Nonprofit grocery stores

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  • #1308677

    Wow, this is the first time I’m hearing of such a thing!

    Has anyone been to a nonprofit grocery store? It’s amazing that some even carry Cholov Yisroel milk!

    I just learned about it from the recent article…

    Improperly Pasteurized ‘Cholov Yisroel’ Milk Recalled

    Thanks 🙂


    NPGS is no longer non profit, but they kept the initials as the stores’ names.


    When I was growing up in New Haven, there was a grocery called the Food Co-op. It survived for about 3 decades. It was a co-operative (like some apartment buildings) owned by the shareholders. It required all members to work x hours per month. It was not open to non-members. Food was sold at cost plus 3 percent which was enough to cover utilities, taxes, loan payments for the cost of fixtures, etc.
    It was not aimed to the Jewish community, but the residents of the west side of the city. It carried mostly packaged items.
    It eventually closed when the building was sold for development.


    CTL, there are still exactly such food co-ops in NYC.

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