Parking Meter Tickets – An NYC “Gotcha!”

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    Red Adair

    In New York City there are a couple of convenient ways to pay for parking in metered spots. The first is to pay at the meter itself, either with cash or via card, the second is by using an app that allows smartphone users to pay electronically.

    Recently, a relative who’d paid to park via the app was ticketed for not displaying a parking stub. The absurdity of getting ticketed for not displaying a parking stub when paying via the app aside, they fortunately got the ticket dismissed immediately when they presented proof that they’d paid.

    We don’t have the app, and instead pay the meter and display the parking stub in our windshield. Recently, we got a ticket claiming we’d parked without displaying the stub about three or four weeks earlier. Were we guilty? I suspect not, but I can’t be 100% sure. There was no ticket left on our windshield (or it was taken, but that’s unlikely). I know of a few instances where traffic police flat-out lied and wrote tickets for non-existent violations, and witnessed at least one firsthand, but that’s probably not what happened. We always pay the meter and display the stub, but it’s possible we forgot once, didn’t display it properly, or it blew off the windshield when we closed the door. Unfortunately, we have no way of being 100% certain or proving it even if we were, because stubs from weeks ago are long gone. What we’ll iy”H be doing in the future is keeping our parking stubs, probably for at least a couple of months.

    The purpose of this post is to save you from paying for a ticket you don’t deserve. It’s only $35, but better in your pocket than the PVB’s. Keep your parking stubs so you’ll have proof, just in case it’s ever needed.

    ☕️coffee addict


    My wife (who has a disability and a placard stating so on her dashboard) parks (or leaves her car) on the street cleaning side sometimes (which is permitted because of the card) and still gets a ticket

    My wife disputes it (online thankfully) and gets it dismissed every time, however it is a nuisance


    I generally take a photo of the stub on my phone (which also date stamps the photo). There is no way I’ll ever find the paper stub even a day or two later, much less several months.


    CA: What kind of disability?



    Why don’t you mind your own business and stop asking others to air theirs in public? What’s wrong with you?

    ☕️coffee addict



    Not telling you and it doesn’t make a difference


    Okay, mbachur, still love ‘ya. 😝


    So, it sounds like a better option is to use the app or park in Monsey,

    Dr. Pepper


    I was walking by a meter maid who slapped a ticket on a car in a way that there was practically no way it was going to be there by the time the owner got back. When I mentioned it to her she patted the printer on her side and said that as long as it’s recorded there it’s all good.


    Eitza Tova, keep the ticket inside the car where it can be seen and not taken away. Most people I know do this and those extra few seconds can save a lot of heartache…


    Dr Pepper > I was walking by a meter maid who slapped a ticket on a car in a way

    I was walking in front of a meter maid and threw a couple of quarters into the cars in front of me. Got me ayn harah.


    I hsve beaten tickets by taking a photo of the stub through the windshield. But nowadays I use the app.

    Red Adair

    coffee addict, Dr. Pepper, I strongly suspect that many traffic enforcement agents would rather write out as many tickets as possible, whether or not those tickets are justified and/or the recipients receive them before a threatening notice arrives in the mail.

    Gadolhadorah, modern, That’s a good idea, and even drivers who don’t have smartphones probably have a camera on their flip phone.


    I’m not following how a ticket can get lost before the meter maids come to check it; it is supposed to be put inside the car on the dashboard, showing from the windshield. I never saw anyone put it outside the car (on the windshield, with the wiper blades.)

    ☕️coffee addict

    Red Adair,

    Correct, they probably don’t care as long as they have met their quota

    But it is annoying


    Then there was the officer who, after issuing a motorist a ticket, was yelled at by the driver that he was giving it to him to meet his quota. The officer replied that he already exceeded his quota for the day and was now giving the ticket just for the fun of it.

    Dr. Pepper


    It used to happen to me all the time- I’d put it on the dashboard, slam the door and the receipt would go flying. What I got into the habit of doing is leaving one of the back doors open while I close the front door and then slowly closing the back door (and double and triple checking the dashboard). Sure it’s a pain but it’s less of a pain than fighting a ticket.

    I’m not the only one who has that issue, a friend of @bein_hasidorim had that problem on a date, luckily she had lip gloss to stick it to the dashboard (not sure what he does now as if I remember correctly the trick worked but not the date).

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