Patronized for wearing a mask

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    I have been patronized for wearing a mask in frum stores by the frum staff. I didn’t comment except to respond that just like they follow their medical guidance, I follow mine. I ask the coffee room to offer their 2 cents on this.

    Reb Eliezer

    Trump told a reporter to take off his mask when asking a questiion at a news conference.


    Reb E – wow, now you’ve really convinced me! Im voting for biden!


    Mask don’t help. I have a proof for that , why are people still in their houses and don’t want to come out and scared to come out ? If you really think it works so why don’t they put one on and come out.
    Because it doesn’t help their afraid anyway a lot of people got the virus with a mask masks are just political.

    The little I know


    The press conferences are attended by a very limited audience. They are 6 feet apart. Their masks make for a nice photo – implying they are more cautious, but offer zero practical benefit in the specific situation. Frankly, many of the leftist media reps would accomplish more for humanity if they wore muzzles.

    Reb Eliezer

    proud, look up in Biur Halacha O’CH 554 about the Cholara epidemic to stay inside but when need to go out, wear a mask.

    Reb Eliezer

    TLIK, Trump created a bad impression showing that a mask is not important.


    @arvah, i get harassed for not wearing a mask so I guess we are even.


    Just tell them “If you patronize me I will not patronize your store”. Get it? two definitions of patronize…
    I crack myself up….


    Did I get that right? You had to defend wearing a mask? Why would that be?

    The only answer is the only answer. Some people always think backwards.


    RE -“Trump told a reporter to take off his mask when asking a questiion at a news conference.”

    That was one time. But he tells e/o to follow the Federal Gov. Guidelines.
    It’s Amazing how the Trump haters can Turn everything around.
    Don’t worry if You Libs get your way & Get Biden For Pres., I won’t complain about the Higher Taxes, but e/o else WILL!


    CTRebbe, here is the email I already sent one stores management.

    I made a purchase today in your store on ********** in ********** today. I was patronized by your staff for wearing a mask. As management, I assume you like to hear what happens in your stores. The Ś€ŚĄŚ•Ś§ in ŚžŚ©ŚœŚ™ does say Ś›ŚžŚ™Ś Ś”Ś€Ś Ś™Ś ŚœŚ€Ś Ś™Ś Ś›ŚŸ ŚœŚ‘ Ś”ŚŚ“Ś ŚœŚŚ“Ś, yet this makes me less likely to patronize *********.


    Since the WHO and the CDC have both flipped on masks, it pays to research the underlying science. Wearing a standard mask may only protect everyone else from a sick [in most cases, with symptoms] person. The wearer will barely benefit if at all. If the wearer is not sick, there is really no point. If the wearer is wearing an N95 mask properly fit, they can protect themselves from other sick people as well. If they are not showing symptoms, and neither are the people around them, there is really no point.


    @Reb Eliezer that’s not what’s happening here and it doesn’t say anything about masks it just says keep distance. And if that’s the case so why are people still sitting in their house and don’t want to come out. Let them come out and wear a mask it obviously doesn’t work period. You’ll see November 4th they will tell everyone you can take off your mask it’s ok. All it is a political scam.


    Proud -“If you really think it works so why don’t they put one on and come out.”

    They aren’t Available. (N95 or above)
    The Masks are meant to have e/o wear one, so the infected ones won’t spread the Covid.
    Wherever I see – the Frum people are Not wearing them, so I don’t go out, unless where I’m going to – THAT Place enforces Wearing MASKS.


    what do you mean when you say you were patronized?
    what was said or done by the store employees?


    I make my medical decisions based on what medical experts say. Not on what politicians say. Not on whet celebrities say. Not on what opinionated media personalities say. Not on what YOUtubers say. The halacha is that if you have a medical question (like whether to be mechalel Shabbos for a choleh, or whether a baby boy is too yellow for milah) then you ask a doctor. Any medical question should be decided by doctors.


    Dear Kollelman,

    Millions of people have been infected. This seems contagious enough to be worth slowing it’s spread.


    “Trump told a reporter to take off his mask when asking a questiion at a news conference.”
    Health says: “That was one time”…
    If you are trying to be funny, its a poor attempt at humor. This moron on the WH was forced kicking and screaming to even acknowledge on one occasion that wearing masks is one of the simplest and easiest things we can do with the potential to save lives. At every possible opportunity he has mocked and belittled those on his task force and other public officials who have urged Americans to wear masks. At the peak of the Summer spikes he held rallies where masks were not worn and even at his convention acceptance speech at the WH there were few masks around. At tonight’s rally in NC, there were no masks evident behind the podium when the cameras were turned on and only then were the Trumpkopfs crammed together behind him handed an optional “MAGA mask” which only about half put on. In simple terms, he has made wearing masks another one of the litmus tests dividing Americans. There is good evidence that wearing masks helps reduce transmission to some degree where social distancing is impossible and will save lives. But to Trump, its just another way to push back against what he considers the “elite”.


    Trump told a reporter to take off his mask when asking a question at a news conference.

    That was because the reporter’s voice wasn’t loud enough for the President to hear, and the reporter was far enough away that a mask wasn’t needed. The reporter kept his mask on, and spoke louder, which solved the problem.


    Dear Proud,

    Almost every poster here would not align with those stats. I used to think that no orthodox Jews are more political than Jewish. The pandemic has affected my viewpoint on this notion. If anyone here has solitary as their religion, it is the Trump can do on wrong crowd.

    PS We can talk about Mr. Shapiro. If had a lot of promise. He seems to have run out of enlightening thoughts.

    He is wrong about the older Orthodox Jewish Democrats. The republicans were less anti Semitic than the Democrats in the middle of the last century. (At this point in his career, he is wrong about most things. It is all about how many viewers feel the need to feed off his echo chamber.)


    GH -“But to Trump, its just another way to push back against what he considers the “elite”.”

    The reason he doesn’t Trust the So-called Gov. Experts because he thinks they are Like N. Pelosi – Hypocritical.
    He’s too scared to Openly Fight Them.
    If I was him – I’d get rid of that guy Fauci.
    If the Gov. would have demanded that e/o take HCQ + Zinc that was diagnosed with Covid19 – this Pandemic would be Long Gone!

    Reb Eliezer

    health, Have you done tbe proper randomized effective and safe test with HCQ + Zinc? You can only administer it in the beginning of the illness and then it might be dangerous and he can get cured without it.


    Dear Reb Eliezer,

    It is considered a safe medication.


    Dear Health,

    You already agreed that medications alone would not solve the pandemic.

    And, Dr. Fauci does not make the call on medications. The FDA does.

    Reb Eliezer

    People can get heart palpitations from it.


    Dear Reb Eliezer,

    The risk is minimal. If it would be definitively proven that it has a major impact on coronaviruses, nobody would be mentioning the side effects.


    RE -“he can get cured without it.”

    For those people – don’t give it.
    For the ones that might end up in the hospital, they should have gotten it.
    And this Pandemic would be Long Over!


    nOmesorah -“You already agreed that medications alone would not solve the pandemic.”

    They definitely should work on a Vaccine.
    But those 2 Meds would make things a lot more normal.
    It might not be called a Pandemic anymore!

    “And, Dr. Fauci does not make the call on medications. The FDA does.”
    They all work together and the FDA based a lot of their decisions on his opinions.


    Dear Health,

    Not this one. Medications are not his expertise. I do not even know that he spoke about HCQ other than an interview in the beginning of August.

    Also, there are several treatments being used that are as effective as HCQ was ever thought to be. This was a big deal for about a week in March. Why does it keep coming up?


    I would have turned and walked out and spent my money elsewhere.

    I don’t know where you are located, but here in CT not wearing a mask in a retail store (employees and customers excluding small children) can bring a $1000 fine. Repeated violations by staff can lead to the store being closed by the authorities.

    I will also assume that the customers were not social distancing, the store was too crowded to allow 6 foot separation, they allowed multiple members of a family to enter and shop together, there was no employee at the door counting those entering and leaving to ensure the leagl reduced occupancy was not exceeded and they think they are above the civil law.

    Dina Malchusa Dina………………….

    Reb Eliezer

    People don’t realize that every time they wear a mask they perform a mitzva of loving your fellow man like yourself by protecting others from being infected.

    Shoshana MD

    Well said Reb Eliezer. I would have said, “I am wearing a mask to make sure that I do not cause you to become ill because I care about you.”
    The only solution to COVID will not come from mediations or vaccines. It will only come from HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


    Most Jews are liberals because the Torah, the Neviim, and Chazal teach (mostly) what would be called liberal values today.


    At the frum stores in my neighborhood, everyone wears a mask.


    N95 not available

    How many would you like?
    I have 800 sitting in a carton not 3 feet from my desk.


    N95 is not effective if you have facial hair

    History Buff

    Feb Eliezer has the best argument. With Yomim Noroim coming up we need to show how we care for others, not focus on anything selfish.


    I am excited beyond words to see so many people here brave enough to expose the myth about masks. I have many friends who are surgeons, nurses, professors of medicine, and paramedics, and they not only wear masks at their jobs, but they tell me that all the people they went to medical school with, as well as all their teachers, dating back for many decades, in every industrialized country, have been wearing masks under the weird illusion that it will prevent the spread of infectious disease. They will be delighted to hear that the chachomim on Yeshiva World News have learned differently. It will completely revolutionize medicine and health care all over the world. They will also be glad to hear about the horrible health risk they are taking by wearing these things on their faces. Until now, they have been under the illusion that contagion is a health risk, and masks help prevent it. They didn’t know about all the carbon monoxide and UFOs that they have been inhaling, or that even though in the combined billions of hours of surgeons the world over breathing through these things no one has yet become sick, it is really just a matter of time until they do.


    I also have to agree with the November 4th thing. All this mask wearing in Canada, Laos, Australia, Bolivia, Germany, Finland, Ireland, Vietnam, Lesotho, Mozambique, Morocco, Singapore, Taiwan, Pananma, … why can’t everyone see it is a conspiracy of the Democratic Party?

    I noticed that Franco Servadie, the Italian physician currently presiding over the World Federation of Neurosurigcal Societies, is a mask-wearer both during surgery and during social interactions when there is a global pandemic of infectious disease, and the only explanation for this is that he has his eyes on that November 4th election. Let’s see if he or any of the other members of the Federation strap on a mask on November 5th.

    Reb Eliezer

    You know a PaperBridge falls apart as your arguments. All medical athorities recommend wearing a mask in order to protect others from being infected. It is not for yourself but it is for others. If you have the virus, you spreaded around in a crowded place. The Relublicans only care for themselves, so no mask is required.


    Dear Paper,

    Thank you for controlling yourself to give us your hilarious words, even though you were excited beyond words.

    Much appreciated😂😂😉

    Reb Eliezer

    Excuse the typos above authorities and Republicans.


    What shaychus does masks have to slowing the spread? Please see what I wrote. The masks aren’t helping unless sick, contagious people are walking around and wearing high quality masks. If you are healthy, there is no point in wearing one, unless it’s N95 and you want to protect yourself.


    Just some numbers:
    198 Covid deaths in Lakewood. Is the Lakewood death rate higher than all other NJ townships? Yes.

    Here is why,
    To calculate the death rate all you have to do is divide the total deaths by the population size. However that isn’t the correct way to calculate Lakewood’s death rate. The reason it is wrong is because the median age in Lakewood is 19 which means that half of Lakewood’s population is under that age. Being that the young aren’t generally effected by Covid it wouldn’t be accurate to include them in the population size. Now if you divide the deaths for each townships by their over 40 year old population you will see that Lakewood has a little over double the average death rate. That means we lost 100 people more than we had to.

    Let stop being so much smarter and just follow the rules.


    Dear Kollelman,

    How come some cities have had were positive cases for extended periods?


    Do you mean that men with a beard have a heter to spit around and make themselves disgusting, not to mention spreading this disease or other illnesses? Beard, where is your Yid?


    Much needed words! Thank you 🙂


    it’s not whether you want to protect yourself: you are obligated to protect yourself, last time I checked. Besides, if you get exposed you will be contagious and walking around.


    Mask don’t help. I’ll give you a reason , why when someone has the virus they say be in a room for 14 days if it really helps then they should be going around with a mask that’s the fact but if I got the virus a long Time ago now what?


    I walk out of a store if they tell me to wear a mask. I don’t go to non Jewish stores for that reason and I only go to the Jewish stores where I don’t need to wear a mask. If Nancy doesn’t wear I don’t. Why I’m I diff then her?


    Many of us in the Jewish communities have already contracted COVID months ago and currently have antibodies. Yet we face criticism if we feel confident walking around without one. It has now become a chillul Hashem to not wear a mask. Why? I can not infect someone else, and I can’t get sick. (Ok now I will get ten people responding that who knows, maybe I can get it twice and infect everyone without showing a single symptom ) I think if people have zero symptoms
    They shouldn’t be required to wear one
    And if someone doesn’t want to get sick
    Take the precaution of wearing a mask.

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