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- This topic has 23 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 4 months ago by Truehonesty.
October 1, 2008 11:15 pm at 11:15 pm #588378TruehonestyMember
As a longtime american living in Yerushalayim, I call upon all YWN readers to work and ensure that Meir Porush will NEVER sit in the mayor’s office in City Hall.
Whilst this may sound strange to some, I wish to explain…
1) His burning desire to reach this office has already deeply upset many Gedolim including Rav Eliashiv shlita (reported in YWN) and his Rebbe, the Boyaner Rebbe shlita. This happened during the Beitar elections when Meir Porush went directly against the above two Gedolim who called upon him to stop interfering in those elections. He refused to listen to them and continued his plan of destruction to the town (investing NIS 4,000,000.00 at a time of financial hardship to so many!!) just to prove to Reb Yacov Litzman that he is worth something and can be a candidate for the mayor of Yerushalaym. He stooped so low that he had listening devices put into his Rebbe’s private rooms so that he could keep tabs on all the Rebbe’s plans that might affect his ideas. The Rebbe has since thrown him together with all his children and grandchildren out of all the Boyaner mosdos and has publicly called on his chassidim to break off all connections with him. Rav Eliashiv has refused to back him and is supposedly waiting for the ruling in Deri’s courtcase before deciding what to do.
2) Whilst Porush has helped individuals on a personal basis (with visas, tickets, minor police problems etc.) what has he achieved in his life on a larger scale? In Knesset he is rather quiet and unheard, and previously as Councilman he was known as the political low dealer within Aguda but with almost nothing to show in real terms. When Lupoliansky arrived on the scene, he had successfully set up the largest medical equipment organisation (Yad Sara) in the world!! His five years in office only proved what a great choice he was. Do we need to revert to all the backroom underhand dealings so favoured by family Porush? We have had 5 years of peace, please save us from trouble!
3) Where are the funds for his campaign coming from? So far he has rented 64 rooms in an expensive commercial property for his “Head Office” with plans for more in each area in Yerushalayim. His internet campaign is costing millions (he wont manage to beat Barkat in his home ground anyway) and loads of more grandiose plans still on the way. Perhaps Mr Porush you would like to answer this question or are the secrets of the Porush fortunes better left unsaid (they might just lead to a Police enquiry including your dear father too)
October 2, 2008 4:45 am at 4:45 am #624414shalom in IsraelMemberI don’t know why I read this – straight after Rosh HaShanah as well, and I am now reprimanding myself, by saying I refuse to believe it. And really – I do hope it’s not true, because if it is, it makes for huge chillul Hashem.
October 2, 2008 9:54 pm at 9:54 pm #624415TruehonestyMemberBelieve me I wish it wasnt true too!
Please feel free to ask ANY Boyaner Chossid if this is fact!
Today the court ruled against Deri’s candidacy and now we all await to hear Moron HaRav Eliashiv’s psak. So far he has refused to back Porush for the above reasons (the official line is because of his lack of chances of winning but previously in other elections HaRav Eliashiv did rule to vote for certain losers as a matter of principle to protest against those who disregard daas Torah). It seems from reading between the lines in Hamodia (Hebrew version) that Reb Yacov Litzman has made peace with Porush, and Ger will vote for him though nothing has been officially declared yet. Even if Degel HaTorah do decide to vote for Porush for lack of a better alternative, I cannot see the 1000’s of litvish bochurim and yingerleit bothering to campaign and work for him. So far the street campaigning is being done by the Dati Leumi (Mizrachi) boys and girls at main junctions etc. Rav Eliashiv’s great granson is leading a “blank” campaign calling on all residents to place a blank paper in the ballot box. I can understand him….
October 2, 2008 11:46 pm at 11:46 pm #624416ummMemberAm I mistaken or this was written yesterday, meaning motzei Rosh Hashana?!?!?!?! Right after a Rosh Hashana, spent davening in shul, trying to do teshuva, making resolutions for the coming year, and he goes straight to the computer to write a huge paragraph of PURE LASHON HORA?!?!?! (remember, lashon hora is regardless if it’s true or not, so don’t start arguing on that) I’m SERIOUSLY ASTOUNDED!!!!!! Maybe one of your new year resolutions should be trying to refrain from writing lashon hora on yeshiva world and being michshal all those of us who com eon here for some KOSHER reading material! (Never mind when people reply or respond with lashon hora but to START a new thread motzei rosh hashana that is pure lashon hora! I hope at least the rest of people reading this thread won’t go along with him, hopefully they’ve had a more spiritual, inspiring and uplifting yom tov and no better than “truehonesty”. i’m horrified!
October 4, 2008 11:54 pm at 11:54 pm #624417TruehonestyMemberDear umm,
I read your comments with great interest (actually I expected such feedbacks, I wonder why it took so long….) and whilst I accept that there can be different and sometimes opposite opinions amongst our Gedolim, I cannot accept that one may not publicise the words and Daas Torah of one Gedol because of your reasons that are based on emotion and ignorance. If the Boyaner Rebbe can publicly call out the same cry that I wrote then obviously you are making a serious mistake. Rav Eliashiv too has made his opinion very clear to his talmidim without whitewashing anything so please open your sefer Chofetz Chaim and start learning what loshon horah is….
Believe me I have nothing personal against Meir Porush, I have never spoken to him or had dealings with him nor for that matter with Uri Lupoliansky or Aryeh Deri either. I am not a political activist in any form but Yerushalayim is SO dear to me that I cannot standby and watch its destruction in the hands of fake “chareidi” self-serving politicians.
For a start check up Chofetz Chaim ??? ?’ ???? ?’ ???”? ??.
I dont know who you are or where you are from but I imagine you are from chutz lo’oretz and you cannot fathom the situation in its true reality as you are used to the goyim being bad and us Jews (with rare exceptions) being a cut above. Unfortunately in Israel some of the “frum” askonim have fallen to levels on par with the mafia and worse.
By the way, I assume you mean “machshil” not “michshal”.
Gmar chasimo tova
October 5, 2008 5:51 am at 5:51 am #624418ummMemberI understand if you’d like to re-quote to us what gedolim have said, (though, I don’t know why you’ve appointed yourself the one in charge of that) but don’t add your own extra cream, i don’t think they said;
“fake “chareidi” self-serving politicians”
“frum” askonim have fallen to levels on par with the mafia and worse”
It sounds like you have had dealings with him and were hurt by him, or maybe it’s jealousy? Something is pushing you to start a thread against him, MOTZEI ROSH HASHANA!
October 5, 2008 6:44 am at 6:44 am #624419marinerMembertruehonsty : “Perhaps Mr Porush you would like to answer this question or are the secrets of the Porush fortunes better left unsaid (they might just lead to a Police inquiry including your dear father too) ” is not something that the boyaner rebbe, or rav elyashiv said, ever!
that is you adding your opinion, which leads to the assumption that rabbi menachem porush is corrupt in some way. that, sir, is loshen hora, motzie shem ra, and/or richilus, depending on its intention or truth.
(i in no way am commenting in the veracity of the rest of your statement, just correcting your correction of umm.)
October 6, 2008 1:14 pm at 1:14 pm #624420TruehonestyMemberWell Umm, your tone has changed I am happy to note!!
But instead of admitting your error, you are now trying to personalize and attack me as having a personal vendetta against Porush. Firstly this is motzi shem rah and I even preempted you and on an earlier posting I forewarned you that this is NOT the case but you continue…. I have NEVER spoken to or had dealings with him or his father or children or brothers etc etc. This is purely lemaan Yerushalayim, the city I live in and love. Perhaps from your comfortable armchair in the USA it is hard to appreciate the beauty and holiness of Yerushalayim, the city we love.
Mariner, I didnt really want to explain the background on that question but now you have pushed me…. Many years ago when Reb Menachem Porush spent weeks and months in america collecting funds for Chinuch Atzmai, some younger askonim noted a large discrepancy between what was collected and what was brought into the account. They complained to Rav Shach zt”l and proved their point to him. According to a firsthand report, Rav Shach zt”l sighed and said that he had been made aware of these problems previously but he cannot afford to make a fuss as then all the donations from America will stop immediately, at least now a small percentage of the donations are arriving and are succeeding to keep the ship from sinking!! We are talking here of sums in the 100’s of 1000’s during the early years of the State of Israel!!
Need I say more…..
October 7, 2008 10:28 pm at 10:28 pm #624421TruehonestyMemberAfter everything I have written and “complained”, and after reading on YWN that the Gedolim are going to decide shortly who to back as the chareidi mayoral candidate, I declare that if they unanimously (I mean by that Rav Eliashiv shlita together with the Gerrer Rebbe shlita and the Belzer Rebbe shlita and other main Rabonim and Admorim in Yerushalayim) declare Meir Porush to be their choice then I will “hold my nose” and put Meir Porush in the ballot box. It will be very hard but that will be my nisayon…
October 10, 2008 3:56 pm at 3:56 pm #624422rabbiofberlinParticipanttruehonesty….see my reply to your words on the actual “general news” site for this matter…And, by the way, EVERY meshulach takes a cut of the money that he brings in….menachem porush was not better (or worse) than all the others….
October 13, 2008 12:49 am at 12:49 am #624424TruehonestyMemberDear “Citizenofberlin”,
I enclose a copy of my answer to you on the “General News”:
As usual, dear “citizen of Berlin”, you attempt to sway the discussion to subjects convenient to you and to ignore the thrust of the points.
1) From my experience anyone who tries to accuse anyone else on this YWN site of nazism (using Der Sturmer etc., “antisemitic” etc.) has admitted that they have no valid answers to the points raised. Well you have validated my theory yet again!
2) Whilst I too do not dress too western myself and I am proud of it, I can fully understand a chiloni who considers it strange and a little crazy. When I visit chutz lo’oretz I cringe at some of the clothing, hairstyles and even shoes that I see people there wearing and I certainly wouldnt vote for a President/Mayor/Congressman or anything, someone dressed like that because I consider the gentleman a weirdo even if he was supposed to be a brilliant leader. Can you imagine Obama standing a chance if he were to dress like a regular teenaged afro-american? Why is it antisemitic to understand that chassidic clothing looks strange and weird to outsiders?
3) I have absolutely no problem with a chassidish dressed mayor personally but I am realistic enough to appreciate that his chances are considerably lower (if at all) of being elected if he so dressed. All Porush’s recent attempts to call to the chiloni voters by asking them not to be afraid of him has boommerangged badly. If you ask people enough times not to be scared of you, they begin to get scared… and run to vote for Barkat!
4) Concerning the agreement… Firstly, who do you think you are to question Gedolim on their “honesty”? How can you turn around with such chutzpa and say “why should I ever accept a godol’s word if he…..”? Perhaps try to understand instead of attacking and looking for excuses to disregard Rabbonim and to follow the dictates of your evil heart. Now you have a valid reason to do what you want because the Rabbis are ….. The reasoning is simple to someone who is open to try. Is there any point in following an agreement blindly to cause loss for BOTH parties? If you and I would have signed an agreement with each other last year to jointly invest in Lehmann Bros for a year, and if we would have known in time that things were turning sour, should we have continued blindly and lost our money because of the agreement or should we have pulled out? In the same way, the whole point of the agreement in Yerushalayim was to ensure a chareidi mayor for the foreseeable future. Is there any point to continue with Porush just to lose to Barkat? What does Porush stand to gain by losing? Believe me, if Aguda would have chosen a popular candidate in a similar way to Lupoliansky who would have stood a reasonable chance of winning then everyone would have continued the agreement without a fuss (See Bnei Brak, after Rabbi Karelitz successfully completed his term, he stood down for the Aguda candidate who now is standing down for the Degel candidate etc.). According to all the polls (and I agree that they are not totally reliable but have you got a better method of checking??) Barkat will win against Porush whilst Lupoliansky will beat Barkat so why follow an agreement to everyones detriment just to satisfy Porush’s need for attention? If you can honestly say that you think you would prefer to lose money in a failing deal together with your partner with all sides losing just to keep an agreement (with noone gaining) then I suggest you see a psychiatrist.
Finally, what does “pro-Rav Eliashiv faction” mean if not following the instructions of Rav Eliashiv and obeying his rulings? By calling on this faction as anti-Porush/pro Rav Eliashiv is equivalent of saying anti-Obama/pro McCain i.e. equating them as two equal candidates. Were you to have said anti Porush/pro Deri I can understand but Rav Eliashiv, please!!! But your continuation proves your attitude as I explained earlier…
Have a good Yomtov.
PS Concerning a meshulach’s cut, in this case we are talking way above the 49% maximum allowed in Halocho!!!
October 13, 2008 8:21 am at 8:21 am #624425TruehonestyMemberDear “Citizenofberlin”,
I copy to you my answer in General News:
Have a good Yomtov.
PS A regular meshilach may take upto 49% of his collections al pi halocho. Rabbi M Porush took way more!!!!
October 16, 2008 5:29 am at 5:29 am #624426morechumrasMemberrename this thread, loshon hora central.
October 24, 2008 9:36 pm at 9:36 pm #624428JosephParticipantBeing not frum (i.e. doing what the Torah says) is a bad enough thing.
October 26, 2008 12:36 am at 12:36 am #624429TOHIGHSCHOOLGUYMemberso, TrueHonesty, you are prepared to sacrifice your most important right as a citizen (the right to vote), and effectively hand your ballot to someone who you feel is supporting the wrong candidate? I honestly feel bad for you
October 26, 2008 11:09 pm at 11:09 pm #624430TruehonestyMemberI dont know much about Nir Barkat but I imagine that a deal can be struck with him as was done with Olmert and Kollek in years gone by. He certainly is not (yet) frum and doesnt listen to daas Torah but political stability is usually enough reason to make them see sense!! Even if he wins, he will need the chareidim to make a coalition so will be forced to buckle under!! As I have previously written, Porush isnt too much of a listener to daas Torah either and there is less to force him to too….
TOHIGHSCHOOLGUY: I understand and sympathise with your feelings but I was brought up and educated to sacrifice even larger things to follow daas Torah and I must admit that I have never lost out by doing so, even if at the time it seemed incorrect. For someone not brought up in this way it may seem strange and I appreciate that but try it out and see for yourself – “??? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ??”. In this case, the Gerrer Rebbe is not supporting Porush at this time nor have other Rabbonim/Admorim come out publicly in support of him so I hope to be saved of the problem….
October 28, 2008 11:02 am at 11:02 am #624431blue shirtParticipantSo, Truehonesty, it looks like you will be holding your nose when you go to the ballot box. While I totally disagree with your approach in deciding who you will vote for, I respect it. Much credit to you on your independent thinking, your courage in speaking out, and your intellectual honesty. Too bad you cannot vote your conscience, but you stated your case well.
October 28, 2008 10:29 pm at 10:29 pm #624432TruehonestyMemberBlue Shirt: Many thanks for your warm comments. Much appreciated!
October 31, 2008 7:55 am at 7:55 am #624433TruehonestyMember“CitizenofBerlin”, I await your answer.
November 9, 2008 11:39 pm at 11:39 pm #624434TruehonestyMemberCopy of reply in General News Section
2) I say again and repeat again that personally I have no problem with a chassidishly dressed mayor and I even agree that it would be nice BUT the issue here is not what you and I would like but who has a chance of winning. At the moment the chances of Porush winning are very low because the population at large are not ready for a so-dressed mayor yet and will not vote for him. It is hardly a kiddush HaShem to support a loser!! As I have said here and more clearly in the YW Coffee Room, my problem is not his clothes but the man inside the clothes. The clothes only explain why he has little chance of winning and why the polls continuously show that!
4) Many candidates pull out of primaries and elections when they see their situation in the polls. It isnt fool-proof but it is a solid indication and for someone who clams to care about Yerushalayim he should have stood down and asked a better candidate to run. Do you have a better system to feel the situation other than polls?
November 10, 2008 7:46 am at 7:46 am #624435jewishfeminist02MemberWell, tomorrow’s the big day!
November 10, 2008 11:50 pm at 11:50 pm #624436TruehonestyMemberContinue to daven that the correct man will win!!
November 11, 2008 8:20 am at 8:20 am #624437jewishfeminist02MemberI saw some booths outside this morning with volunteers circulating flyers, trying at the last minute to influence voters. Of course, I can’t vote, but I found it interesting nonetheless. I wish I knew more about the candidates- I can’t really say with any confidence who I feel would be the best choice.
November 12, 2008 12:50 pm at 12:50 pm #624438TruehonestyMemberDear YW Editor
Please close this forum as the elections are now over.
Thank You!
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