Ochel B'Shuk

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    This is a halacha brought down in the SA. There are quite a few shittos as to what constitutes “ochel b’shuk” to be pasul le’aidus. So even if nowadays we don’t feel properly mortified to engage in such debasing behavior, it would seem that one should try not to. The Machatzis Hashekel writes that [even though it is only embarrassing to a talmid chacham to eat standing (!!)] Rauy lechol ehod linhog es atzmo kitalmid chacham bedavar. And that is by simply standing while eating/drinking. (Walking while eating/drinking is a no-no even for an am haaretz.)


    So its somewhat astounding that we are such kelavim.


    It is disgusting. IMHO, so is eating in any sort of eatery in front of a window.


    R’ Belsky Shlita paskened that a talmid Chacham shouldn’t eat by a restaurant window. (Halachically Speaking)


    Speak for yourself TU-731, also, what is your name all about?



    I really enjoy eating by the window, to enjoy the scenery.

    on the ball

    Why is it a problem to eat by a restaurant window?

    If the publicity of a restaurant is the problem , then why only by the window?

    And if the publicity of the window is the problem then why only in a restaurant, why not in my own home too?


    I once had a business meeting with a non-Jew (turns out he was a blonde Aryan). He took me to a German restaurant. He ordered bacon sausages, I ordered a black coffee in a paper cup.

    Unfortunately the only seats available in the crowded room were at a little table, right by the large front window. To make matters worse an obviously non-Jewish woman (also blonde) sat down next to us.

    I wondered what a passerby would make of me in my cuppel seated at a window-side table drinking coffee with an obviously non-Jewish couple eating their obviously non-Kosher sausages.


    I personally don’t see what’s so debasing about eating standing up and I’ll neither confirm or deny that I’ve done it before. Eating while walking does seem a little … slobby because the risk of dropping food all over yourself is a big higher. (Ice cream cones, anybody?) But when you’re in a hurry to get to work or school, sometimes you just don’t have time to eat a proper breakfast while sitting down.

    I suppose it’s because of the morally lax generation in which we live that I’m inured to this sort of behavior.


    I guess he’s worried that if you sit by a window, you might see a rabbi molest a boy and then you would have to lie and say the boy molested the rabbi. So it’s better to not put yourself in that position.


    Nowadays since its considered a normal thing I believe it’s muttar.


    Is a baby like a kelev if it is sucking a bottle while traveling in a stroller?


    I wondered what a passerby would make of me in my cuppel seated at a window-side table drinking coffee with an obviously non-Jewish couple eating their obviously non-Kosher sausages.

    The OP might think you’re a mushchas, eating treif and having an affair and maybe being oved avodah zarah as well. The rest of us would probably assume you were having a business meeting.


    The OP might think you’re a mushchas, eating treif and having an affair and maybe being oved avodah zarah as well

    No. You would just be like 99% of wonderful, sincere religious jews today.

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