POLL: 1 outfit on 1 shabbos?

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    How many outfits do you wear one shabbos? Tis year are school is saying we should only bring one to shabbaton. I have never heard of wearing the same thing shabbos night and shabbos day. It is something I have never done in my life or seen before?

    Maybe it’s a newyork or in town thing?

    What do you guys think?


    I wear the same suit, tie and shirt Shabbos night and day, every Shabbos.

    Little Froggie

    Oish… I think you should ask the girls, not the guys..

    (besides, my daughters would want (at least!!) two, but if there’s a rule then you follow, I think)


    I have done that when I was too lazy to pick out something to wear Shabbos morning. And luckily I was also too lazy to hang up my stuff from the night before. But I usually don’t. Most people don’t.

    My high school give out this poem every year before school shabbos:

    The Plain Campaign:

    Join our campaign

    Please dress plain

    It’s not the outfit that amount

    But the person that counts

    So reduce all the stress

    And simply dress less

    And on Friday you’ll see

    How simple you can be

    You’ll look very nice

    If you wear your skirt thrice

    Just vary the shirt

    And please avoid dirt

    Remember, there’s nothing wrong

    With a skirt that’s properly long

    But there’s something not right

    With a skirt that’s too tight

    So straighten your priorities

    And wear a big smile

    And then, School Name Here

    You’ll really be in style

    The Queen

    My daughters have a 1 outfit rule at their shabbatons it is meant to make the Shabbos more about the program and less about showing off your wardrobe. My girls actually like the rule, it lowers the stress level when packing.


    It might be a luggage space issue. Is the school providing transportation?


    Does keeping tznius mean you have to be boring and one dimensional?

    The Queen

    What does a one outfit rule have to do with tznius? It’s about keeping the fashion show and competition to a minimum.


    Does keeping tznius mean you have to be boring and one dimensional?

    That’s how tznius is “marketed” in many schools. Go figure.

    And then they wonder why it’s not working.


    My clothing is boring and one dimensional. Why is that a problem? Am I supposed to have people raving and talking about what I wear?


    Yes, Joseph your shirts are really nice. I love how the slim fit looks on you. Where do you buy them from?


    One dimensional clothing is not tznius.


    Shopping 613: kudos to your school for enacting such a smart rule. No relevance to in or out-of-town. Just lowering the stress level for those that don’t have 5 “perfect” outfits for each seudah etc. and minimizing the heavy garment bag schlep.

    Goq: these are for the most part non working teenage girls from families with multiple children whose tastes in clothing far surpasses their parents’ budgets. Even with closets full of clothes, the panicked mantra for many before such an event is “Mom, I’ve got nothing to wear for this Shabbos, and I need AT LEAST 4 OUTFITS! Can we still manage to squeeze in some shopping, or maybe it’s better if I stay home?”

    So please cut the school some slack. They’re doing the right thing, and the one outfit can be pretty. No one said it needs to be one-dimensional, whatever that is.


    But don’t they need a spare outfit in case they ruin one in a fight with a dragon? Or spill something accidentally?


    I always wear one outfit the entire Shabbos. If it’s clean and I like it, why not?

    However, if you are going away for Shabbos, it make sense to take a second outfit along in case your first one gets dirty.


    I agree with RebYidd23. So long as gravity exists and Murphy’s Law remains unbreakable, I strongly recommend bringing at least one spare outfit. 🙂


    My girls always wore multiple outfits for Shabbos. It wasn’t based on competition or showing off. They always packed different clothing for evening and daytime to account for different temperatures, etc. Walking home from shul after a program at 9pm might require warmer clothing than walking to shul in the mid morning sunshine.

    I. M. Shluffin

    When I was a camper in a certain girls’ camp, I heard that the counselors have to wear the same outfit Shabbos day as they did Friday night. The reason for this was so that the campers should not feel the need to wear two outfits on Shabbos, even if their rich friends were. The point was to make it Shabbos, not a weekend fashion show. I thought this was such a nice and considerate rule.

    Once I became a counselor, I realized that all the counselors wore two outfits (sometimes 3 – night, day, and a maxi dress for Shabbos afternoon), which either meant that the rule was slowly ignored until it slipped into oblivion, or that it never existed to begin with. Suffice is to say, I had to get some more Shabbos outfits when I went home for my day off 🙂

    I generally like to wear two outfits on Shabbos, just for my own pleasure. It’s not meant to impress anyone that I own more than one outfit – on the contrary, I’m almost ashamed of myself when I see girls who do wear only one outfit throughout the whole Shabbos – I’m very impressed by this, because it reminds me of the rule (which may or may not have existed) that sought to alleviate the stress of fashion and fitting-in.

    The Queen

    lawyer: “Walking home from shul after a program at 9pm might require warmer clothing than walking to shul in the mid morning sunshine.”

    A sweater or jacket works wonderfully for cooler evening walks.



    No Walmarts in NYC. And I try avoid businesses that engage in unethical practices.


    “No Walmarts in NYC. “

    Don’t you know that your hero, Al Gore, invented something called the Internet? Who needs a store to be situated in NYC.

    As far as avoiding unethical places, that’s funny, because you frequent the Bayit, and it’s difficult to find a more unethical place than that.



    If your girls want to schlep a sweater or jacket, fine. My princesses took outfits of different weights.


    as a disclosure, my father owned more than 15 clothing stores, my grandfather manufactured clothing, I both owned 3 clothing stores and a sewing factory in early adulthood, before going to law school.

    Since clothing was our parnossah, I am predisposed to young ladies owning and wearing varied wardrobes.

    I also believe that one is supposed to wear one’s best to honor Shabbos, and nothing requires you to wear only one outfit per Shabbos. What is fresh and crisp and clean at 6PM on Friday may be limp, wrinkled and even have a whiff of odor by Mincha Shabbos, especially at a Shabbaton with dancing and activity.

    I don’t wear the same clothing in the evening that I wear in the office or court during the day. I also don’t wear the same suit or shirt, etc Friday night and Shabbos morning. I put on a fresh laundered and starched shirt and a suit that is not wrinkled. In summer, I also may change to a lighter weight suit before walking back to shul for mincha.

    None of this has to be about showing off or competition. Flaunting wealth thru designer logos is gauche, and often the modus operandi of noveau riche or wannabees.


    Who cares why you do or dont want to wear one, two or three sets of clothing on shabbos. Just follow the rule.

    Pack a second outfit in case the 1st gets dirty and people will understand why you changed.

    I think its about following the rules, especially an innocent one such as this with no practical downside, whether you think they are silly or not. You dont like the rule, take it up with the school or change schools.


    I went to a high school where the shabbaton was a huge fashion show and I go to Pesach hotels every year. I wear one outfit at night, one during the day. Bringing only one outfit is leaving too much to chance (okay, fine, it’s abandoning hishtadlus…) and more than that is (to me) excessive.

    The Queen

    Lawyer: I don’t see how “shleping” a sweater is more cumbersome than “shleping” various outfits for different times of the day, and changing outfits numerous times. We are discussing a school rule for a shabbaton where not all the girls come from wealthy homes and have 15 clothing stores at there disposal. Obviously you and your girls are entitled to wear as many outfits per day as you see fit. That goes for my girls as well.

    However, at a shabbaton, the school is entitled to make the rules. and this particular rule was put in place for good reason.

    see Mammele’s post above.


    Writersoul: what about one for shalashudis?


    Queen…it doesn’t matter that this is a school rule or why they made the rule……

    The original post asks “what do you guys think?”

    I’ve told you what I think. This has nothing to do with whether I’d allow my girls to break a school rule…I would not.


    There would be no arguing over fashion if everyone would wear a burlap sack.

    The Queen

    Rebyid: It isn’t about fashion, it’s about the number of outfits to bring along to a Shabbaton. The outfit can be as fashionable as you please.


    My youngest wears one green outfit every other Shabbat – Friday night and Shabbat day. She even goes to shule in that same green outfit, and has, on occasion, gone out for meals dressed that way. (Why green? She closes Shabbat every other week, so she’s on base.)

    If the school has a one outfit rule for a shabbaton, I’m sure the young ladies can manage for one week. It’s not the end of the world; after all, it’s not like you’re going on a date.


    If everyone wore burlap sacks, they could just pack one and the school could provide another if it gets damaged.


    Hashemisreading: Nope. Waste of time. (If I took shabbos naps it might be different, but I currently have no reason to change.)


    Writersoul: you should take Shabbos naps.


    Thanks for letting me know.


    writersoul: I was saying that in a friendly way, as in sleeping on Shabbos is awesome my whole week is dependent on it.

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