New(ish) Jewish Songs

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    Yerach Bin Yomo

    Over the last few months I’ve heard many beautiful songs, be at weddings, dinners etc. I am referring mostly to slower songs. Can anyone help me by listing some of the newer compositions that are being played out there? I can’t think of the words to any of them but they seem to be played a lot. If you think you may know any of the songs I am referring to, can you please reply with the song title and artist. Thanks!!


    i would also love to know these songs, cause the songs i hear today at weddings or other events are rock songs with a goyish taam that come straight from goyish singers that are just changed words to jewish words & it really affects a persons neshama of these different kinds of non jewish songs.

    would love to also know these jewish taam slow songs being sung today


    How do you know they are taken from goyish sources?


    Two songs that I’ve heard recently at chasunas and really loved; Va’afilu behastara, and Rebbe Rebbe, Ich vil miskasher zein tzu dir.

    Shopping613 🌠

    You know, there’s lots of websites that sell music.
    Usually they have a “NEW” section.
    Did you try to click on that?



    I work with non jewish workers in a job where the music is on most of the day & lots of time they tell me that song sounds EXACTLY like this song from this goyish singer etc…. & this happens all the time.

    so don’t corrupt your yetzer hara mind into thinking that because the singer changed the song into jewish words that now its a jewish song. Besides for copyright stealing from the singer who composed the song, it also effects your neshama when you listen to these rock or jazz etc… songs


    Many of the very old traditional songs were taken from goyishe sources. The story of the old Chabad nigun Shamil is very well known.


    Bas Kol and Hashem Melech come from Goyish sources

    Shopping613 🌠

    Yeshiva Boys Choir even takes tunes from non-jewish sources.
    I have been to multiple shabbatons where shabbos is welcomed (Lecha Dodi) with non-jewish tunes.


    Jakob, if it would effect neshomas, it would be a whole other story and the Rabbonim would probably speak more on this issue. It might even make non-Jewish music muttar.

    catch yourself

    Here we go again…

    I submit to you that there is not a person alive today whose taste in music is not influenced by “Goyish music.” The idea that certain songs are inherently “Yiddishe nigunim” while others are “Tamei” is a myth. With the reputed exception of the Nigun used for Birchas Kohanim, all of our music for hundreds of years has been influenced by the people around us, sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly, but always to a great degree.
    I certainly understand that a person may have his own taste in music, and consider certain tunes to be nothing more than noise. However, the fact that you feel this way doesn’t make it so. For people who like and enjoy it, (and, yes, find that it inspires them to Simcha and feelings of spirituality,) the tune of Meilech Kohn’s V’uhavtu is no less “Yiddish” than Ka Echsof.


    There is one song by Dedi, taken straight from Swedish pop group ABBA. He even had in the credits, ניגון מבית אבא.

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