Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee NYC REAL ESTATE TAXES

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  • #601075

    Has anyone noticed that NYC, without any fanfare raised its real estate tax RATE from 17.364% to 18.205% – an increase of almost 4%.

    This is in addition to any increases in assessed value (which can be as much as 6% per year).

    We should all contact our city council representatives and let them know that we realize what they have done behind our backs!

    Dov Hikind and David Greenfield always know how to get attention when they want it; now it also seems that they know how to avoid attention when that works for them! SHAME!

    Think first

    I can understand that ur upset but ur math is off 17.364% to 18.205%

    Is less than a 1% raise.

    Oh well,


    I can understand that ur upset but ur math is off 17.364% to 18.205%

    Is less than a 1% raise.

    Once again, someone who does not understand the difference between percentages and percentage points.

    The OP is correct (with the math, at least. I haven’t actually checked the tax rates). You are not.

    18.205- 17.364 = 0.814

    .0841/17.364 = 0.0484…

    The Wolf

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    So the increase is actually greater than 4%?


    If you raise the income tax rate, the earner can pick him or herself up and move out of state.

    Real Estate is stuck and cannot move away to avoid the tax.


    from 17.364% to 18.205% – an increase of almost 4%.

    So the increase is actually greater than 4%?

    Correct. It’s actually closer to 5%. I did not read the OP closely enough when I commented that her math was correct.

    Nonetheless, at least she understood the difference between percentages and percentage points, unlike the next commentator.

    The Wolf

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