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- This topic has 49 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 7 months ago by n0mesorah.
August 25, 2020 3:47 pm at 3:47 pm #18955321Participant
If Trump wins use the good years to move to EY. If Biden and Dems win the Senate plan to move ASAP. If you don’t think the fires going on in Portland can’t come to your peaceful jewish neighborhood, think again. These riots are the new normal and Biden won’t make any effort to stop it. We should all plan a move. There aren’t apartments ready for all Jews.
August 25, 2020 5:10 pm at 5:10 pm #1895553Sam KleinParticipantIf chas vshalom Biden and Harris win the election. Then all yidden will have to make Aliyah immediately. There will be no other choice
August 25, 2020 6:05 pm at 6:05 pm #1895574Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@Sam the small minded one
“If ,,,,, Biden and Harris win the election. Then all yidden will have to make Aliyah immediately. There will be no other choice.”
Who put you in charge? Some Yidden will rejoice at Trump’s defeat and not be moving (including the CTL family).
August 25, 2020 6:05 pm at 6:05 pm #1895576Ex-CTLawyerParticipantas usual making pronouncements with no facts…….
You have absolutely no inside information as to what President Biden might do about riots occurring after January 20, 2021
August 25, 2020 6:36 pm at 6:36 pm #18955831ParticipantCTL revisit your German history when the Jews said we’ll have our Yerushalayim in Berlin
August 25, 2020 6:36 pm at 6:36 pm #1895582PROUD REPUBLICANParticipant@CT He will do nothing about it. Just admit it.
All you liberals out there voting for Biden, I have 1 question for you. Tell me why would you vote for Biden with out mentioning Trump name.
#Trump2020 Trump will crush these dems or else were off to e y. CT and his crew will be the only ones in Biden America.August 25, 2020 6:36 pm at 6:36 pm #1895581☕️coffee addictParticipantYou didn’t know Ctlawyer Is a bar plugta with rav Shmuel?
August 25, 2020 6:36 pm at 6:36 pm #1895580🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantGee, considering he hasn’t had the guts to denounce them i think its not so hard to take an educated guess.
August 25, 2020 8:54 pm at 8:54 pm #1895619bk613Participant“You have absolutely no inside information as to what President Biden might do about riots occurring after January 20, 2021”
Riots? What riots? I’ve only seen peaceful protesters!!August 25, 2020 8:55 pm at 8:55 pm #1895598GadolhadorahParticipantThe most fun part of the morning of January 20, 2021 will be watching the U.S. marshals literally dragging a wimpering and screaming Trumpkopf down the driveway of the WH and throwing him into the back of Chevy Surburban for the trip to Joint Base Andrews and his flight to Florida. Even someone like Barr is not going to go down in history as having been part of the “denial” of an election outcome.
August 25, 2020 10:26 pm at 10:26 pm #1895635TRUEBTParticipantYou are all wrong.
A Jew who has the resources (money and health), will have a chiyuv to move to EY after the pandemic is over.
We can debate whether that chiyuv as D’rabbannan or D’Oreisa. We can debate who has a heter to stay here for parnassah or learning or Kibud Av V’im (or whatever your local Orthodox Rabbi poskens). But the idea that this depends on who wins the elections is just plain wrong. It only depends on the halacha.It is increasing difficult for Jews to assimilate with the goyim. Goyim pushing Jews away when we assimilate is part of the Teva of the world according to Yechezkel 20:32-34. If that is correct, then It will continue to become more difficult to assimilate regardless of who gets elected – unless we stop trying to assimilate.
August 25, 2020 10:32 pm at 10:32 pm #1895651PROUD REPUBLICANParticipant@GadolHatorah Sorry to inform but there will be another 4 more years of Trump I know you hate him so much but to bad on you continue watching your liberal sites because that’s what they think will happen it won’t. If g-d forbid he doesn’t win he will more then happy leave and say enjoy Biden America and move on with his life and make money instead of him losing. It’s so scary to see how all of you have so much hate for Trump that’s the only reason why you want Biden is because you want Trump out. You can even put in a puppet in there and you would be more then happy with the puppet. he does the right things and it’s so sad to see how the dems can get away with so much fraud they want to do. we need to put in end to this. And watch these elections Trump will win and they will keep making it up and keep dragging it out just because they want to vote fraud etc is because they know they won’t win again. I’ll ask a question again tell me why with out mentioning Trump name why your voting for Biden. And again we will all move out of America if Biden wins because It will be Biden America and the next will know is that kamala will be looking for a vp.
#Trump2020August 26, 2020 12:55 am at 12:55 am #1895672mentsch1ParticipantAs frum Jews is there any doubt that the election results have already been decided by the RBSO?
And if that is the case what is the point of arguing about this
I don’t get all the animosity created by arguing about politics. Have your opinion, vote anyway you wish ,!it doesn’t make a difference. The president of United States is decided by God.August 26, 2020 9:54 am at 9:54 am #1895676Avi KParticipantCTL, what will you do when the mob attacks the privileged, Zionist CTL compound or at least nationalizes it? Tzvi Fishman wrote a story about this in “Days of Mashiach” called “On Eagle’s Wings”. You wrote once that you are planning to retire. Why not retire to EY? You can even continue to consult online.
August 26, 2020 9:55 am at 9:55 am #1895677Sam KleinParticipantMentsch1
Your absolutely right. But we still all have to do our hishtadlus. You make it sound like we don’t even have to vote since it has already been decided by Hashem who will win the election for this coming year.
May Hashem answer all our tefillos and keep america in great hands of the republican so the Medina Shel chessed is not destroyed
August 26, 2020 9:55 am at 9:55 am #1895678Sam KleinParticipantMentsch1
Your absolutely right. But we still all have to do our hishtadlus. You make it sound like we don’t even have to vote since it has already been decided by Hashem who will win the election for this coming year.
May Hashem answer all our tefillos and keep america in great hands of the republican so the Medina Shel chessed is not destroyed
August 26, 2020 9:56 am at 9:56 am #1895680seichel yasharParticipantMentsch1
The RBSO knows what’s going to be but we have a chiyuv to fo what we can to stand up for The RBSO’s honor. That means calling out reshaim for who they are , and to detest, vilify, and be spiteful and repulsed by them . The democrats primary goalother than grabbing power is simply to deny the metzius of HKBH. No truth. No gender. No morality. No sanctity of life. All the pseudo religious dogma they spew, i.e. climate change, BLM, environmentalism, income inequality, gender issues, etc. All has one tachlis- theres no right. No wrong. Nothing’s real. We control everything. Climate. Meteorites. Pandemics. Society. Planet. Weather.
Bkitzur, the Democrats are continuing a long tradition that goes back to nimrod, pharaoh, nebuchadnezzar, amalek, all the way to stalin and Hitler. The left is evil incarnate, and if you dont realize it you really need a rebbe to teach you jewish thought 101.
Trump with all his imperfections has done a terrific job BH, and as Jews we definitely have to vote for someone who besides being very close to Yidden, is pushing a normal conservative G-d based agenda for the country. Any Jew who could consider voting Democrat needs real help. And any Jew who ch”v votes democrat without a question “asid litein es hadin”August 26, 2020 9:56 am at 9:56 am #1895703☕️coffee addictParticipantMentsch,
And hitler ym”s wasn’t
And people should have left then
So we’re trying to draw parallels
August 26, 2020 9:57 am at 9:57 am #1895724Reb EliezerParticipantProud, be proud and give Hashem the respect He deserves to refer to Him in a capital lettter!
August 26, 2020 9:57 am at 9:57 am #1895733The Shady CharediParticipant@CTLAWYER
“You have absolutely no inside information as to what President Biden might do about riots”The fact that it requires “inside information” to know Biden’s stance on the riots is telling (and appalling) enough. Any normal person with an ounce of decency should be decrying and condemning the riots. Period.
To all the idiots here intending to vote Dem:
It’s one thing if you dislike Trump so much that you don’t want to vote for him. But at least still show some reluctance to actually vote for Biden.August 26, 2020 9:58 am at 9:58 am #1895741max dearParticipantThe break up of the USA will occur right after the elections. the shootings and riots will intensify until the breakup, then it will split even more every state will have to decide to where it belongs simply talking ”civil unrest” to ” civil war ” in some states, Yidden will have to decide to rather move to Republican states or try to protect themselves, homes, business in Democrat states by simply getting more armed or move to E. Yisroel. very possible that countries who hate the USA will use the opportunity of the situation and launch attacks on American soil it is very important for all Yidden to Daven this Rosh Hashana for life and the ability to reach safe shores after the breakup of the USA
August 26, 2020 1:02 pm at 1:02 pm #1895807akupermaParticipantThe Israeli equivalents of ANTIFA and BLM are the third largest group in the Kenesset (after the Nationalists and the Hareidim). Unlike the US where anti-semitism is a small part of the left-wing agenda, opposition to the continue existence of Yiddishkeit is a primary goal of the secular fanatics. Hatred of frumkeit is so great that you see Israel nationalists willing to give up territory, if only to get a government that will actively persecute us. Otherwise left wing socialists could have formed at “dove” majority, with support for a left-wing economic agenda, but gave it up to concentrate on fighting the chareidim (who tend to be “doves” and also tend to favor left wing economic policies such as aid to poor families).
Going to Israel for fear of bigotry is jumping from the frying pan into the fire. If New York gets too hot for us, we should consider moving to “red” states which tend to be more supportive of religion in general.
August 26, 2020 4:04 pm at 4:04 pm #18958401Participantakuperma but EY is pur home. If every Frum Jew would move to Israel we can change the balance of power. If you’d rather what’s coming to democrat city near you than you need some serious introspection. We should movr to Israel because that’s where Jews should be and we are seeing the signs.
August 26, 2020 4:04 pm at 4:04 pm #1895847Reb EliezerParticipantakuperma,I think the opposite is true. Thw left liberals allow any religion whereas the red states are stuck on their non-jewish religion.
August 26, 2020 4:05 pm at 4:05 pm #1895882n0mesorahParticipantIf supporters of President Bush (c. 2004), had to choose between one of these two democrats (Donald J. Trump or Joseph R. Biden.), they would have overwhelmingly chosen Mr. Biden. This is still true. Two former members of bush’s cabinet came to speak at the DNC. Any coming to the RNC?
August 26, 2020 4:17 pm at 4:17 pm #1895908n0mesorahParticipantWhat has Trump done to quell the riots? Look at Portland. If you think effectively stopping the protests is the number one issue Trump is not among your top ten candidates. There is nothing in his long and multi-faceted career, which would help him on this one.
August 26, 2020 7:22 pm at 7:22 pm #1895966pekakParticipant@n0m The President can’t legally do anything to stop the riots (he tried). Biden won’t even condemn the riots
@1 (Regarding the original post) If moving to EY is important to you, no election outcome in the US should be a factor in your decision to log out of the coffee room and move. You can log back in after you’re settled in.August 26, 2020 7:53 pm at 7:53 pm #18959671ParticipantN0mesorah he brought in forces to protect federal property and they’ve made numerous attempts. He reached out to Wheeler for more assistance and Wheeler resisted.
August 26, 2020 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm #1895971PROUD REPUBLICANParticipant@n0mesorah You are so wrong. I was waiting for one of you to say that “what has Trump done about the riots”
How many times does he beg the governors and Mayer to bring in the national guard? So many times they have to tell him to do it he can’t just do it. So who doesn’t let him do it? The dems!!!! They would kill him if he would stop it. So I would not say that. Because it’s all the dems stoping him and in a way it’s good like this people would realize how bad the dems are !!!August 26, 2020 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm #1895972docelishevaParticipantGadoltor-, you are one sick puppy.It’s Hiliary who had to be strong-armed to finally concede.Even now she’s telling Biden to no matter what ,not to concede.We ‘re praying everyday mightily , that our great President wins another 4 years, but if the dems stuff the ballot boxes and he loses, he will do so with more dignity and grace than she did.
August 26, 2020 7:55 pm at 7:55 pm #1895974docelishevaParticipantnOmesorah, it’s the mayors’ job to allow the police to do their job and support them to stop the riots.It’s the governors ‘ job to call in the National Guard if needed.After the election, if the mayors and governors still refuse to do their job then President Trump will stop the riots.
August 26, 2020 10:58 pm at 10:58 pm #1895994HaKatanParticipantE”Y *was* our home until Hashem kicked us out which we all say in every mussaf. While individual Jews may live there, we cannot move there en masse, as a people, until Mashiach comes. That’s even in a peaceful and non-political manner.
Unfortunately, about a century ago, the Zionists invaded large parts of E”Y and declared a State there while falsely claiming to represent the Jewish “nation”.
Moving there will not change any “balance of power”, but it will almost certainly result in massive Zionist shmad of those Jews, to varying extents (even if they still keep Shabbos and put on Tefillin), depending on how much they know about the idol of Zionism and how strong they stand in resisting that idol.
As akuperma said, moving there is, at best, moving from the frying pan to the fire.
August 27, 2020 1:25 am at 1:25 am #1896058n0mesorahParticipantI put up two posts. One about how Biden seems more in line with traditional Republicans than Trump. Another about Trump and the riots. I received zero responses on the first one, and four on the other. All four are along the line of ‘do not make that argument, there is not much he can do’. Well, it seemed to be enough of a reason to leave the country if the next president would not do much about it. What kind of allergic reaction is there to an open debate? It seems like the average republican voter has become the same no-opposition-allowed-in-my-safe-space as the shrill progressives that have infected the universities of this country. Just to point out, most presidents manage to work with both sides of the aisle. In this regard, Trump is similar to Obama, and Biden is something akin to the four presidents before that.
August 27, 2020 7:56 am at 7:56 am #1896068Avi KParticipantAkupermA et al., stop being motzi shem ra on your fellow Jews! Someone who fights for a Jewish state is far better than someone who badmouths it from his easy chair in galut.
August 27, 2020 7:57 am at 7:57 am #1896069Avi KParticipantSee Chullin 63b regarding the ראה. The Kotzker says that there is nothing more טמא.
August 27, 2020 7:59 am at 7:59 am #1896077essmeirParticipantPlan to move now! It doesn’t matter who wins. Your duty is to come home.
Just think, 20,000 more religious votes in Israel means you control the Israeli government!
Come home to where you get to do the Mitzvos for real instead of just doing them for practice. (Ramban in his commentary on Levitcus 18:25 )
The Gates are open.
Be smarter – breath the air.
You can make a living here.
The learning here is greater.
Life here is so much more.
Come home Now – Now – Don’t make your trip here in a boxAugust 27, 2020 9:27 am at 9:27 am #1896143pekakParticipantTrump was more than willing to work with the democrats when he was first elected. They chose to not work with him.
Your first argument is pointless. Biden has nothing in common with traditional Republican values.
August 27, 2020 10:23 am at 10:23 am #1896173HaKatanParticipantAvi K:
Every gadol of any stature from Rav Chaim Brisker (grandfather of your “Rav”) and on held very clearly that Zionism is an idol.Unfortunately, the Zionist shmad machine is immense, and that “Institution on the Hudson”, as Rav Keller Zatza”L put it very, very mildly, promotes as a religious value this idolatry of Zionism, along with other Maskilic values. So it’s not the fault of anyone who studied at that institution if they have absolutely no concept of authentic Judaism.
The naivete and sheer silliness of “Religious Zionism” is astounding. That’s not motzi shem ra; it’s simply fact and, again, as Rav Schwab wrote, the MO are to be pitied, not CH”V hated, for their heretical views (including Zionism) due to their controversial role models, etc.
Rav Schwab (among many others), under whose movement (TIDE) the MO tried to take cover, stated clearly that there is absolutely no masoretic source anywhere that allows for Zionism, and there is similarly no such source for the heresy of “Religious Zionism”.
August 27, 2020 12:37 pm at 12:37 pm #1896219Reb EliezerParticipantThey asked the Klausenburger ztz’l why he dioes not find anything bad in Israel? He said I find the good and if I am busy with one mitzva, I an exempt from another mitzva.
August 27, 2020 6:00 pm at 6:00 pm #1896330☕️coffee addictParticipantEssmeir thinks he’s smarter than Rav Shmuel too
August 27, 2020 10:38 pm at 10:38 pm #1896436n0mesorahParticipantDear Pekak,
Obama offered the same. And he got nowhere, until the Democrats committed an anti debate coup in Congress. As opposed to Reagan and Clinton who ran with their agendas and forced the opposition to keep up or miss out. Or, Bush 43, who found Democrats in Congress (Such as one Joseph R. Biden, a Senator from Delaware.) to stump for his policies on the floor of Congress.
August 28, 2020 10:14 am at 10:14 am #1896525hujuParticipant1. Riots are generally a state and local matter, with local police and other local authorities responsible for (and usually capable of) controlling them. If local authorities want federal help, in the form of National Guard, they can ask for it. A lot of you self-proclaimed Republicans do not seem to understand a once-fundamental principal of the Republican party, i.e., that street crime is primarily a local, not federal, problem. But, of course, Trump has remade the Republican party to expect every level of government to shoot down alleged rioters.
2. If Trump is reelected, I will seriously consider moving to Canada or Israel. Both are more democratic than the US would be under a second Trump term. Canada is the “national” of the National Hockey League, and Israeli basketball is just a notch down from the NBA. As for baseball, I suppose that in Israel I could watch East Asian baseball during breakfast.
August 28, 2020 10:26 am at 10:26 am #1896535n0mesorahParticipantThere has been very little rioting until this week. Two exceptions. Seattle, which is a struggle between local politicians. And Portland, which was under control until the Feds moved in. It is really weird how everyone is in denial about this. You would think that Americans across the country could unite for basic freedoms.
August 28, 2020 10:26 am at 10:26 am #1896534n0mesorahParticipantDear Huju,
Canada would be more democratic than the US no matter who is president. 😢😢
Israel? That’s pushing it.
The strongest democracies are in the far east. Taiwan, New Zealand, Australia.
August 28, 2020 10:27 am at 10:27 am #1896529Avi KParticipantHaKatan,
No one held such a ridiculous position. At most someone may have used exaggerated language. Once Rav Aharon Kotler called a certain rabbi an am ha’aretz. The Satmar rebbe was very upset until someone told him that that RK said “am ha’aretz” like he (the SR) said “apikoros”.
Rav Kook held that the Zionist movement (or maybe Herzl, it is not clear what he meant) is Mashiach ben Yosef, whose job is kibbutz galuyot and building the material aspect of EY (“Kol haTor” of Rabbi Hillel Rivlin according to the Gra’s teachings). Rav Yosef Soloveichik held that the Israeli flag has kedusha similar to the bloody garments of a murdered Jew.
I also very much doubt that statement you attributed to Rav Schwab. He was a proponent of “Torah im Derech Eretz”, which was the original Modern Orthodoxy. He may have been talking some people who call themselves MO but are really just traditional and think that half a glass is a full glass. However, it is not an empty glass either. It is certain that he did not say that there is no source for Zionism. Ramban says explicitly (Sefer haMitzvot, mitzvot that Rambam “forgot”) that there is a Torah obligation to conquer and settle EY in our time. Some say that Rambam does not include it because it is included in other mitzvot. BTW, when Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach was asked about going to kivrei tzaddikim he said that he went to the military cemetery on Mt. Herzl.
August 28, 2020 11:27 am at 11:27 am #1896541n0mesorahParticipantDear Hakatan,
Your historical presentation is very cryptic. I expanded it for you.
Unfortunately, = It has enabled the survival of half of the worlds Yidden.
about a century ago, = Your problem is the Third Aliyah?
the Zionists = Were opposed to the Third Aliyah. But The Alter transported his yeshiva to Chevron at this time. And Rav Isser Zalman as well.
invaded = Legally purchased the Valley of Yizrael. Which was a desert, and shortly became the most fertile land in the country.
large parts of E”Y = a few hundred farm like settlements.
and = Weizmann and The Labor Party saw their main goal as not instigating any conflict.
declared = Independence after the rulers of the land left.
a State = Was conferred on them by the gentile nations.
there = Never endeavored to go anywhere else.
while falsely = thinking that Religious Judaism had met it’s end in the Holocaust. This reflected the popular sentiment of the times.
claiming = A Biblical Right To the land.
to represent = The Religious parties that were all united at the onset of the state.
the Jewish “nation”. = Which was also somewhat united. The Conservative Movement was still largely viewed as within the fold. Reform Congregations had kept to themselves. The cration of the state, would bring their interests back toward Jewish interests, and away from (purely) secular ideas. And every group was still picking up pieces from what had been shattered in Europe.
August 28, 2020 12:24 pm at 12:24 pm #1896557Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@1
I don’t have to revisit my German History.
My maternal great grand parents moved from Bavaria to NY in 1862
There was NO country called Germany then. Unification under Bismark happened in 1871.My family left what is Now Germany long before Trump’s grandfather left to become a saloon keeper and brothel operator in Canada. Canada tossed him out and Germany would not let him back in and we got stuck with the family in the USA
August 28, 2020 12:25 pm at 12:25 pm #1896558Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@AviK
I don’t expect an attack on the compound, which is not as privileged as you think. I am not in one of the wealthier Fairfield County suburbs down county, but bordering Bridgeport in a mixed community.We own homes in EY, and I”H will visit after Covid. For medical reasons, retirement full time to EY is not an option for MRS. CTL.
August 28, 2020 1:28 pm at 1:28 pm #1896562Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@Shady
Inside Information means you can’t comment on the state of mind or thought process of someone who has not made a public statement, not that the opinion is being held secret, and only some insider know what it sayAugust 31, 2020 1:27 am at 1:27 am #1897082n0mesorahParticipantDear Huju,
Trump has remade the Republican party. Period. Full stop. End of story. Even the Republicans die hards are not supporting him. Some have openly endorsed Biden.
PS Do not take this to mean Trump cannot win. In a fair election, anything is possible.
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