No Thanks for Your Mishloach Manos!

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    now that is a ”COOL” idea!!


    Everyone feels so entitled. Maybe there will be an Occupy Movement until they get the shaloch manos they feel they deserve!


    I hate Mishloach Manos. It becomes a time when you are forced to decide who your “real” friends are based on who gives you a box drink and wafer.


    If you need a box drink to help you determine who your real friends are, you need a lot more than a box drink.



    “If you need a box drink to help you determine who your real friends are, you need a lot more than a box drink.”

    That’s why he said “a box drink and wafer.”


    Mishloach Manos is supposed to be something that can be used for a seudah.

    Exactly!! That why you’re not supposed to use home made food!

    (I didn’t think so many people would agree with me)


    Everyone feels so entitled

    Nobody feels entitled. I have absolutely no problem if someone doesn’t want to give me shalach manos. But I do ask that you tell me that before I give you my shalach manos (I gave shalach manos to a few people this year who didn’t pay me back shalach manos).

    I also ask that if you are serving homemade food in your shalach manos please also let me know before I give you my shalach manos. Thank you.


    Where I come from, when someone offers you a gift, you accept it unconditionally.


    tro11 – you sound like my 7 year old – if they won’t get something back – they don’t want to give. That is not what shalach manos is!! It is not an exchange – no one has to give you back.


    Where I come from too. But I won’t give them a good shalach manos in return.


    I guess this means you will also give them a home made shaloch manos!


    Tro11 that is like saying to Hashem ” ok ill only give X amount of tzedaka if I know for sure you will be giving it back to me 3 fold next week”.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    That’s okay, you give lousy shalach manos anyway. Why do you think I gave you the salami sandwich?


    Tro11 that is like saying to Hashem ” ok ill only give X amount of tzedaka if I know for sure you will be giving it back to me 3 fold next week”.

    Well I am sick and tired of people trying to rip me off.


    Pay you back mishloach manos? What does that mean? As for home made food, surely a talmid chacham like you who has it all figured out is aware of the gemara that tells us of the 2 amoraim who exchanged seudos with each other to be yotze mishloach manos. Unless of course you are learning pshat that they exchanged takeout?


    As for home made food, surely a talmid chacham like you who has it all figured out is aware of the gemara that tells us of the 2 amoraim who exchanged seudos with each other to be yotze mishloach manos. Unless of course you are learning pshat that they exchanged takeout?

    Back in the day they only had bad food.


    Also, that Gemara proves my point. If you are supposed to give shalach manos for free like some of you are suggesting, why did they have to exchange the shalach manos?


    Why I continue this disussion with a bored teenager hellbent on making people crazy with stupidiity, I dont know. I guess it beats staring out the window duriing my commute.



    He seems to be a med student, which means early to mid 20’s. Med students are often arrogant (they think they are so smart) and immature (they don’t spend a lot of time in society because they are always studying).

    Git Meshige

    That is exactly how Hashem views us when we daven. We do aveirois daily and are filthy spiritually when we ask him for things, yet he sustains us daily while we sin. So my friend, be a soival and accept something that you may not find so appealing and be quiet. Try and emulate Hashems ways


    B’h I don’t have any inconsiderate, ungrateful friends. MY friends understand that Mishloach Manos is a way of expressing love and friendship to each other and not to promote commercialized junk food. They understand that Mishloach monas is not too see who can spend more money or deliver the fancier basket. If one of you can pick a dipsy doodle over a hot piece of potato kugel then you are the ones missing on the true meaning of Purim. In addition, this is the same kitchen that feeds you when you come over for a shabbos meal, or provides you food when your wife is ill or just had a baby. So if their Mishloach Monas is not up to your standards, please stop being friends with them because they are too good for you.


    I typically don’t like getting homemade desserts from people for one reason- I don’t like parve cakes too much. I am not a huge meat eater, and when I eat meat, I will have fruit or sorbet or Stella d’Oro as a dessert.

    Parve cakes are made with oleo margarine, not real butter, which gives a good taste. Plus, parve icings are gross compared to a nice, fresh, delicious butter cream. Nothing is as good as cake made with buttery frosting.


    OK here is a solution. Let’s say both ‘A’ and ‘B’ give you homemade shaloch monos. You give ‘A’ the shaloch monos you got from ‘B’ and you give ‘B’ the shaloch monos you got from ‘A’.


    ari-free: The expression is, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”.

    Troll, thou art aptly named.


    Troll, thou art aptly named.

    I don’t understand.


    The first page of posts in this thread shows that you are trolling us. Look, you respond to every single response reiterating your point.

    It’s funny because you said earlier that you didn’t intend to spell out the word troll when writing your name.

    Anyway, entertaining topic.


    Yserbius123, we cancel out with most my friends which saves a lot of social grief. There are always 3-4 family and friends who don’t want to cancel, and these are the ones we are mekayem the mitzvah with.

    We also try and give our irreligious neighbours too each year (we keep on discovering new ones). I’m not sure they really appreciate it, as some of them feel they have to return the favour but any excuse to touch base with my Jewish neighbours.

    In total we give about 8-10 each year and yes, we do include something that can be used for the seuda, sometimes homemade stuff.


    In Internet slang, a troll (pron.: /?tro?l/, /?tr?l/) is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. The noun troll may also refer to the provocative message itself, as in: “That was an excellent troll you posted.”

    Oh Shreck!

    Maybe I’m missing something? What’s this all about? Isn’t the mitzvohs of Purim supposed to bring us closer to one another, more Ahavas Yisroel? Isn’t that the theme of the day – Ahavas Hashem and Ahavas Yisroel? Why all the criticism, snide remarks, bitter feelings about this most wonderful day?

    Like it says in seforim, the truly fortunate understand it’s a day to be totally giving. Giving to a fellow Jew, giving to HaShem. A one day opportunity to bring simchah and pure nachas to the Creator by being so benevolent and compassionate to His children. This thought alone should be enough to dispel any personal negative feelings.

    Purim is all about giving, not getting.


    “That was an excellent troll you posted.”

    Thank you very much! It’s always good to be appreciated.


    Maybe I’m missing something? What’s this all about? Isn’t the mitzvohs of Purim supposed to bring us closer to one another, more Ahavas Yisroel? Isn’t that the theme of the day – Ahavas Hashem and Ahavas Yisroel? Why all the criticism, snide remarks, bitter feelings about this most wonderful day?

    Like it says in seforim, the truly fortunate understand it’s a day to be totally giving. Giving to a fellow Jew, giving to HaShem. A one day opportunity to bring simchah and pure nachas to the Creator by being so benevolent and compassionate to His children. This thought alone should be enough to dispel any personal negative feelings.

    Purim is all about giving, not getting.

    Because it was a purim joke. (Although I do actually prefer to get packaged goods than homemade junk). But I appreciate the mishloach manos either way. Thank you.


    That’s good to hear. You see, I got this cake for shaloch manos and now I know I have someone to send it to.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    So you ate my sandwich?

    🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

    I baked 60 cupcakes this year… who would rather have stale store bought cupcakes? tro11- maybe I’ll send those to you.


    Just found this post while i was Googling something else, I love it.


    Okay, so kosher l’pesach non-homemade next year, okay?

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