I never had the opportunity to take a photography course, but if you look on my blog, you can see examples of some of the photos I’ve taken over the years. With some of the photos are explanations of different aspects of photography (depth of field, shutter speed, etc.)
Did you have any specific questions about photography?
If I may make a recommendation, start with some books by Scott Kelby. He has three small books called “The Digital Photography Book” (and Vol. 2 and Vol. 3). The books are easy to read and provide some valuable advice on equipment, composition, lighting, etc.
If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.
If you are looking for books there is a wonderful 3 volume set by Ansel Adams, one of the great photographers of the 20th century you can get. Be warned it was written in the days of film and mostly is about B&W, but if you can do B&W well pretty much everything else is easy
go to bestbuy.com and go to the help/resource center it has many tips and videos on how to take graet pics in any situation it also explains aperture, focal lenth, depth of feild, etc.