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- This topic has 8 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 1 month ago by Student of Torah.
January 23, 2018 5:37 pm at 5:37 pm #1455121mfmfParticipant
The טור and the מחבר,write in the first Siman
of the entire Shulchan Aruch ” טוב לומר” (It’s good
to say פרשת המן etc.)When the טור and the מחבר both say it’s good then
it must be good.The משנה ברורה (sk 13) quotes the בית יוסף
“The reason to say it so to believe that Parnasa
comes with השגחה פרטית.” The מ”ב explains,
to believe that increase in השתדלות doesn’t
help to increase Parnasa.Seems the reason to say it is not for the Segula
but to ingrain the proper השקפה re ParnasaThe פרישה quotes the ירושלמי in מס’ ברכות
(ערוך השלחן couldn’t find it and it hasn’t been found
since) “Whoever says פרשת המן EVERY DAY*
will be guaranteed not to miss his מזונות. (Parnasa)The תשב”ץ adds “ואני ערב” I am a guarantor.
Perhaps, this Segula acts as a reward for attempting
to ingrain the proper השקפה in השגחה פרטית
*not only on Tuesday Parshas BeshalachWHY YOU SHOULD NOT SAY PARSHAS HAMAN
Why not to say פרשת המןShulchan Aruch ( O.Ch 1: 23) “It is good to say פרשת המן. So that you will believe, Parnasa is השגחה פרטית
The ערוך השלחן writes,” Our Minhag is not to say it (פרשת המן). There is no mention of פרשת המן in Shas ”
The פריישה claims there is a ירושלמי (Brachos) that speaks about the Segula of פרשת המן.” The ערוך השלחן writes
he couldn’t find this ירושלמי. (It hasn’t been found since) He continues, The reason for not saying פרשת המן is threefold
a) The Parsha mentions numerous times the Bnai Yisroel’s
complaints of not having food.
b) The complaints on the מן
c) The Midrash writes Hashem said “I don’t need your
complaints and not your praises.” (on the מן)
The (משנה ברורה (א:ס”ק י”ב writes ” Someone who is a בעל תורה and has a heart to understand & learn should rather learn than to say the תחינות & בקשות printed in the Siddurim.
The כף החיים quotes from the אריז”ל, לחם חמודות, (תו”ס יו”ט) & אליה רבא who all claim that learning Torah takes precedence over saying these תפילות.
According to the רמבם*, If the sole purpose of saying the Parsha, is to have the Segulah of Parnasah, it is considered כפירה. “They make the Divrei Torah a רפואת הגוף and it isn’t but a רפואת הנפש”
The farmer explained the Selichos prayer. “This is a special prayer we say so the cows should produce lots of milk, The chickens should produce lots of large eggs.The geese should produce large fatty livers etc.”[based on the tales of R. Shmuel Munkes zt”l Talmid of Baal Hatanya]
Many ads today in the Frum media, seems like they are reaching to the masses who think exactly like the farmer.
*(Hl. Avoda Zarah (Perek 11)
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torasabaJanuary 23, 2018 10:56 pm at 10:56 pm #1456038iacisrmmaParticipantSee Rabbi Hoffman’s article:
January 24, 2018 1:08 am at 1:08 am #1456046mfmfParticipantMaybe Rabbi Hoffman should see this
January 24, 2018 7:46 am at 7:46 am #1456072iacisrmmaParticipantIf you read his article he addresses everyone of your issues which I know is found on another website. Just curious is to where you have semichah from.
January 24, 2018 8:41 am at 8:41 am #1456095The little I knowParticipantThis subject gets center stage every year. The question is not whether there is a segula in reciting Parshas Hamon. There is ample reference to this. The issue is whether there is any significance whatsoever to Tuesday of Parshas Beshalach.
I have yet to see a single reputable source for this. I am acquainted with a rather big Talmid Chochom, a Rosh Yeshiva in one of the Chassidishe Yeshivos, who stated publicly that he remembers exactly when this “minhag” was formed. It was approximately in 1947, and was part of a casual conversation among a group of baalei batim in a shul on the Lower East Side.
Meanwhile, virtually any reference to Tuesday Beshalach postdates that. I would be open to any factual challenge to this.
BTW, I also know a devoutly Chassidishe family that comes from Rimanov, and are also descendants of Reb Mendele ZT”L, and they know nothing of any such mesora from Reb Mendele about this “minhag” of Tuesday Beshalach. Again, I am open to any factual challenge.
Meanwhile, I believe there is no such minhag, and that is was fabricated. It is attributed to Reb Mendele, who was an advocate to recite Parshas Hamon every day. The originator had the mazel, and his fabrication went viral.
January 24, 2018 11:25 am at 11:25 am #1456216iacisrmmaParticipantTLIK: “It was approximately in 1947, and was part of a casual conversation among a group of baalei batim in a shul on the Lower East Side.”
So you are disputing what Rabbi Hoffman wrote that “some trace it to Rav Menachem Mendel of Riminov (1745-1815), one of the five main disciples of the Rebbe Elimelech of Lisensk. Others trace it to Rav Shalom of Stropkov (1855-1940) (See Yisroel V’Hazmanim, Rav Dovid Rossov p. 291). It is clear, however, that Rav Shalom was quoting the Riminover and did not make it up himself. The original Sfer of the Riminover is not easily accessible as only the first volume is readily extant.”
If it was written in a sefer of R’ Mendel that we no longer have, how can you be certain that he descendants know or don’t know of it?
Maybe it’s a segula maybe it’s not. Maybe it’s a true minhag, maybe not. Is there anything wrong with spending 5 minutes reading pesukim of the torah with it’s targum?
January 24, 2018 11:31 am at 11:31 am #1456228mfmfParticipantHarav Mordechai Genuth Shlita Mechaber Sefer Luach Dovor Beito writes that he investigated and asked
Yidden originating from Riminov and none of them ever heard of this Minhag (Tuesday Beshalach)
He also claims that the Sefer Yalkut Menachem which has all the Divrei Torah etc. from R. Mendel Miriminov
there is no mention of this Minhag.
He, therefore, assumes that it’s likely that it does not originate from R.M. Miriminov.Link removed
January 24, 2018 1:43 pm at 1:43 pm #1456324The little I knowParticipantiacisrmma:
You wrote: “If it was written in a sefer of R’ Mendel that we no longer have, how can you be certain that he descendants know or don’t know of it?”
These descendants told me so, clearly. They are a family of very chassishe Yidden, Bnei Torah.
Next, Reb Mendele advocated reciting it every day. That is not disputed. It has sources in kadmonim. Reb Mendele was quite busy with Parshas Hamon, saying Divrei Torah on just this topic for many years. There is no challenge to that. All I said was that the Tuesday Beshalach is a fabrication. And I have witnesses who observed this fabrication being developed. Reciting Parshas Hamon is no more a segula that day than if it is recited any other day of the year. It is a myth gone viral. People like to create minhagim, and this is wrong.
January 24, 2018 3:29 pm at 3:29 pm #1456373iacisrmmaParticipantmfmf: You state “He, therefore, assumes that it’s likely that it does not originate from R.M. Miriminov.” The word “assumes” looms big. He cannot state it outright nor can you.
TLIK: It’s amazing to me that those witnesses do not come forward to state their account. If they witnessed it what are they afraid of? Doesn’t the torah state that עַל־פִּ֣י | שְׁנֵ֣י עֵדִ֗ים א֛וֹ עַל־פִּ֥י שְׁלשָֽׁה־עֵדִ֖ים יָק֥וּם דָּבָֽר: Right now you are giving us hearsay. Unless they are willing to say this publicly, I have no reason to believe them.
February 3, 2018 7:50 pm at 7:50 pm #1461689Student of TorahParticipantsince when did haman harasha have a parsha?
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