Please Make This Phone Call

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  • #2232404

    Mr. Russell Rickford, a Professor at Cornell University,
    recently praised the Hamas attack against Israel.

    He said that the Hamas attack against Israel
    is “exhilarating” and “energizing”
    (according to an article on VIN News).

    Please call the Cornell University President’s Office
    at (607) 255-5201 and leave this message:

    “My name is ______ calling from ____ (phone number)______.
    I demand that Professor Russell Rickford be fired immediately.
    I demand that Professor Russell Rickford be FIRED IMMEDIATELY.”

    No explanations or details are needed.
    Just keep your message short and simple, as shown above.


    Not that I don’t agree with you, but there are ways to express certain things and doing it with anger, especially repeating the statement twice without explanation, is probably not the best way to do it.


    I called and they told me he cannot be fired because he was hired at the recommendation of Hesh Kestin.


    Square are you to demand anything?
    How much money do you donate to that PRIVATE university?
    Are you on its BOD?
    Are you a member of its Alumni Association?

    All you should do is respectfully request termination of the employee.


    High above Cayuga’s waters there are some total idiots. If ever there was a time for a University to get beyond the absurd invocations of “academic freedom” and “first amendment rights of free expression”, this is it If you cannot condemn this evil and insanity without adding a “BUT” and also having to express sympathy for the Palestinians in the same breadth, than the leadership of Cornell, UofP, Harvard, etc have lost any notion of moral leadership.

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