Oorah’s the Shmorg DVD

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  • This topic has 32 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by ames.
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  • #589702

    The Atheist Convention is definitly my favorite part. I think Lipa downgraded the nice Hentalech song by the way he performed it on the dvd.


    tough choice ames- I think it was done very well this year. I especially get a kick out of the dollar bills enacting the different circles and stripes of yiddishkeit for the prizes. Whoever wrote that script did an outstanding job! The lines are very chapp-y and a superb play on words. Before pesach, my family played and replayed that part again and again

    for those that only got a taste of the shmorg- you aint seen nothin yet. Donate! (and not just to get the CD)


    I think that the Birchas Hachama presentation was the best thing on the shmorg. It was a very intellectual and inspiring visualization which greatly enhanced my first saying of the this precious once in 28 year mitzvah.


    The dancing dollar was cute. But is a dancing dollar bill what Yiddishkeit is about? Dollars, prizes, vacations? Is that the message a kiruv organization should be sending? That gashmius is what counts?

    d a

    BTW, the Feivesh video was very similar to last year’s. Other years they made a whole new video. I was looking forward to a new idea, but it was still good.


    Jothar- what you’re against is the whole chinese auction idea, not Oorah per se. So please don’t bash the organization when all they’re doing is fitting in with the times


    i think lipas song was the cutest part- its cool how he really got these languages put together- because I know a few of these languages so i can vouch he didnt just make up these words- I must say- it wa svery original!


    Yeah Lipa was very good, I thought that Joe DiMaggio’s card and the Athiest Convention were also good. The Birchas Hachama video thing was amazing as well.


    Nobody for Rabbi krohn’s speech? 🙁


    Oorah should have a pize next year where you get to meet a real mod (joseph/fake joseph) and be a mod for a day in the CR.


    55, are you willing to sponsor it??

    sponsor it? What are the costs?

    Moderator 55


    55, maybe a job when you relinquish it to me…



    your job, man!


    mod55: i might put all my tickets in that prize!


    areivim, you have confused 2 separate issues.

    Issue #1- should there be Chinese Auctions?

    Issue #2: Assuming the answer is yes, should they be over-the-top, “Get your gashmius here!”, anti-Orthodox values in order to make money? Their message to the irreligious is that money is nothing, gashmius is nothing, only ruchnius can bring you true happiness. Then they turn around to the frum community (suffering from the effects of too much gashmius) and offer the exact opposite message! Win gashmius prizes and achieve true happiness! Most other Chinese auctions are not over-the-top, and do reflect the awareness that if they need to do this to raise money, the emphasis is on the organization, not the prizes. An animation showing a dancing dollar bill and highlighted prizes is THE EXACT OPPOSITE of the message we need to send our children. Rabbi Shaya Cohen of Priority-1 says that many children go off because of hedonism. Must we stress something that causes kids to go off the derech in order to bring other kids back? If they offered a subscription to Netflix and 100 dvd’s of your choice as a prize, and justified it with “It’s a big money-maker, and helps fund our kiruv programs”, would you have the same viewpoint?


    I found the CD really entertaining! I especially enjoyed Joe DiMaggio’s card, while my husband was facinted by the explanation of Birchas Hachama.


    Jothar- I have to say I disagree. A few things here:

    – I didn’t say I like the dancing dollar. I like the script.

    – I think your comparison with Netflix is way off base

    – I feel the “all other auctions” comparison is off as well. They all offer about 95% of the prizes offered through Oorah.


    Areivim, to clarify, I love the computer animation. I also love a lot of the disc, including the Lipa thing. Show me another Chinese Auction that stresses the gashmius as much as this one. when BMG had one it got quickly pulled. A “Wheel of Fortune” setup and a dancing dollar bill named “Fivish” bouncing among prizes is NOT a Torah message, no matter how you spin it. The difference between that and Netflix is one of degree, not of essence. Chasing gashmius is wrong (Lo sachmod), just like watching dvd’s (lo sasuru, abizrayhu degilui arayos, etc) is wrong. I’m fully aware of the good that Oorah does. They run a top-notch kiruv organization. But this is frankly the wrong message. Let’s say they sent out the CD with Lipa, and the cute videos, and did NOT have the bouncing dollar bill. It would totally change the tone of the cd without killing the entertainment value. It would still be cutting-edge and a great fundraiser without sending the wrong message.

    Kars4kids- I can’t defend it so I won’t.


    You may be right. However, this is a very public forum. Is it possible that this conversation is taking a turn down L”H Lane?



    my grandfather speaks 8 languages(im not kidding)and he said that french,hungarian,and russian are fakes


    im talking about the lipa song

    an open book

    ha ha ames 🙂


    ames, are you doubting my name? and I thought we were friends…



    not about the DVD, but on the reminder they sent (with the prizes) there was a post-it on the front that said meeting with Feivish at 5-ish, It was so cute!


    d a

    Anybody got the new Shmorg in the mail from Oorah yet?


    they already sent it out?? we’re waiting for ours..

    tomim tihye

    Kugel-eater: The grammar IS wrong in some of the languages in the song.


    Its a fundraiser and they feel this brings in the most funds. Its not about promoting torah.


    You can preview the “shmorg 2” at http://www.oorah.org

    d a

    doing that right now!

    YW Moderator-42

    The Shmorg 2 is awesome! Great songs, great videos. Good job by Oorah as usual.


    I believe they are up to #10 now.


    Scary how time flies

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