Hot water or hot water with honey. Don’t whisper as was mentioned above as that strains the cords. Avoid anything that is acidic and will cause reflux (heartburn).
Avoid talking as much as possible and stay hydrated. If you know vocal exercises do them.
I had lost my voice for a long period of time. When I went to my Dr, he said that there are prescriptions that can help, but he doesn’t recommend them, unless absolutely necessary. IE, If I was a professional singer and the consert was tomorrow, there are prescription medications that can help. Since I’m not a professional singer and am against unnecessary medications, I didn’t inquire further.
A teaspoon of honey about every hour. It is very healing for this kind of thing. You may even see improvement from the first teaspoon. If it hard to take down straight, you can dilute it. lol
Drink hot/very warm liquids like tea and chicken broth.
Thank you all. I basically have my voice back b”h just thought ill let you know . Thanx for telling me not to whisper maybe thats why it took so long to get it back.!! and says me thanx for the gluck it is for a play!