Overuse of the word “neis”

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    Here is a question I got from an older son this week
    If yeshiva world calls the fact that a sefer Torah was saved from the LA fires a “neis” and that sefer Torah was in a fire proof safe.
    Then what do you call it when the secular media reports that a statue of Mary , that was completely out in the open, was untouched by the fire?
    Is that also a neis?


    The Internet and its anonymous amaratzim has become the go-to place for answers regarding chinuch?


    With Hashem running the entire world and everything with a plan and accounting for. Anything is possible for Hashem to do with a flip of a finger with his malachim and sending them to do anything like Hashem sent Malach Gavriel to destroy the entire army of Sancheiriv and the way it was done by having the chayos sing the holy spirit song of praise to Hashem it removed their souls from their bodies and they were all immediately dead with no war at all to kill such a large army.

    If we start to put our COMPLETE FAITH AND TRUST IN HASHEM then Hashem will take care of all our needs as we say in bentching from Tehillim chapter 34 Vdorshei Hashem…. Which means for one who seeks out Hashem directly-not through messengers like rebbas or segulahs etc….-lacks nothing that is good.


    We have a discussion in perek shlishi of Taanis – what is called normal or abnormal house collapse. If you did not build the house well, then house collapse is not something that requires extra praying or fasting. So, maybe you can apply same logic. Was the Torah protected well, etc


    All over the Internet are pics of “Devout xtians” whose whole neighborhood burned down except their house. (Xtian) Bibles that survived when nothing else did.
    My Rebbe explained if Neisim only happened to Yidden we would lose our free will especially concerning the correct religion. How can a Yid be rewarded for following Judaism when he saw only Jewish holy objects experience Neisim? So yes, if unnaturally a Torah or a statue of Mary survives they are BOTH Neisim.


    Actually neither are a “neis” hence the title of my post.
    Both are hashgocho pratis and there is a difference
    The word neis should be reserved for something clearly outside the realm of nature
    Another case in point from this week
    Shrapnel from a downed missile falling on a house and not causing injuries is not, as YW reported, a “neis”
    Had the missile been intact , and the warhead not gone off when it hit the house, that would have been a “neis”


    And ujm
    As my post to kuvult just now makes clear l am trying to reach those that run this site rather than solicit opinions
    I told my kid that this site is wrong for using the terminology


    mentch, often having a “nes” is a last-resort action to protect someone and may take away your zechuyot. To use your analogy, you will be better off using air defence to protect your home than relying on the nes to have debris falling around you. In Taanis 20, R Huna is using zechuoyos of another Chacham to save wine from a shaky building and the chacham is not happy about that.

    ☕️coffee addict

    “The word neis should be reserved for something clearly outside the realm of nature
    Another case in point from this week
    Shrapnel from a downed missile falling on a house and not causing injuries is not, as YW reported, a “neis”
    Had the missile been intact , and the warhead not gone off when it hit the house, that would have been a “neis””


    Let’s change the dynamics over here

    We say the oil in the menorah lasted 8 days when it really was supposed to last for one, according to you it’s not a נס because oil burning is within the realm of nature so it just burned slowly


    ומן הניסים הגדולים המפורסמים אדם מודה בניסים הנסתרים שהם שיסוד התורה כולה…עד שנאמין שכל דברינו ומקרינו כולם ניסים
    רמב”ן פרשת בא

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