Chas veSholom that vaYeshev & Mikketz would be ever be switched around.
What is correct however is that Thursday & Friday of week of Mikketz is always Chanukah, and Mikketz is only Parsha that is never read on a Thursday morning.
The only 2 Parshios that are never read exactly 4 times in any given year are Mikketz & vaYelech. Mikketz because that Thursday is always Chanukah, and that Monday only comes out before Chanukah if Rosh haShonoh had fallen out on Thursday.
vaYelech, when Rosh haShono is Thursday or Shabbos is joined with Nitzovim. When Rosh haShono is Monday, vaYelech is omitted on that Monday morning. When Rosh haShono is Tuesday, vaYelech is omitted on that Thursday morning Tzom Gedaliah.