Ping Pong on Shabbos

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    Wrath? He said your words are ‘disturbing.’

    You also asked, oddly enough, what Rav Huna’s sources are. How does that square?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    You wrote “very disturbing” and “inexplicable”.

    Wrath is the wrong word. I’m not angry, I just didn’t want you or anyone reading your post to think it’s an acceptable attitude towards Chaza”l.


    What melachah are you violating if you play ping pong?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕



    Well played, DY.


    “…it’s not that individual chachomim are infallible; as great as they are, they’re still bosor vodom. Hashem, however, doesn’t let them err when it would cause an error in halacha.”

    Really? So explain to me Mishna Rosh Hashanah 2:9.

    (This is me, not my husband.)

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The smiley was for SF and Sam.

    Jfem, please explain.


    JFem: The Chodesh is not an error in Halacha. Halacha is whatever Chazal say it is (and certainly by Kiddush HaChodesh, where the critical action is Kiddush Bais Din). In fact, Bais Din would manipulate the Chodesh so that certain yom tovim would not fall out on certain days of the week. That is perfectly accptable al pi halacha.


    DaasYochid, HaLeive and Sam2; to be called a closet “tsedukki’ and not having a chelek le’olam haboh qualifies (for me) as pretty important wrath. But to central matter- Rav Huna did live many years later, so is it wrong to ask how he came to that conclusion? I have said pretty consistnly that, in matters of halacha, clearly Tannaim and Amoroim cannot bd challenged. All i have said is that in other matters (aggadata, science) there is no clear evidence that the Chazal were infallible.


    Why in the world are you conflating Agaddah and science? You wouldn’t get this reaction about science. There are parallel conversations here and as I said, it was not a good idea to hold them side by side.

    Saying that they weren’t aware of non-Torah concepts that they couldn’t be aware of has nothing to do with questioning their Torah. Melagleg Al Divrei Chachamim is an Halachic problem, and it applies to Agadda. We don’t Pasken Halachos based on Agadda, but that has nothing to do with rejecting it.

    If I find a concept about Darkei Hashem in a Sefer of a famous Achron, while I might want to learn how he came to that conclusion, I wouldn’t say, this is disturbing; what are his sources.


    gavra_at_work, manipulating the chodesh l’toeles is completely different than unintentionally calculating the chodesh inaccurately. If that’s not an “error”, what is?


    Jfem: It’s a G’zeiras Hakasuv that the Chodesh is whatever Beis Din says, even in error.

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