Home › Forums › Litoeles H'rabim! › Places Where Police Pull People Over
- This topic has 83 replies, 31 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 3 months ago by Bais Yaakov maydel.
December 23, 2008 9:17 pm at 9:17 pm #588977qawsMember
Post where the police hides in your neighborhood and pulls people over. Make sure you write which community you are posting about.
This can be a huge chessed to people to save them from getting a ticket.
December 23, 2008 9:27 pm at 9:27 pm #628847brooklyn19Participantno – a bigger chessed would be to let them get a ticket. maybe next time they’d drive more safely. i don’t like this thread. don’t look for ways out of tickets by cheating the system. be more careful!
December 23, 2008 9:29 pm at 9:29 pm #628848CuriousMemberAnd how about adding places where there are red-light-cameras.
December 23, 2008 9:31 pm at 9:31 pm #628849AnonymousInactivebk19 have you ever gotten any tickets?
December 23, 2008 9:36 pm at 9:36 pm #628850myshadowMemberBrooklyn, we could still be nice, driving over 50MPH on the Palisades is not exactly endangering others.
Watch the NJ turnpike, I was speeding in the left lane and didn’t realize there was a cop following me (it was at night) lol he didn’t give me a ticket though.
December 23, 2008 9:41 pm at 9:41 pm #628851charlie brownMembermaybe in brooklyn all tickets are well deserved but in Monsey the cops sometimes seem to look for excuses to give tickets. For example can anybody tell me one good reason why the speed limit on College Road near RCC is only 30 MPH, the same as a typical winding side street. That part of College Rd is 4 lanes and its straight not winding. And the cops sometimes wait in the area to give tickets to those who are going over 30.
December 23, 2008 9:46 pm at 9:46 pm #628852shindyMemberCollege Road in Monsey is known as a speed trap. Speed limit is 30, so slow it down!
December 23, 2008 10:54 pm at 10:54 pm #628853anon for thisParticipantWhy would someone want to know where red light cameras are? I understand that people feel that they can safely exceed posted speed limits, but why would someone think it’s safe to run a red light?
December 23, 2008 10:57 pm at 10:57 pm #628854brooklyn19Participantwow. i can’t believe this. yes, i push over the speed limit sometimes. (pretty often, actually!) and no, i’ve never gotten a speeding ticket. but i NEVER make illegal turns or u-turns (and in brooklyn it’s all one-way streets, plus traffic so it could be a whole 10-minute ordeal to go around the block…)
anyone doing anything illegal on the road and get a ticket deserves it. including myself speeding. sorry, guys.
(i usually say “sorry, charlie” but a guess it’s not so fair of me to do it on here…)
December 23, 2008 11:04 pm at 11:04 pm #628855qawsMemberI think this thread could save people hundreds of dollars. Many cops give out tickets for no reason, they just need to fill thir quota. Innocent people get tickets all the time.
December 23, 2008 11:58 pm at 11:58 pm #628856brooklyn19Participantqaws
if you’re truly innocent you could fight it. and even if you can’t – and what does it help to know that there’s a cop there? if you know there’s a cop and you’re within the law, he might give you a ticket anyway, right? what would you have done differently?
December 24, 2008 1:35 am at 1:35 am #628857yankdownunderMemberBrooklyn19- You are right, drive safely! The purpose of the thread also alludes me. I thought driving is a privilege not a right, Which means observing all traffic laws, including maximum speed signs on all primary and secondary roads etc. If you have family members as passengers, don`t you want them to feel safe and secure as their driver?
December 24, 2008 2:04 am at 2:04 am #628858zimbyMemberI think every ticket is a kapara. Yes people should be safer drivers but I see a lot of cops pulling people over on Coney Island Avenue in Flatbush.
December 24, 2008 3:12 am at 3:12 am #628859beaconParticipantThere is a website where I heard lists all the traffic cams in the brooklyn area. Google it.
December 24, 2008 3:41 am at 3:41 am #628860beaconParticipantMy last post was for Curious..
December 24, 2008 3:54 am at 3:54 am #628861CuriousMemberThanks beacon.
December 24, 2008 4:07 am at 4:07 am #628862brooklyn19Participanti know i sound like i’m forty on this thread.
a few of my friends were in a serious accident a few years ago. one was in a coma for a while. another broke her pelvis and a few other bones. it was SCARY. so yeah, i’m kinda paranoid.
December 24, 2008 4:08 am at 4:08 am #628863beaconParticipantNo prob
December 24, 2008 4:18 am at 4:18 am #628864yankdownunderMemberZimby-BH the police are doing their job ticketing reckless and unsafe drivers.
December 24, 2008 5:28 am at 5:28 am #628865oomisParticipantI say get the ticket if you deserve it! I am sick and tired of people driving as if they own the streets, with little or no regard for safety, as well as the traffic laws. If you speed (and especially in a school zone), or run a light, nearly causing an accident in the bargain, then own up to what you did, and pay the price. Why don’t you ask about radar detectors, while you are at it?
December 24, 2008 3:34 pm at 3:34 pm #628866ModernGuyParticipantWhy don’t we also post stores where the clerks are absent minded so we can snatch a few items without paying for it?
Obey all driving laws, whether you feel they are fair or not, and you don’t have to worry about speed traps, red light cameras and others. If you are paranoid about a cop pulling you over when you have done nothing wrong, knowing the cop is there wont make any difference, so that point is moot.
December 24, 2008 3:46 pm at 3:46 pm #628867squeakParticipantBecause radar detectors can get you in trouble. You might end up with a ticket just for having one of those.
I have nothing to say about listing where cops hide, but I do understand the reason for listing where cameras are. No one is looking to run red lights – in fact, if you do run one the camera will not catch you. They only activate right after the light turns red (or so I’ve heard). It is possible to misjudge the yellow light, and some lights with cameras seem to have a shorter yellow. I would like to know where there is a robot waiting to catch me every time I make a mistake.
In the UK, they have speeding cameras. But the law requires that the camera be painted yellow (for easy visibility) and that the road be marked shortly before the camera (I guess they only catch unwitting tourists). The purpose is to slow people down, not to catch them. Here, the purpose is to catch them. A cop is expensive and makes mistakes. A robot is not and has a higher success ratio.
In a non-Big Brother society, it is nice to know that you can get away with making a mistake. But imagine if we had robots that caught your every infraction of the law – you would be scared to live. Suppose a tissue fell out of your pocket while you were rooting around for your keys – and a robot snapped a picture and mailed it to you with a ticket. Suppose this happened every time you jaywalked. Every time you turned your attention away from your toddler and he wandered 5 feet away from you. Etc, etc.
Bottom line – I am against the use of robots to keep people in line. And I am against the uber strict enforcement that means you can’t make a mistake.
December 24, 2008 3:49 pm at 3:49 pm #628868yoshiMemberWhen you get your drivers license, it is implied that you will follow the traffic laws or suffer the consequences. If you can’t accept this responsibility, then do yourself and everyone else a favor, and don’t get your drivers license.
Those who work in EMS, been in or witnessed accidents, or had a loved one in an accident, are more sensitive to traffic laws, because they have seen and felt the horrible pain first hand. Look and learn from these people, think before you act, so you can prevent yourself from ever having to deal with such anguish.
Why is there even a topic to aid people in braking the law here on the YWN CR?
What example are we setting for our children?
How are you portraying the Jewish people to the outside world?
This thread is extremely distasteful.
December 24, 2008 4:02 pm at 4:02 pm #628869myshadowMemberYoshi, it’s not to help them break the law, obviously everyone should drive like a normal person and follow the rules, it just helps to be aware when to be extra careful if there are cops around
December 24, 2008 4:59 pm at 4:59 pm #628870bored@workParticipantwow that is scary Brooklyn, I was just in an accident the other night, that really shook me, sometimes it has to happen to you to make you realize its scary, but I still drive fast on highways which is not good…
December 24, 2008 5:38 pm at 5:38 pm #628871KeepinEntertainedMemberbored@work, maybe you should learn from your mistake and slow down a bit on highway…though on highways you sort of do have to drive fast. driving too slowly can also be dangerous at times on highways. but for all, instead of finding ways to circle the law, we all have to just be more cautious. one sec of caution can save lots of pain!
December 24, 2008 5:47 pm at 5:47 pm #628872AnonymousInactivetheres a new radar detector that has built in gps and it knows where all the redlight cameras are
December 24, 2008 6:15 pm at 6:15 pm #628873designingMemberI went through all 25 posts and only saw 1 listing. Anyone know any?
<em(I just made it 26!!!)/em>
December 24, 2008 6:47 pm at 6:47 pm #628874brooklyn19Participantsqueak
you could look at it that way. or you could look at it that in england, unless you see a sign informing you about a bright yellow cam, you can speed. and around here, you ALWAYS have to be careful cuz at any given moment you may be watched.
think of it like “shivisi hashem lenegdi tamid” you’re ALWAYS being watched and you should ALWAYS be careful while driving. end of story.
December 24, 2008 7:29 pm at 7:29 pm #628875bobthebuilderParticipantYWN please close this thread, it is an embarrassment to this blog and its readers.
December 24, 2008 8:26 pm at 8:26 pm #628876bored@workParticipantI still think speeding is ok, because I do know how to drive, just made a little mistake ( or rather a big one) but i always speed on highways, never got caught once, that ticket even once every other month is worth getting to my destination faster. unless my license will get taken away, otherwise its only cash I am losing on it.
December 24, 2008 8:35 pm at 8:35 pm #628877brooklyn19Participantyou get points for speeding. moving violation. and you lose a lot more than cash. how about zchus? or a life?
December 24, 2008 8:39 pm at 8:39 pm #628878myshadowMemberWay to go bored@work!
December 24, 2008 9:12 pm at 9:12 pm #628879bored@workParticipantwell brooklyn so far none of those things have happened, just the loss of cash, I dont believe in loosing zechusim, u cant measure what HaShem is doing just do your part and it will work out. ok b’h I am here and alive, ur rite it would be a pity if I wasnt, I mean I wouldnt miss myself but my family and friends probably would.
December 24, 2008 9:18 pm at 9:18 pm #628880beaconParticipant“…otherwise its only cash I am losing on it.”
That doesn’t sound too smart. (to put it nicely)
I’m not going to go into the statistics of speeding and car crashes/deaths but maybe you should read up on it…
December 24, 2008 10:11 pm at 10:11 pm #628881KeepinEntertainedMemberbored@work, maybe you should do a little thinkin…going a bit over the speed limit is one thing but speeding just for the heck of it just to get somewhere faster can possibly be incompatiable with the continuation of life, both to yourself and others…is gettin to your destination just a mere few minutes earlier worth risking you life and the lives of others for?! and no, i am not the safest nor the best driver but we have to use our heads…especially when were in control of a very powerful weapon such as a car!
December 25, 2008 12:46 am at 12:46 am #628882squeakParticipantbrooklyn, ever heard of Big Brother (or maybe the phrase “Big Brother is watching”)? You were probably busy being born around the time Orwell wrote his famous book… but I digress. My point is that “always watching” is NOT what people want and is also NOT good for society. Always looking over your shoulder is not the way people want to live.
If you just through that out without thinking, I suggest you give it some thought. If some college professor tried to ram the idea down your throat, then you should automatically disagree (j/k). In any case, please don’t compare it to Hashem. He is infallible.
December 25, 2008 2:39 pm at 2:39 pm #628883myshadowMemberKeepingEntertained & Brooklyn, If your on the turnpike at night and it’s dead you’ll stay within 55-65MPH? honestly?
December 25, 2008 2:52 pm at 2:52 pm #628884qawsMemberAt 4:30 in the morning you will make a complete stop at a stop sign when there is no one around for miles?
December 25, 2008 4:47 pm at 4:47 pm #628885jphoneMemberYankdownunder. You wrote. “The purpose of the thread also alludes me”. What does it allude to you? How does it do that?
I think you meant “E”ludes you.
December 25, 2008 4:53 pm at 4:53 pm #628886jphoneMemberI have heard said in the name of R’ Yackov Kamenetzky Z’l, that driving recklessly forces Shamayim to use your Zechusim to protect you from yourself.
I did not hear him say this, but I did hear this repeated in his name, a number of times. Did anyone else hear this in his, or anyone elses name?
December 25, 2008 5:23 pm at 5:23 pm #628887jphoneMember“If your on the turnpike at night and it’s dead you’ll stay within 55-65MPH? honestly?”
Whatever your answer may be. If you are driving above the posted speed limit, you can be pulled over and ticketed for speeding.
December 25, 2008 6:12 pm at 6:12 pm #628888bored@workParticipantThank you jphone we are aware that we are in danger or receiving a ticket, very interesting about R’ Kamenetzky never heard that, I heard Rav Moshe Feinstein did say that driving is more of a sakana then smoking, so you should not drive for no reason. Like dont just go to visit a friend, only if you need transpertation from point A to B.
December 25, 2008 6:44 pm at 6:44 pm #628889brooklyn19Participanti can’t say i won’t speed. but i’d deserve it if i got a ticket. any yes, i do stop at stop signs at 4 AM. (not saying a full stop – but the same way i stop during the day.)
and don’t insult me. i was not yet born in 1984!
December 25, 2008 7:45 pm at 7:45 pm #628890mdlevineMemberthe basis for this thread was not for mistakes, but to try to figure out where the police are and how to drive however one want to drive with little (or at leaset less) fear of getting caught – where can I speed or in someother way be reckless. where can I run a redlight with only a small chance of getting caught. this puts the safety and lives of other drivers, pedestrians and bikers in great peril In other words, where I can I do what I want and have no consequence for my “me first – who cares about you” behavior.
Squeak – You wrote: “In a non-Big Brother society, it is nice to know that you can get away with making a mistake. But imagine if we had robots that caught your every infraction of the law – you would be scared to live. Suppose a tissue fell out of your pocket while you were rooting around for your keys – and a robot snapped a picture and mailed it to you with a ticket. Suppose this happened every time you jaywalked. Every time you turned your attention away from your toddler and he wandered 5 feet away from you. Etc, etc.”
when somneone drives in a reckless manner they are jeopardizing others and there is a Camera that captures it all and yes, one should think of that camera and be scared!
December 25, 2008 8:35 pm at 8:35 pm #628891myshadowMemberjphone, I was pulled over but not given a ticket, I just got lucky but yea wouldn’t recommend it. The place is full of cops
December 26, 2008 1:03 am at 1:03 am #628892JosephParticipantI am of the strong opinion that every light should have a red light camera attached.
December 26, 2008 1:37 am at 1:37 am #628893yankdownunderMembermdlevine- You are right why not drive safely, then will not have to be afraid of a camera that is being used to help prevent people from speeding. In addition unless your vehicle has good snow tires that grip the road, drivers need to adjust their speed when traveling on visible and hidden ice.
December 26, 2008 1:41 am at 1:41 am #628894beaconParticipantJoseph do you work for the NYPD?
December 26, 2008 1:51 am at 1:51 am #628895JosephParticipantIf it saves one life, every red light camera was well worth it.
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