2009 9:37 pm at 9:37 pm #1146673August 30, 2009 9:09 pm at 9:09 pm #1146674YW Moderator-42ModeratorSeptember 3, 2009 10:16 pm at 10:16 pm #1146675areivimzehlazehParticipantand I laughed my way to China…
mi keamcha yisroel
BTW, what ever happened to the HANGMAN thread?
MKY, why do you ask? We haven’t even had your trial yet. Even Israeli ex-patriots are entitled to due process and “guilty until proven innocent”.
September 3, 2009 10:33 pm at 10:33 pm #1146676September 3, 2009 11:47 pm at 11:47 pm #1146677mepalMembersqueak, way to go!!
September 22, 2009 8:45 pm at 8:45 pm #1146678areivimzehlazehParticipantBemused- congrats!
I nominate your post as Post of The Year AND as the official Coffee Room Intro Post for New Comers- very well written 🙂
September 29, 2009 6:03 pm at 6:03 pm #1146679mepalMemberFor the very first time for year 5770, I’d like to nominate areivim’s post HERE.
POST OF THE YEAR! Keep it up, areivim!
September 29, 2009 6:56 pm at 6:56 pm #1146680squeakParticipantFor the record, the “year” in question is 2009, at the end of which we will have the chance to vote on the actual post of the year. Using the Hebrew year is a bad idea because we are probably too preoccupied at the close of the year to vote on old posts.
September 29, 2009 7:06 pm at 7:06 pm #1146681mepalMemberThat was just an attempt to make someone feel good.
September 29, 2009 7:17 pm at 7:17 pm #1146682JosephParticipantBTW, if the CR ever changes the number of posts per page before the end of the “year”, many links will no longer be valid. It may be useful to post a copy of the text of the post in question.
In any event, I hereby submit my early vote, and vote for this post as Post of the Year.
September 29, 2009 7:33 pm at 7:33 pm #1146683squeakParticipantIn any event, I hereby submit my early vote, and vote for this post as Post of the Year.
Thank you, Joseph, for repeating your first post in this thread. I’m sure we’d mostly forgotten it by now.
September 30, 2009 2:05 am at 2:05 am #1146684JosephParticipantames: Nothing to do if the mods delete or undelete anything. If the keymaster decides to go from 40 posts per page to say 50 (or 30), as has happened in the past, all links may change (although the links to the first page of a thread mostly stay the same). This is because the page numbers change.
October 1, 2009 1:11 am at 1:11 am #1146685JosephParticipantYou can’t check it out unless you are the keymaster and change the number of posts per page — which HAS happened several times in the past, and DID break links.
October 1, 2009 1:17 am at 1:17 am #1146686bein_hasdorimParticipantfrom the recently closed Kapparos: Chickens, Fish, or Money?
This one made me laugh. joseph going head 2 head with MO.
modernorthodox said,
Just bec it’s a minhag don’t mean we hav 2 stick to it. We hav minds. G-d gave us minds 2 think & make decisions. A minhag is just a tradition. All religions hav traditions. It’s just the way they got used 2 doin things 4 various historical reasons.
Joseph said,
modernorthodox: The Reform agree with you!
modernorthodox said,
I’m not surprised. Every sect of Judaism has some good points & useful ideas.
I would never consider doing kaparos with a chicken. It is an old outdated custom. You wouldn’t see a respectful person like a Senator waving a chicken over his head! This isn’t the 15th century. Besides chickens r filthy & prob filled with germs.
Joseph said,
modernorthodox: Did u ever ask ur Rabbi if SHE agrees with u?
Reform isn’t Jewish, even though sum of their adherents are personally non-practicing Jews.
October 1, 2009 1:52 am at 1:52 am #1146687YW Moderator-42ModeratorIn theory what Joseph is saying makes sense. When mods delete posts or when the number of posts per page change then the page that a particular post appears on might change. For instance, the previous post by me comes out on page 6 in regular view and on page 7 if I add in the deleted posts (only mods, key masters, and charming princes such as Joseph can see these). If I were to delete a whole bunch of posts before it or change the number of posts then the page that the post appears on might change and the link will no longer be valid.
Edit: After deleting about 25 posts, the page 6 link no longer works.
October 1, 2009 1:57 am at 1:57 am #1146688mi keamcha yisroelMembergood point, why NOT?
October 1, 2009 2:07 am at 2:07 am #1146689YW Moderator-42ModeratorIf the number of posts per page changes (or if posts are deleted) the post number stays the same but the page number does not. The links that you get when clicking on the # under a post includes the page number and post number. If the post is no longer on that particular page than the post number part of the link that takes you to the particular post within the page is useless.
October 2, 2009 6:13 pm at 6:13 pm #1146691AnonymousInactiveThis post was nominated by an anonymous lurker:
I was told by the esrog dealer I usually go to that the more bumps it has the more beautiful it is. I told her if she had bumps she wouldn’t be beautiful. But then again, she’s not an esrog.
I recently saw some that were about twice as large as what I’m used to. I’m not sure what kind they were.
October 5, 2009 3:18 pm at 3:18 pm #1146692mepalMemberOmg! rotfl! Good going, haifagirl!
October 20, 2009 5:02 pm at 5:02 pm #1146693YW Moderator-80MemberDecember 18, 2009 7:17 pm at 7:17 pm #1146694squeakParticipantLast chance, folks…. only 2 more weeks until nominations are closed.
And based on a random guess I am making about the number of voters left to cast votes, you can probably take the grand prize if you just vote for one of your own posts ._.
December 21, 2009 6:14 am at 6:14 am #1146695YW Moderator-42ModeratorI vote for squeak’s post
December 21, 2009 3:48 pm at 3:48 pm #1146696squeakParticipantthan y did u deleet it?
A present for haifagirl: Then why did you delete it?
December 22, 2009 6:25 am at 6:25 am #1146697bein_hasdorimParticipantOk people, the votes are in and “The Winner of the Post of the Year contest is
……………………….wait for it………………………………
with votes from;
5)bein hasdorim
These are all legal names referring to bein_hasdorim, as the legally admissible
archives of YWN CR can and do attest to these claims.
A heartfelt thanks goes out to all my fans. My speech will be delivered via
post on YWN CR live, with a slight on-air delay, after I receive my award.
December 31, 2009 10:02 pm at 10:02 pm #1146698RaisedEyebrowMemberwe can still vote…
Funniest Post of the Year goes to:
December 31, 2009 10:40 pm at 10:40 pm #1146699JosephParticipantsqueak
I call my husband Jose all the time! His name is Joseph.
Say it ain’t so, Joe
Last day for posts to be eligible for nomination as “Post of the Year”, folks.
April 29, 2011 2:48 pm at 2:48 pm #1146700I can only tryMemberThe following nominee isn’t a light-hearted or funny post like many (most?) of the others here are, and it’s also somewhat lengthly, but it’s well worth your reading time.
Please see the original post on this thread:
August 9, 2011 7:35 pm at 7:35 pm #1146701I can only tryMemberWhile all your
topics obviously
generate occasional
Picayune or personal acrimony
Benevolence and respect
Are being bountifully allocated
August 9, 2011 7:40 pm at 7:40 pm #1146702popa_bar_abbaParticipantThanks!
whatever picayune means.
August 9, 2011 7:48 pm at 7:48 pm #1146703☕️coffee addictParticipantDefinition of PICAYUNE
1a : a Spanish half real piece formerly current in the South b : half dime
2: something trivial
from merriam webster
August 10, 2011 2:11 pm at 2:11 pm #1146704I can only tryMemberpopa_bar_abba-
Seriously, great thread.
August 10, 2011 10:26 pm at 10:26 pm #1146705am yisrael chaiParticipantI second pba’s nomination for his upbeat & positively respectful thread: (great roshei taivos, Icot!)
March 13, 2013 6:36 pm at 6:36 pm #1146707just my hapenceParticipantICOT – Thanks!
March 14, 2013 7:38 pm at 7:38 pm #1146708I can only tryMemberjust my hapence-
March 14, 2013 7:51 pm at 7:51 pm #1146709🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantME TOO!!! I loved that poem and the song. And my daughter just re-wrote ‘jack and jill’ to fit the richard corey style for a college english class.
March 15, 2013 3:21 pm at 3:21 pm #1146710just my hapenceParticipantOCOT – I’d never actually heard Richard Corey when I wrote it. At least mine doesn’t end with the guy blowing his brains out….
March 15, 2013 5:52 pm at 5:52 pm #1146711I can only tryMemberSyag Lchochma–
Sounds like an interesting Jack and Jill interpretation; a murder-suicide, perhaps?
just my hapence–
April 14, 2016 10:50 pm at 10:50 pm #1146712JosephParticipantPost of the Year 2016:
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