Ha! its amazing, when there is leitzanus on the table, the messages come flooding in, when theres a serious, and VERY basic question, the silence hurts because it screams the truth.
Devarim 15:8 – ????-?????? ????????? ???-??????, ???; ?????????, ??????????????, ???? ?????????, ?????? ??????? ???.
Two pesukim later it doth say – ?????? ??????? ???, ?????-????? ???????? ?????????? ???: ???? ???????? ???????? ??????, ?????????? ?????? ?????????, ??????-?????????, ??????? ???????? ??????
Vayikra 25:35 – ?????-??????? ???????, ??????? ????? ???????–????????????? ????, ???? ????????? ????? ?????
and the next passuk – ???-??????? ???????? ??????? ???????????, ????????? ???????????; ????? ???????, ???????
That was all the tzedakka sources i could think of. As for chessed,
It says in pirkei avos that its one of the three pillars upon which the earth stands.
it says oilam chessed yibaneh in tehillim,
Hope that helps, im tired but if you need more, let me know