Hey I’m learning meruba next zman, just wanted to know if anyone has any suggestions what to do to prepare before hand, if there are any specific sefarim that are good for this perek,etc. Anything would be appreciated,thank you.
just to get some yedios. u should look at the gemara on daf samech heh. theres a r’ chaim and a r’ aahron there. ( theres also a r’ chaim on the mishna which is very yesodosdik [ however u spell that in english.lol.] ) and the gilyon hashaas on the mishnah that explains the dif. between someone that steals from a ganav and theres a problem of hagonev min haganev ( which the problem is is that theres a chisaron of birshuso ) and one who steals from a shomer and theres no problem.