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- This topic has 436 replies, 29 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 2 months ago by sechel83.
June 15, 2023 7:55 pm at 7:55 pm #2200295n0mesorahParticipant
“3) There are Chasidim who maintained that one must carry in an eruv. I believe they were referring to today. Arguments opposing eruvin that would do away with all eruvin (even if they are inconsistent with the application of their arguments), should be called out as apikorsis. I do not thing I missed any of your points.”
What does your first sentence mean? Wearing a large brimmed hat or jewelry? What if I never leave my house on Shabbos because I have nowhere to go? I’m curious about it, and would love sources.
I agree with you on the modern day arguments that do away with all eiruvin. It does not apply to the Mishkanos Yaakov himself.
June 15, 2023 7:58 pm at 7:58 pm #2200298n0mesorahParticipantYou are so wrong that it was only about halacha for Rav Moshe and Rav Aaron. They felt an obligation to turn the entire Jewish Diaspora back to the Torah. They both continually expressed how lacking they were to fulfill the task. It’s an absolute sin that their legacy heirs today do not understand how active they were on behalf of yidden that were far removed from Torah. Rav Aaron especially, wouldn’t tell his inner circle muttar or assur. He would say, zuhl tun, cen tun, besser nisht tun, and most commonly, nisht kdei.
June 15, 2023 7:58 pm at 7:58 pm #2200299n0mesorahParticipant“I highly doubt that you originally realized this fact.”
LOL! I knew Reb Tuvya’s story.June 16, 2023 1:41 am at 1:41 am #2200317n0mesorahParticipantAlmost all of the gaonim that came out of the pre war yeshivos were against the eiruv in Manhattan. Some were even older than Rav Moshe. Their opinions are published in their seforim. Or can be found in their notes. They mostly thought that allowing an eiruv in such a metropolis is a chiddush. I didn’t mention the kol korei.
The Boro Park Eiruv features many poskim of little renown. They had dozens of peers that were still in kollel. I don’t think such would count as rov poskim. It’s not bechachma or bminyan. It was not in my mind to belittle them CH”V. Mostly they signed to announce to their peers that they felt ready and able to defend the eiruv.
I don’t go care for either KK. I just posted because you mentioned something like rov poskim.
June 16, 2023 1:42 am at 1:42 am #2200318n0mesorahParticipant“The only debate can be halachic.”
Says you. But if someone’s understanding of the mesechta can be shredded without much effort, I wouldn’t care much for their version of halacha.
For the record, there was endless discussions with Rav Tuvya and his most notable peers when he was younger. When he was older they left him alone.
A notable exception was Rav Shmuel Birnbaum who was close with him throughout. And may have agreed with him.
June 16, 2023 1:42 am at 1:42 am #2200319n0mesorahParticipantThe Yeshivshe Velt takes the Brooklyn Eiruv personally because it was aggressive toward the status quo of the leadership at that time. It was much more contentious then eiruvin that had a lot less validity. It’s one thing to claim that a Ry doesn’t know the halacha. It a whole nother ballgame to claim that a RY is being paid off to be against the Eiruv because he doesn’t care about the Torah. Do you really want to go through all the mud?
June 16, 2023 1:43 am at 1:43 am #2200320n0mesorahParticipantMy point with Rav Dovid was that he knew the mitziyus and was aware that people claimed he didn’t.
June 16, 2023 1:43 am at 1:43 am #2200321n0mesorahParticipantI was there for a shabbos when the eiruv was new and people had no idea how vast it was. I returned recently, and most of the new people don’t know the large eiruv exists, and only use the smaller neighborhood ones.
It’s weird that you will kahser an eiruv that you only heard an online poster mention.
That was the thrust of this post.
And it is what irks the YV.
June 16, 2023 1:44 am at 1:44 am #2200328youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“Are you referring to my posts, or actual society? Other inyanim in eiruv or other fields of halacha?”
Other feilds of halachahJune 16, 2023 1:45 am at 1:45 am #2200330youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“What does your first sentence mean? Wearing a large brimmed hat or jewelry? What if I never leave my house on Shabbos because I have nowhere to go? I’m curious about it, and would love sources.
I agree with you on the modern day arguments that do away with all eiruvin. It does not apply to the Mishkanos Yaakov himself.”
נימוקי או”ח להגה”ק בעל מנח”א ממונקאטש זצוק”ל סימן שצ”ד ס”ק א וז”ל: “מקובל בידינו בשם קדוש זקיני בעל בני יששכר ז”ל (כשהי’ בעירו או במקום שהוחזקו העירובין בטוב) ביציאתו לחוץ מביתו בש”ק, לקח לתוך בגדו מפתח וכיוצא, כדי שישאוהו במקום העירוב, ולא יהי’ בכלל מי שאינו מודה בעירוב”, עכד”ה. ועי”ש שציין לדברי התשב”ץ המובא בברכ”י דמי שלבו נוקפו בזה, הדיוטות גמורה היא או מינות נזרקה בו, וכן ציין לדברי האריז”ל המוזכר לעיל בהערה 10. ועי’ בס’ דברי מנחם מהגה”ק מסטראפקוב בהערה מהרב המו”ל לעמוד קמה וז”ל: “בדידי הוה עובדא שבא כ”ק אדמו”ר בעל מנחת אלעזר ממונקאטש זצל”ה לשב”ק לעיר בערעגסאז אשר אני הייתי ממונה שם על כשרות עירובין, ובש”ק בבוקר כשהלכו לתפילה לקח האדמו”ר הסידור בידו והוליכו בעצמו, ואמר, שבעיר אשר איש ירא שמים ות”ח ממונה על העירובין, אין מן הראוי להחמיר שלא להוציא, כדי שלא יהא ח”ו כאינו מודה בעירוב. וכמדומני שאמר זאת בשם זקנו הקדוש בעל בני יששכר”. (בתשובת כ”ק אדמו”ר ממונקאטש שליט”א כתב שכ”ק זקינו המנח”א זי”ע קיבל הנהגה זו גם מרבו הגה”ק בעל דברי יחזקאל משינאווא זי”ע.) קפידא זו של הגה”ק בעל בני יששכר ידועה ומקובלת גם בין שאר יוצאי חלציו, וכפי שכתב הגאון רבי חיים קרייזווירט זצ”ל אב”ד אנטווערפן בהסכמתו על ספר “רחובות העיר”, ומוזכרת גם בספר “קנה וקנמון” (סימן ה אות נו) מהגאון בעל זכרון יוסף.מפי הרה”ח ר’ חיים מאנדל הי”ו מחשובי חסידי גור באנטווערפן, שסיפר שכאשר נכנס פעם ראשונה אל הגה”ק בעל “בית ישראל” זצ”ל לאחר הסתלקות הגה”ק בעל “אמרי אמת” זצ”ל, אמר לו: שמעתי שאינך מטלטל בעירוב, היתכן? והשיב ר’ חיים, הרי גם הרבי ז”ל (האמרי אמת) לא טלטל. על כך נענה הבית ישראל ואמר לו: “מה שאבא מארי ז”ל לא טלטל, הוא כי מישהו בדור צריך לקיים הברייתא ‘חייב אדם למשמש בגדיו בע”ש עם חשכה שמא ישכח ויצא – אמר רב יוסף הלכתא רבתא לשבתא’, אך ענין זה אינו נוגע לך. זקני החידושי הרי”ם נהג לטלטל בעירוב של גור, באומרו שצריכים להיות ‘מודה בעירוב”. ונטל הבית ישראל שקית והכניס לתוכו פירות ונתן בידו של ר’ חיים וליוה אותו עד הדלת למען יטלטלנו חוצה. וראה עוד בספר “סדור תפלה ליקוטי יהודה” (עמוד קפו) וז”ל: “ודודי מרן אדמו”ר הבית ישראל זצ”ל כו’ הוסיף ואמר: בפולין הי’ עסק שלם עם העירוב שהסתמכו על כל מיני היתרים כדי שיוכלו לטלטל בשבת וכגון חוט החשמל ונהרות והכל מפני שהי’ קשה מאד שלא לטלטל בשבת ולכן סמכו גם על היתרים דחוקים. אולם בגור שהיתה עיירה קטנה, תקנו את העירוב עפ”י הלכה ובלי שום היתרים. וזקני החידושי הרי”מ ז”ל טלטל בשבת בגור, ואמר שזה ענין של מודה בעירוב”.
“אע”ג דהבית מאיר ומשנה ברורה פקפקו בזה על המג”א וטו”ז, כנראה נהוג עלמא כהני סבא, וכן ראינו ושמענו מהרבה צדיקים שעשו כן למעשה להראות הלכה להקל בעיירות המתוקנין בעירובין ע”י צורת-הפתח, ואדרבה חששו על המחמיר בזה שהוא בכלל אינו מודה בעירוב” (שו”ת “מרפא לנפש” ח”ג סימן נב). ומפי הגה”צ אב”ד נאראל זצ”ל שמענו, שבעיניו ראה את הרה”ק המהרי”ד מבעלזא זצ”ל יצא מביתו בשב”ק ובידו החזיק חומש במשך הילוכו לביהמ”ד. עי’ בשו”ת “והרים הכהן” לדומ”ץ דק”ק אנטווערפן (ח”ג סימן א) שמרן החתם סופר הקפיד לטלטל בעירוב, ושמע זאת מפי הגאון הגדול המפורסם מו”ה יצחק שלמה אונגר (שליט”א) [זצ”ל] אב”ד חוג חתם סופר בני ברק, וכתב דמוכח כן מתשובת החתם סופר סימן פ”ט שכתב מפורש ששינה ממנהגו (לטלטל) מחמת השאלה שהיתה שם, אבל דרך הסימטא דשם טלטל בעירוב.
June 16, 2023 1:46 am at 1:46 am #2200331Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantWe insist on eating hot food to show we are not tzdukim. Maybe same applies to eruv?
One interesting argument I see in this discussion – if some shita is constructed in a way that invalidates all eruvin (or, if I can expand – invalidates what was normal practice before) – then it is apikoirosus, not chumras. Thus, if there is a kosher eruv, one must carry. There is probably a loner list of activities that one must similary do because of people asurim what used to be matir. I’ll leave it to others to suggest them.
June 16, 2023 1:46 am at 1:46 am #2200332youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“You are so wrong that it was only about halacha for Rav Moshe and Rav Aaron. They felt an obligation to turn the entire Jewish Diaspora back to the Torah. They both continually expressed how lacking they were to fulfill the task. It’s an absolute sin that their legacy heirs today do not understand how active they were on behalf of yidden that were far removed from Torah. Rav Aaron especially, wouldn’t tell his inner circle muttar or assur. He would say, zuhl tun, cen tun, besser nisht tun, and most commonly, nisht kdei.”
Please, I am referring to the issue of eruvin, which is not some American issue. Both Rav Aharon and Rav Moshe wrote teshuvos regarding eruvin. Clearly this is an halcahic issue. No one has a right to oppose eruvin with meta halcahic arguments. It is simply apikorsisJune 16, 2023 1:48 am at 1:48 am #2200338youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
““I highly doubt that you originally realized this fact.””
“LOL! I knew Reb Tuvya’s story.”
I am referring to the halachic differences between Rav Aharon and Rav Moshe. You did not know that they disagreed regarding these issues. Rav Tuvia actually recalled that after an Agudas Harabbnim meeting, which Rav Moshe did not attend, he asked Rav Tuvia what occurred at the meeting. Rav Tuvia told him that Rav Aharon read from the Mishkenos Yaakov. Rav Moshe then retorted that he does not understand Rav Aharon. The fact is Rav Moshe decaled the world did not follow the Mishkenos Yaakov. Rav Yecheskel Besser added that he asked Rav Aharon why did he cite the Mishkenos Yaakov, the world accepted the Bais Ephraim lhalachah. To which Rav Aharon answered that he followed the Mishkenos Yaakov, since he was a descendent. Rav Besser argued that the world was not descendants and sis not accept his shitos lhalacahah. Rav Aharon did not answer this rebuttal.June 16, 2023 3:40 pm at 3:40 pm #2200443youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“Almost all of the gaonim that came out of the pre war yeshivos were against the eiruv in Manhattan. Some were even older than Rav Moshe. Their opinions are published in their seforim. Or can be found in their notes. They mostly thought that allowing an eiruv in such a metropolis is a chiddush. I didn’t mention the kol korei.”
There were five rabbanim who signed the kk opposing a Manhattan Eruv. There were maybe 2-3 more who opposed and did not sign. There were 16 people who supported the Manhattan Eruv. Including , the Amshinover Rebbe, Kapishnitzer Rebbe, Boyaner Rebbe, Novominsker Rebbe, the Shatzer Rebbe, Rav Michoel Dov Weissmandel, Rav Yonasan Steif, Rav Tzvi Eisenstadt, Rav Menachem Kasher, Rav Menachem Pollak, and Rav Yosef Hersh. Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank, lent support, and Rav Henkin at one point suggested to establish the eruv, but later did not want to be (the main one) involved.
The chiddush was halachic in nature. Rav Moshe disagreed regarding their halachic concerns, because there were city’s that established eruvin whose population was greater than 600,000 (but he had his own reason to oppose). Only Rav Schwab opposed on meta halachic concerns. He did however admit that at some point in time they should be allowed to establish one. I believe his concerns were based on the Frankfurt controversy. His arguments to me are beyond comprehension.
No one has a right to claim meta halacha to oppose any halachic issue. In any case, all would have to admit that meta halachic opposition is either a gezeirah or a takanah and unless this is hora’as sha’ah, only a Sanhedrin has a right to implement this gezeirah forever or as Rav Moshe states that rabbanim may only enact a takanah for their particular locale and only for a short period of time.“The Boro Park Eiruv features many poskim of little renown. They had dozens of peers that were still in kollel. I don’t think such would count as rov poskim. It’s not bechachma or bminyan. It was not in my mind to belittle them CH”V. Mostly they signed to announce to their peers that they felt ready and able to defend the eiruv.”
Your argument is incorrect, and is telling. The anti-eruv kk includes many names who are either not that well known, or have no shaychus to halacah. Please. In any case, the two most important poskim for BP supported an eruv, Rav E F Hirshkowitz, and Rav Y Roth. I would argue that they were the greatest poskim in America at the time.“I don’t go care for either KK. I just posted because you mentioned something like rov poskim.”
I never said rov regarding BP.June 16, 2023 3:40 pm at 3:40 pm #2200446youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
““The only debate can be halachic.””
“Says you. But if someone’s understanding of the mesechta can be shredded without much effort, I wouldn’t care much for their version of halacha.”
There is no such an argument. We do not paskin from Shas. You are speaking as a typical Yeshivah guy, who knows nothing about the halachic process. In fact Rav Moshe, who had a novel approach to his teshuvos, would not argue on SA, and did not ague on the Nosei Keilim with abandon.“For the record, there was endless discussions with Rav Tuvya and his most notable peers when he was younger. When he was older they left him alone.”
Fiction. There was limited debate“A notable exception was Rav Shmuel Birnbaum who was close with him throughout. And may have agreed with him.”
OriginallyJune 16, 2023 3:41 pm at 3:41 pm #2200448youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“The Yeshivshe Velt takes the Brooklyn Eiruv personally because it was aggressive toward the status quo of the leadership at that time. It was much more contentious then eiruvin that had a lot less validity.”
Not the reason at all. The only reason was because they did not respect the opposition, and maintained that one cannot argue on Rav Moshe. Nevertheless, most the those in opposition did not know the inyan. The aggressiveness was from the anti-eruv group.“It’s one thing to claim that a Ry doesn’t know the halacha. It a whole nother ballgame to claim that a RY is being paid off to be against the Eiruv because he doesn’t care about the Torah. Do you really want to go through all the mud?”
There is nothing to go through. Its fiction. No one claimed that the RY were paid off. The only argument was that they were not baalei halachah.June 16, 2023 3:41 pm at 3:41 pm #2200449youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“My point with Rav Dovid was that he knew the mitziyus and was aware that people claimed he didn’t.”
You maintained that Rav Moshe knew the mitziyus as well. This is clearly incorrect.June 16, 2023 3:41 pm at 3:41 pm #2200450youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“I was there for a shabbos when the eiruv was new and people had no idea how vast it was. I returned recently, and most of the new people don’t know the large eiruv exists, and only use the smaller neighborhood ones.”
Please share with us the information. I am sure that I know what you are referring to, and that you are making things up.“It’s weird that you will kahser an eiruv that you only heard an online poster mention.”
I am sure that I know as much about it as you do.“That was the thrust of this post.’
No it was regarding the Brooklyn Eruv, and later about the local Brooklyn eruvin.“And it is what irks the YV.”
No. It is that they have a superiority complex, and believe that the lowly others have no right to an opinion. However, they are out of their league regarding halachic issues.June 16, 2023 5:00 pm at 5:00 pm #2200507youdontsayParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“We insist on eating hot food to show we are not tzdukim. Maybe same applies to eruv?”
Being a modeh beruv is one of the issues that the tzdukim did not accept. I will admit that what we can infer from this is up for debate. However, I believe that these disagreements do descend into being an eino modeh beruv. I would argue, that those who vehemently oppose today’s city eruvin, are eino modeh shtufei mavaos. City eruvin are an outgrowth of the halachos of shtufei mavaos, and is a separate mitzvah classified in the Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 395:1).“One interesting argument I see in this discussion – if some shita is constructed in a way that invalidates all eruvin (or, if I can expand – invalidates what was normal practice before) – then it is apikoirosus, not chumras. Thus, if there is a kosher eruv, one must carry. There is probably a loner list of activities that one must similary do because of people asurim what used to be matir. I’ll leave it to others to suggest them.”
I would believe that when it comes to chumros we should look to see consistency (I know that some argue otherwise, but with eruvin this should be the benchmark, because of the eino modeh issue). Even more so, in hilchos reshuyos and eruvin, since all criteria have to be met for the area to be classified as a reshus harabbim, even if we were to employ a shitas yachid regarding reshus harabbim that would then disqualify the eruv based on only one criterion, the other conditions would not be met and an eruv would be permissible l’chatchilah. Consequently, to invalidate an eruv, one would have to selectively choose from disparate shitos yachidos ― which in many cases are contradictory ― and that is an unjustifiable approach to halachah. The reality is that if someone learns hilchos reshuyos and eruvin with an open mind, he would realize that since it is almost impossible to meet all the criteria of a reshus harabbim, creating an eruv l’chatchilah is a real possibility.June 18, 2023 7:26 am at 7:26 am #2200704n0mesorahParticipant“..not many other inyanim have followed suit.”
Kashrus is in constant flux. Zmanim have been reimagined. Commercial Arba Minim has exploded. Brochos on food have undergone intense reinvestigations. The halachic concept of Khal is nearing extinction. Where have you been? Halacha in the Modern World is constantly in motion.
(Before we get sidetracked, I am not endorsing the idea that halacha is transitory.)
June 18, 2023 7:27 am at 7:27 am #2200705n0mesorahParticipantI appreciate the sources.
That doesn’t tell me that Bnei Torah should carry in a questionable eiruv.
June 18, 2023 7:27 am at 7:27 am #2200706n0mesorahParticipantEiruvin had to be reassessed in North America. Modern Cities and suburbs was a new concept in Halacha. Besides, every city and county has it’s own logistical challenges.
Anyways, Rav Moshe has written many teshuvos that only discuss what would or wouldn’t happen from issuing a psak that is fully compliant with Halacha. What do you make of that?
June 18, 2023 7:28 am at 7:28 am #2200708n0mesorahParticipantBy the fact that I knew the story, obviously I knew that Rav Moshe disagreed with using the Mishkanos Yaakov.
If you believe that anecdote was all there was to Rav Aaron’s shitos, you know nothing about Rav Aaron.
PS What was Reb Tuvya doing at an Hisachdus meeting without Rav Moshe?
June 18, 2023 7:31 am at 7:31 am #2200716n0mesorahParticipantTo make the 16 supporters of the Manhattan Eiruv into rov against the 5, they would have to be disagreeing on one specific reason (besides for other factors). Rov poskim is still a din of rov.
I’m not really interested in debating what rov poskim is or isn’t. There have been hundreds of dissertations on this topic. And I don’t know why you mentioned the Manhattan Eiruv from sixty years ago. It’s not up anymore.
June 18, 2023 7:32 am at 7:32 am #2200718n0mesorahParticipant“No one has a right to claim meta halacha to oppose any halachic issue.”
Not the Divrei Chaim? Not the Divrei Yoel? Not the Be’er Moshe? Not the Mishna Berurah?
Maybe I misunderstand what you mean with the word ‘halacha’.
June 18, 2023 7:33 am at 7:33 am #2200719n0mesorahParticipant“Rav Moshe disagreed regarding their halachic concerns, because there were city’s that established eruvin whose population was greater than 600,000 (but he had his own reason to oppose).”
And therefore?
Rav Moshe’s teshuvos lay out his reasoning. I don’t know what is missing here.
June 18, 2023 7:33 am at 7:33 am #2200720n0mesorahParticipant“We do not paskin from Shas.”
Okay. But when someone’s whole thinking process has been taken apart, they need to rethink things. Wherever one paskens from, they still think with their mind.“In fact Rav Moshe, who had a novel approach to his teshuvos, would not argue on SA, and did not argue on the Nosei Keilim with abandon.”
I could get behind this statement. But do you know why it is so?
June 18, 2023 7:34 am at 7:34 am #2200722n0mesorahParticipantThe mitziyus (That we went back and forth on.) is irrelevant to Rav Moshe’s psak on Brooklyn. I don’t know what you see here. Why would 2.5M be different than almost 3M? And my point was that Rav Dovid knew this claim and wasn’t fazed by it. He thought 2.5M to be accurate. Why didn’t anyone convince Rav Dovid of this?
I expect that in a number of years the claim will be that Rav Dovid was also mislead. I know personally that he knew that Rv Moshe wasn’t misled.
June 18, 2023 11:43 am at 11:43 am #2200798youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“Kashrus is in constant flux. Zmanim have been reimagined. Commercial Arba Minim has exploded. Brochos on food have undergone intense reinvestigations. The halachic concept of Khal is nearing extinction. Where have you been? Halacha in the Modern World is constantly in motion.”
The point is that people are inconsistent in their chumros (I am not referring hidur). It is extremely noticeable with khashrus.June 18, 2023 11:43 am at 11:43 am #2200803youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“That doesn’t tell me that Bnei Torah should carry in a questionable eiruv.”
It is less questionable, as I demonstrated (regarding reshuyos), than most pieces of meat that we put into our mouth.June 18, 2023 11:44 am at 11:44 am #2200806youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“Eiruvin had to be reassessed in North America. Modern Cities and suburbs was a new concept in Halacha. Besides, every city and county has it’s own logistical challenges.”
Fiction. Our cities are no different than the large metropolises that doted pre-was Europe. Those who made these arguments are actually the ones who are changing the minhag.June 18, 2023 11:44 am at 11:44 am #2200816youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“By the fact that I knew the story, obviously I knew that Rav Moshe disagreed with using the Mishkanos Yaakov.”
That doesn’t mean that you know regarding which issues Rav Moshe disagreed with Rav Aharon. As a matter of fact, I am definite that Rav Moshe never read the Mishkenos Yaakov in the original (and in fact agreed with him regarding one issue, albeit for other reasons). Rav Moshe was just making a general statement regarding who was accepted lhalachah.“If you believe that anecdote was all there was to Rav Aaron’s shitos, you know nothing about Rav Aaron.”
It is irrelevant what I believe, this is what Rav Besser said over many times. In any case, there is no doubt that Rav Aharon followed the Mishkenos Yaakov over the Bais Ephraim. There is absolutely nothing wrong, or shocking, to say that one wanted to follow the psak of his forefathers. All rebbes do so and most poskim follow their rebbeim in halachah (and try to explain their opinions).“PS What was Reb Tuvya doing at an Hisachdus meeting without Rav Moshe?”
Huh, please reread what I wrote.June 18, 2023 11:45 am at 11:45 am #2200817youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“To make the 16 supporters of the Manhattan Eiruv into rov against the 5, they would have to be disagreeing on one specific reason (besides for other factors). Rov poskim is still a din of rov.”
Oh, but they are disagreeing regarding a particular issue. That is they believe that there is no issue of reshu harabbim, hence an eruv can be established.“I’m not really interested in debating what rov poskim is or isn’t. There have been hundreds of dissertations on this topic. And I don’t know why you mentioned the Manhattan Eiruv from sixty years ago. It’s not up anymore.”
This why I mentioned it. As you will see you introduce the word rov.
As I have posted above, other rabbonim are entitled to their opinion and may disagree with Rav Moshe’s psak. Yet even the mattirim didn’t think that applied to a rav that didn’t even kn ow mishnayos eruvin. Even if he had photographic memory of the teshuvos.””
“RMMK knew more than just teshuvos, stop this silliness. In fact he was supported by most rabbanim in Manhattan. You simply do not know what you are talking about.”
“”Chas v’shalom that any Rav would not want to associate with RMMK! Where did you get that from?””
“As Rav Tuvia used to say, there were more rabbanim who supported an eruv in Manhattan then not.”June 18, 2023 11:45 am at 11:45 am #2200819youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“Not the Divrei Chaim? Not the Divrei Yoel? Not the Be’er Moshe? Not the Mishna Berurah?
Maybe I misunderstand what you mean with the word ‘halacha’.”
If one had meta halachah concerns, there would need to be halcahic objections as well. To do away with eruvin, which is a mitzvah, at the minimum drabbanan, solely with meta halachah, is unacceptable. Rav Schwab said explicitly that he can’t mix into the halcahic issues.June 18, 2023 11:45 am at 11:45 am #2200821youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
““Rav Moshe disagreed regarding their halachic concerns, because there were city’s that established eruvin whose population was greater than 600,000 (but he had his own reason to oppose).””
“And therefore? Rav Moshe’s teshuvos lay out his reasoning. I don’t know what is missing here.”
I am referring to the fact that these gedolim on the Manhattan kk could not have opposed the eruv for the same reason as Rav Moshe. His opposition was almost exclusive to Manhattan (and later on Brooklyn). However, the others signors seemed to be opposing any eruv in a city containing shishim ribo. Or according to Rav Aharon all city eruvin past a present.June 18, 2023 11:46 am at 11:46 am #2200825youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
““We do not paskin from Shas.””
“Okay. But when someone’s whole thinking process has been taken apart, they need to rethink things. Wherever one paskens from, they still think with their mind.”
Does not negate what I said. Your just so predictable.“I could get behind this statement. But do you know why it is so?”
Because to argue on the SA and NK is frowned upon, as they were accepted by all.June 18, 2023 11:47 am at 11:47 am #2200829youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“The mitziyus (That we went back and forth on.) is irrelevant to Rav Moshe’s psak on Brooklyn. I don’t know what you see here. Why would 2.5M be different than almost 3M? And my point was that Rav Dovid knew this claim and wasn’t fazed by it. He thought 2.5M to be accurate. Why didn’t anyone convince Rav Dovid of this?”
It is very relevant. Anything less than 3 million would only fall into Rav Moshe’s prohibition because of his geziera. Rav Moshe basically said so in this same teshuvah. Rav Dovid said 3 million is the number in Chicago and in Los Angeles. What Rav Dovid meant by, “there are over 2.5 million people living in Flatbush and its environs.” is extremely unclear. The fact is, Flatbush and its environs, does not follow any shita of Rav Moshe (unless he meant that the tzuras hapesach is encompassing 2.5 million, which is incorrect), and so I do not understand Rav Dovid’s statements at all.“I expect that in a number of years the claim will be that Rav Dovid was also mislead. I know personally that he knew that Rv Moshe wasn’t misled.”
And I know personally that he was being vague.June 18, 2023 11:47 am at 11:47 am #2200857n0mesorahParticipantRav Moshe was not doing away with hilchos eruvin. Where did you get that one from?
June 18, 2023 12:22 pm at 12:22 pm #2200866n0mesorahParticipantSo you know nothing about Rav Aaron. That’s okay. But don’t go on and on about how it’s only halacha. If you accept Rav Besser anecdote as true, that there can just as easily be all kinds of meta reasons for the mattirim. This can easily become absurd. Maybe they only built the eiruv because they thought that it was accepted to so.
And I reread your post. Here it is:
…after an Agudas Harabbnim meeting, which Rav Moshe did not attend, he asked Rav Tuvia what occurred at the meeting.
Rav Tuvia was there. Why? Rav Moshe was not. It’s news to me that Rav Tuvia was a member of Hisachdus in the 1950s.
June 18, 2023 12:23 pm at 12:23 pm #2200864n0mesorahParticipant“It is less questionable”
It depends what the “it” refers to. “Questionable” refers to the doubts Rav Moshe had about those eiruvin.
We have Rav Moshe’s shitta on eiruvin and the same Rav Moshe’s shitta on Kashrus. But being a fresser doesn’t justify building a questionable eiruv.
June 18, 2023 12:24 pm at 12:24 pm #2200863n0mesorahParticipantEruvin is to localized to be inconsistent in ones chumros. But still I agree that people take chumros in eruvin that are way above their general standards. This is not relevant to the epicenter of BP or Flatbush eruvin fights. I think the YV lost some battles by being to frum. But surely your not insinuating that such an attitude is based on Rav Moshe.
June 18, 2023 12:26 pm at 12:26 pm #2200861n0mesorahParticipant“Because to argue on the SA and NK is frowned upon, as they were accepted by all.”
So it’s about what was universally accepted. That is why I was referencing Conservative Judaism before.
June 18, 2023 4:21 pm at 4:21 pm #2200885n0mesorahParticipantHe had a good reason to be vague. The exact number isn’t an issue according to Rav Moshe’s shitta. You didn’t answer why this wasn’t cleared up with Rav Dovid.
June 18, 2023 4:21 pm at 4:21 pm #2200890n0mesorahParticipantDear Youdont,
This post of yours is what confuses me.
YOU ““Rav Moshe disagreed regarding their halachic concerns, because there were city’s that established eruvin whose population was greater than 600,000 (but he had his own reason to oppose).””
ME “And therefore? Rav Moshe’s teshuvos lay out his reasoning. I don’t know what is missing here.”
YOU I am referring to the fact that these gedolim on the Manhattan kk could not have opposed the eruv for the same reason as Rav Moshe. His opposition was almost exclusive to Manhattan (and later on Brooklyn). However, the others signors seemed to be opposing any eruv in a city containing shishim ribo. Or according to Rav Aharon all city eruvin past a present.
End of your post, Now me again.
So I am left very befuddled how you just do away Rav Moshe with a claim of misinformation. (Which nobody managed to get Reb Dovid to recant.) Rav Moshe goes through all the reasons why Manhattan as a reshus harrabim would be problematic. He offers alternatives why it could be permitted. His result is not to rely on these permissions. And that leaves us – very clearly – that Rav Moshe held the eiruv is not good enough. You can disagree with Rav Moshe. But what do you mean that it is permitted according to Rav Moshe, when he himself concluded not to use these permissions?
Are you claiming that Rav Moshe does not agree with his own interpretation of reshus harrabim according to the SA? Because the entire teshuva is a straight line. Nowhere does Rav Moshe write that we should count the exact population.
Just because Rav Moshe disagreed with the machmirim, it doesn’t mean that he disagreed with Rav Moshe.
Other than the misinformation claim, which I think is the wrong way to read Rav Moshe’s teshuvos – there doesn’t seem to be any way to claim that Rav Moshe permitted an eiruv in Brooklyn.
June 18, 2023 4:21 pm at 4:21 pm #2200922youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,t
“Rav Moshe was not doing away with hilchos eruvin. Where did you get that one from?”
I have no idea what you are referring too.June 18, 2023 4:21 pm at 4:21 pm #2200923youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“So you know nothing about Rav Aaron. That’s okay. But don’t go on and on about how it’s only halacha. If you accept Rav Besser anecdote as true, that there can just as easily be all kinds of meta reasons for the mattirim. This can easily become absurd. Maybe they only built the eiruv because they thought that it was accepted to so.”
I reiterate, it has to be couched in halachah. Because one is following his forefathers halachic arguments, does not make meta halachah. Sure there are those who support an eruv because of their forefathers halachic arguments.And I reread your post. Here it is:
…after an Agudas Harabbnim meeting, which Rav Moshe did not attend, he asked Rav Tuvia what occurred at the meeting.
Rav Tuvia was there. Why? Rav Moshe was not. It’s news to me that Rav Tuvia was a member of Hisachdus in the 1950s.
June 18, 2023 4:21 pm at 4:21 pm #2200924youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,”””…after an Agudas Harabbnim meeting, which Rav Moshe did not attend, he asked Rav Tuvia what occurred at the meeting.””
“Rav Tuvia was there. Why? Rav Moshe was not. It’s news to me that Rav Tuvia was a member of Hisachdus in the 1950s.”
Not Hisachdus, but Agudas Harabbanim. 1962. I don’t know if he was a member. Who says that he would have to be a member to attend. I don’t know why Rav Moshe could not make it.June 18, 2023 4:21 pm at 4:21 pm #2200925youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
““It is less questionable””“It depends what the “it” refers to. “Questionable” refers to the doubts Rav Moshe had about those eiruvin.”
Besides for Rav Moshe objection it is less questionable. Rav Moshe is mechudash, and is in opposition to most poskim (e.g. the criterion of mefulash, which case he is disagreeing with the Magen Avraham). Regarding Brooklyn he never issued a psak din barrur.
June 18, 2023 4:21 pm at 4:21 pm #2200929youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
“Eruvin is to localized to be inconsistent in ones chumros. But still I agree that people take chumros in eruvin that are way above their general standards. This is not relevant to the epicenter of BP or Flatbush eruvin fights. I think the YV lost some battles by being to frum. But surely your not insinuating that such an attitude is based on Rav Moshe.”
Yes it is regarding Rav Moshe, they don’t on the average know the iyan themselves. They are inconsistent because it became fashionable, and it smacks of apikursis.June 18, 2023 4:21 pm at 4:21 pm #2200930youdontsayParticipantn0mesorah,
““Because to argue on the SA and NK is frowned upon, as they were accepted by all.””
“So it’s about what was universally accepted. That is why I was referencing Conservative Judaism before.”
Huh. The more I debate you the more I realize that your just throwing a bunch of chaff.. -
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