new members

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  • #594597

    i feel like there have been a lot of new members recently, can you all post here so that we know who you are. to all new posters how long have you been checking the cr before you decided to sign up??

    yossi z.

    Do returning members count as new if to you guys we are if you came during our absence?

    i love coffe

    I am a couple of months in the coffee room but I seem pretty new every time I post cause I don’t post as often. I also don’t have a computer so whenever I’m at a friends house I’m always at their computer. I love the coffee room but I mostly read what other people post.


    im a 2 months old member. ive been reading since about 6 months not very often though.


    I’ve just started posting, though I’ve been visiting the cr off and on for about 8 months.


    Been reading and posting since Rosh HaShanna, as the name implies. Don’t post too often, though.

    doodle jump

    Hi everyone:) I have been reading CR for about a year now but I joined about ten days ago.


    i love the cr i post when ever i get hold of the computer,and usually when i read i post…… i’m here ever since i can remember!!!!!!!

    Sender Av

    I guess I have been reading for about 3 months or so. I joined , I think, 2-3 weeks ago. I have to cut back on my posting now due to school.

    Ken Zayn

    I’m fairly new. Joined in November so I’m 2-3 months old, (but didnt have a pidyon haben cos I’m not the oldest child in my family :> ). I read often but havent posted often. You may have seen my name from time to time. If the CR had a column of hits for each thread you’d see me much more often.

    always here

    I’ve been here since Dec., 2 full months now; but I’ve been reading posts for about a year?


    hi my name is chayavinishlivisumay and ive been reading the cr for about 3 years but i just mustered up the guts to start posting 3 months ago. Just kidding

    yossi z.

    I am now nearing my second year here (march) but I had an absence of about a year like six months after I joined


    with this name…a couple of weeks.

    with my old one…few months


    Hi, I’m DrinkingoutofCups and I’ve been reading the Coffee Room casually for the past few years. There have been some very entertaining topics.


    Hello to all of you in this thread of new members. I’m here in the coffee rm for less than a day. But, I’ve been reading various different posts on occasion from time to time for quite some time-not sure exactly how long. I just started to post today for the first time.

    So wishing all of you a wonderful night & a great day tomorrow!!!!

    yossi z.

    A grand welcome to hummingbird to the grand CR (I hope you have read enough to know what to expect … :D)

    😀 yossi 😀


    Been reading the CR on and off for a while. Started reading threads more everyday (or almost every day) for the past few weeks. Just joined as a member last week, as I always felt I had what to say but couldn’t say it. So now I can….

    yossi z.

    ‘I understand (sorry that was bad)




    I have been in the coffee room for a couple months and was reading posts for about 2 weeks before i joined and had to comment so here i am!


    Thanks yossi z. for the big welcome!! Just wondering…are you from the welcoming crew on this site/thread? Just kidding!!!!

    yossi z.

    Actually I am 😀 (it is nice to see some fresh meat .. I mean to give some fresh greets :D)

    i am here

    I am here this is were I am, I have deen posting for a couple of month now, not often though don’t have much to say. But when I do I say it. It took me some time to muster up my courage to sighn up. But after visiting the coffe room for about a yr. Or so. Maybe a little longer I have decided to add some comments.


    I realized that I did not note that I am “new” to the CR. So…

    Hi, I’m relatively new….I’ve been reading some threads here and there for quite some time, though did not join until fairly recently.

    Goodnight to all!

    i am here

    Welcome all of you those who are new and those who r old.

    Jack Daniels

    hi i guess i’m sorta new, i just came for my welcome party;)who’s bringing the snacks?


    hi i guess i’m sorta new, i just came for my welcome party;)who’s bringing the snacks?

    I’ll bring the snacks if you bring the booze. 😉

    not I

    well you know it wont be me Jack Daniels!!

    Jack Daniels

    daas,thats a given but you need something with all that scotch

    i am here

    I will bring the beer.

    yossi z.

    And I’ll bring the cheer! Lol

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    i joined the cr a while ago but i didnt want to ruin anyones life so i remained quiet, now that i realized that there is no reason not to….

    to continue the rhyme from above- i’m so glad to be here, i’ll help drink the beer, i’ll add to the cheer and of course now there is what for you all to fear!!!


    I’m afraid you’re not the real nudnick here. Nope. Not at all. Someone has laid claim the that distinguished title.

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