neices and aunts

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    Before Rosh Hashana all the neices call their aunts whom they never call all year just to wish them a gut yohr. Then they don’t talk(have a real conversation) all year until the next round of calls unless there’s a simcha. Is this nice? I mean, if you’re close enough to call to wish a gut yohr, shouldn’t they call more often just to chat a little??

    I don’t know why this topic confuses me.


    Isn’t that what Facebook is for?

    Dr. Seuss

    How can you expect to chat a little with all 75 nephews and nieces all year?

    am yisrael chai


    It depends how you spin it.

    Isn’t it nice that the nieces call their aunts and include them in the Yo”T, unlike some others?

    The aunt can actually tell the nieces how much it means to her that they called, that it makes her so happy, and welcomes their calls right before Shabbos, if they have time. (not so formidable to the nieces as there is not much time to talk at that time!)


    I speak to my aunts regularly.


    it really depends on family dynamics. We grew up very close to one aunt and her kids, but B”H they are all married with families of their own and my aunt is very busy with her family so we are not very close anymore. I have a lot of good feelings to my aunt so I will call when it is appropriate but to be honest I don’t get the feeling that she is really interested in having a closer relationship.


    Why are u putting the onus on the girls shouldn’t boys also talk to their aunts/uncles?

    am yisrael chai

    yay, Goq, our Equal Opportunity Enforcer 🙂


    lol ty ayc, but my aunts mean alot to me , and they are a connection to a different time , i enjoy hearing stories about when my parents were kids, stories about grandparents i never got to know.


    never heard of calling aunts or uncles before yom tov. I usually email some of them but some are so not involved in the family and so out of it that i dont think calling them would change anything.


    Maybe I SHOULD call my aunts, uncles more often, but isn’t it a decent and praiseworthy move to AT LEAST wish them a gut yur??! Why is it s/t that bothers you? They are always so happy when I call them before the new year. It’s just hard for me to make conversation when we live in another city, and they are much older, it just doesn’t flow so well.

    yeah, and why only girls, not boys??


    what do you call them about? its one thing to call grandparents but why should i call them?



    you seem to have resentment to some of your aunts and uncles. Maybe a phone call here and there could patch things up?


    i can’t call any aunts and or uncles, as i don’t have any. i can’t call nieces or nephews either, cuz i don’t have any YET. IY”H one day i will, but i’m the oldest, and neither of my sibs is married YET.

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