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    Nephew: I’m taking a nap so I can be up for the seder.

    Popa: Uncle Popa is going to be at the seder, and he isn’t taking a nap.

    Sister in law is not so happy with Uncle Popa.


    sister in law should put matzah meal in popa’s bed


    Popa: Are you going to drink 4 cups of wine tonight?

    Nephew: Yes, but I’m going to drink grape juice.

    Popa: But my morah said we have to drink wine.

    Nephew: But my morah said we could drink grape juice and wine.

    Tanta: I’m drinking grape juice.

    Popa: Right, grape juice is for Ima’s and wine is for abba’s.

    Nephew: But grape juice is also for me and for babies.

    Popa: Ask your Ima if you can have one of your cups of grape juice now.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    onegoal thinks he spotted some nephews, brothers, fathers in the same city as him this yom tov. I said he should have introduced himself but it was already after the fact. Next time he sees them I think he should give a code-word to see if it’s really them. How ’bout ‘troll alert’?

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