Oneg Shabbos Herring Recipe

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    Sorry, I have enough of the politics! It seems like finding a good Oneg Shabbos Herring Recipe is more classified than the classified documents found in Biden’s home and garage.

    Anyone have a good Oneg Shabbos (or spicy) herring recipe? I am aware that today’s millennials do not fancy a good herring, but I would like to give it a try!

    ☕️coffee addict

    Hey you never know,

    Maybe a good recipe is one of the classified documents


    I still have the recipe from some fantastic herring we had in Norway years ago. Like any other recipe, the key is to find the freshest herring available. It uses a bit less salt than most and relied on spices for its unique flavor and avoids the “cream” or “oily” textures frequently encountered.

    Norwegian Style Herring

    1/4 cup kosher salt
    1 quart water
    2 cups white wine vinegar (or some dry white wine past its prime)
    1/4 cup sugar
    1 pound FRESH herring fillets (the canned/bottled varieties tend to be salted)
    1 teaspoon mustard seed
    2 teaspoons whole allspice
    2 teaspoons black peppercorns
    3 bay leaves
    1 green chili (anaheim for mild; serrano for hot)
    3 cloves
    1 lemon, thinly sliced
    1 red onion thinly sliced

    Heat 3 cups of the water sufficiently to dissolve salt and let the brine cool to room temperature. Refrigerate the herring fillets in the brine overnight. Bring the sugar, vinegar, 1 cup of water and all the spices to a boil, simmer and cool. Simmer 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and let this steep until cool. Layer the brined herring fillets in a glass jar with the sliced lemon and red onion. Pour the liquid sugar/spice liquid over the herring in the jar and refrigerate for a day or two. It can easily stay fresh in the frig for at least 2 weeks.


    The herring sold in jars is fine with me. I don’t need the aggravation of making it.


    Huju: Then you probably don’t bake your own Challah erev shabbos???


    Make it like the Russians:

    Boil potatoes
    Fry up chopped onions
    Mash the potatoes with the onions
    Mix in sour cream
    Mix in chopped matjes herring
    Add salt and pepper to taste

    Amil Zola

    I love this thread. My grandfather owned a corner shop and was well known in our town for his pickled herring and corned beef. The brine recipe for beef survived after his passing and its what I use today. The herring recipe was lost to the ages.

    In later years a Swedish friend took me to meet the fishing boats in San Pedro to buy herring and taught me how to pickle herring. Alas, fresh herring is not available here in the PNW so I haven’t pickled herring in 31 years.

    Lostspark, I’d quite forgotten the Russian way which was my mothers preference. I’ll invest in a jar of pickled herring this week and will give it a try. My mother included caraway seeds in her recipe when she was frying the onions. I will never forget that fragrance. TYVM


    My grandmother used to add a sliced apple to the shmatlz herring she made. She said that was what made it taste so good.
    I don’t know how she went about making the shmaltz herring, but with the apple it was better than any other.

    It may not have been the apple. Her chicken soup etc was also better than anything else …

    I miss her , for a lot more than for her food . The Taam of a lost generation was one that enhanced every part of Yiddishkeit and life. Even the food…


    There is a highly rated “Scandinavian” restaurant in NYC which has an entree of “Brine Herring with Potato Onion Puree” at the bargain price of $48.00. Alas, the non-existent hashgacha does not lend itself to a culinary assessment.
    P.S. I suspect it may be priced a bit above the offerings of Amil’s zayda.


    I guess the Nordic like to eat brined matjes w chopped onion plain as that.

    I do have a good quick sandwich for herring:

    1 poppy seed bagel sliced preferably toasted
    2 -3 slices ripe tomatoes
    Alfalfa or onion sprouts
    Two fillets of brined matjes
    Some chopped red onion
    Spread mayonnaise lightly on the bagel and assemble!


    If you’ve ever arrived in Amsterdam at the Central Station during the spring months, you probably have seen literally dozens of street vendors selling “virgin matjes” herrings which are the freshly caught oily filets. You can forego their sandwiches and just add your own roll or bread and experience one of the truly simple great tasting experiences.


    @lostpark, Maatjes is the Swedish word for soused [cooked then marinated]

    Amil Zola

    Lostspark, you’ve got me drooling!! I’m off to the market for some minor shopping and I’ll be sure to pick up a jar of herring. I put some red onions up the other day to pickle them, perfect on a herring sandwich.

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